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Force TSB Login Link To Business Banking JS - If you only have a business account with TSB this overcomes
Wanikani Random Font II JS - The script changes the font for questions in Wanikani reviews into randomly selected from list, allowing you to practice various typefaces and forms of the kanji. Based on Wanikani Random Font script by Mempo. Before using, edit the list or install fonts specified there!
BiliPixelDrawer JS - BiliPixelDrawer Client(Script)
Google Calendar - Resize Navigation Sidebar JS - Makes the G-Cal navigation sidebar re-sizable and hideable. Adds a column border and drag-button that can be dragged with the mouse, and a show/hide toggle button.
Watch to Playlist JS - aghh, youtube's interface!
youtube Extend Button JS - Adds a Button to YouTube
- Decrapify and move search results to top JS - Move search to top, remove questionably-useful inventory and distributor search, remove gratuitous line breaks.
Virtonomica: смена названий юнитов через групповые операции JS - Плагин для
Virtonomica: фильтрация выпадающих списков по набранному тексту JS - Заменяет все выпадающие списки на фильтруемые
YouTube Intro Skipper JS - Skip youtubers long intros with set-up rules (coded)
BvS Quest Hotkeys JS - Quest hotkeys for BvS
Livecap » Youtube JS - Redirects livecap to youtube
Bangumi-Episode-Chinese JS - Show Chinese episode name in episode page.
leetcode hide premium problems JS - Hide Premium Problems on Leetcode
YouTube Remaining Time JS - Show the remaining time of a YouTube video inside the player.
Torn City - Travel Run One Click Update by Xiphias[187717] JS - Update Travel Run and the Travel Thread with one button click.
WME Google POI verifier JS - Verify Waze landmarks linked to Google POI
- Autoreload JS - Automatically reloads the watchlist/unread posts
99clients JS - Add average ratings of 99designs contests to the contest listing
goodfon JS - remove ads
tumblr optica restyle JS - for tumblrs with the optica theme, move header to side and automatically display post notes
Youtube Subscription List Quick Playlist JS - Quickly create playlists from your Youtube subscription feed
Ikariam Upgrade Watcher 3 JS - Attaches a simple icon on each building which show level and if upgradeable
Get YouTube Thumbnail JS - Adds button to view largest thumbnail image for any video
Facebook grey minimalist JS - Grey subdued fb
Dhaka-1 JS - Code Shaban Ali
Memrise - Extend use JS - Memrise extend use of
Outlook OWA Notifier and Unread Title Updater JS - Update the HTML title with the number of unread messages and notify of new messages
CG Modify Links JS - Adds &pp= at the end of links on
attackcheker - sirena 4-5 minutos JS - enter something useful
SteamCompanion Auto Giveaway Enterer JS - A script that automatically enters all available giveaways on
JR Mturk Panda Crazy JS - Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.
Dota 2 Hero Build Editor: Author Note Fix JS - Fixes an issue with the hero builder that removes the author note on mouseover
Add Hidden Stats to Dashboard (TheFrostlixen) JS - Adds submission, return, and abandonment rates to the dashboard. Fixed source.
CS.RIN.RU - Contributor Posts View JS - Basic post-whitelist functionality: Only view "contributor" posts from pre-defined users (contributors) in a topic and hide posts from other people (leechers). You can change the users, that you consider contributors, by modifying the contributors array.
HTML5 na JS - zmienia player na na wersje html5
Torn Set Calculator JS - Calculates prices of plushie and flower sets
Steampunk Temptress Tracker JS - Keep log of steampunk temptress and obtain ratio of catches to misses in GT
HF User Stalker JS - Be a dirty stalker and know what someone's doing!
GT - Check if Gifts/Invites exist JS - GT script to check for badges to accept and send, and also to check if there are any friend invites
Quick Youtube to MP3 HQ JS - simple button to save youtube's video as mp3
Better Stocktwits JS - Adds links to various financial outlets to stocktwit stock pages
WatchSeries Fav Hosts JS - try to take over the world!
- Ad Block JS - Bypass the adblock blocking!
高德地图坐标拾取器全屏地图 JS - 高德地图的坐标拾取器,默认高度只有575px,本脚本将地图高度根据浏览器高度自适应,并移除了没有用的header和footer部分。
Kijiji Visited Links - Hack Links To Match History JS - Add link with "?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true" to match how Firefox recorded them in history for a while
GT - Community Boosts Notifier JS - If hunters need you to boost them, a notification shows up above your trap setup (once per 15 minutes)
Eza's Homestuck Simplifier JS - A mobile-friendly "reader app" for
Phhhoto gif downloader JS - Download an image with a click of a button
Sort Facebook NewsFeed by Most Recent JS - Automatically sorts your news feed by Most Recent instead of by Top Stories.
