Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
Google Images direct links JS - Add direct links to the picture and the page link to the Google Image Search results.
4chan Plus Minus JS - A simpler Image Viewer & Hider. Adds a cute plus or minus.
Quote Stripper Lite JS - Strips excessive quotes in PMs
Virtonomica: фильтр истории операций с корпоративными сертификатами JS - Добавляет фильтр в историю операций с корпоративными сертификатами
[email protected] JS - Enables direct/faster downloads of ebooks on
WorkFlowy CommonMark live preview JS - Render a live CommonMark-interpreted preview of WorkFlowy notes: On nodes with a description, preview appears beneath while edit window is limited to a specific height with a scrollbar. Doesn't affect nodes without a description.
GoOut: Add Event to Google Calendar JS - Displays Calendar button to easily add events to Google Calendar
WME Validator JS - This script validates a map area in Waze Map Editor, highlights issues and generates a very detailed report with wiki references and solutions
YouTube HTML5 Video Pan And Zoom JS - Add controls to pan and zoom HTML5 video.
Techeblog remove pics JS - Clears the pictures between posts
Unfollowey JS - Script que sirve para dejar de seguir a un usuario que tal vez desactivó la cuenta o por algun otro problema en que no lo puedas hacer de la forma habitual. Solo funciona en la pagina
Uncheck Stay signed in checkbox (Remember PersistentCookie) at GMail login page JS - Disable google's automatic "Stay signed in" checkbox at GMail login page
显示二维码 JS - 按alt + q 显示当前页面二维码,方便手机扫码访问
Auto signin - DH1 + DH2 JS - You never have to sign in manually again with this! :D
Sorry, Forbes JS - Sorry, Forbes (hide the ads)
fix github JS - widens the page when viewing code
Amazon URL Cleaner JS - Show the shortest possible URL for Amazon items.
[niconico video] Add the "Add My List" button to search result page JS - Add the "Add My List" button to niconico video search result page
[niconico video] Add the