Facebook Back to Top JS - Click the red link on the bottom of your Facebook page to scroll back to the top of your News Feed.
wikia youtube JS - Automatically redirect Wikia video pages to the appropriate Youtube link.
Hacker News Comment Search Filter JS - Hides comments on a page via regular expression search fields
Refresh alertes / Conversations Auto JS - try to take over the world!
songsterr print enable JS - ReEnable Print!
MunzeeMapNG JS - Munzee map filters, scores and gpx exports,
Spotify Links On iTunes JS - Add a Spotify link and embedded player on iTunes album/artist pages
FlagstackMap JS - Type filters, score sum and GPX exports for Flagstack Map
Google to YouTube Search JS - Use your Google Search terms to search YouTube by clicking a new YouTube link added to your Google Search page.
Refresh alertes / Conversations Auto JS - try to take over the world!
ROBLOX Group Invite Archiver JS - Filter out spammy messages about group invites.
KoCByte JS - A Kingdoms of Camelot Tracker (Kocmon replacement)
[HF] Colored thread reply numbers JS - Color the thread reply number based on the post count.
War Base Extended - Haka JS - Brings back the old war base layout, adds a filter to the war base, enables enemy tagging
War Base Faction Highlighter JS - Highlights factions in the war based that are linked to in the faction announcement.
TwitterInstaCleaner JS - Removes promoted-tweets(ADs), follow suggestions and trending tweets sections
Disable image resize in Feedly JS - By default uses own thumb generator service. This script disables it
MFT Widescreen JS - Opens page to your browser's full width
nfart JS - Turns all text on page to Fart
Instant-Cquotes JS - Automatically converts selected FlightGear mailing list and forum quotes into post-processed MediaWiki markup (i.e. cquotes).
RobuxChanger by Green Arrow JS - Script by Green Arrow
The so scrolling pouë oneliner JS - 1in10: "I wish the oneliner scrolled"
- tracking JS - Eliminate "disable tracking" alert on Firefox when Tracking Protection or Adblock/uBlock is turned on
HeroQuizz highlight correct answer JS - Highlights the correct answers on HeroQuizz.
Steam - Default language JS - Make sure you always see the steam page in your preferred language. You can configure the language in the language variable.
Firefox for desktop - list fixed bugs in Mercurial JS - Lists fixed bugs related to Firefox for desktop in Mozilla Mercurial pushlogs
kurwy JS - try to take over the world!
移除百度广告 JS - 移除百度搜索结果中的广告
GithubWhitespace JS - Remove whitespace in Github pull requests and compares
Zing TV HTML5 Player Fix JS - Sửa player Zing TV trên Chrome
Facebook grey minimalist - Compact JS - Grey subdued fb
FA Shoutbox iHax JS - Avoir les FontAwesome sur la Shoutbox Ihax
CustomChat v2 by Wayz & Wells ! Noel JS - enter something useful
CustomChat v2 by Wayz & Wells ! Noel JS - enter something useful
Neige CMT JS - Neige Sur CMT
Ajouter une Confirmation creation topic JS - Confirmationde creation d'un topic sur CrystalModding
Refresh alertes / Conversations Auto JS - try to take over the world!
Force x16 Split JS - Press z
grim's wikia content warning auto-skip JS - Automatically skip Wikia's content warning disclaimer
Sort/Remove YouTube Watch Later List JS - Adds sort and remove button for the Youtube Watch Later page
ScholarChart JS - A charting userscript for Google Scholar distinguishing articles by the publication year and the number of citations
SuMo Top Menu Hover Remover JS - On the Mozilla Support site, change the top menus to show on click rather than mouseover, subdue the background colors
NW - Profession JS - Specific professions for empty slots
NW - Profession JS - Specifly professions for empty slots
Deleted User Check JS - Checks for deleted users in the introduction page.
Noot Noot JS - Pingu is trying to take over the world!
Deplacer Actu de la Sidebar JS - ------------------
CustomChat v2 by Wayz & Wells ! Noel JS - enter something useful
Add video player to Slack JS - Adds a HTML5 video player when it senses a video file.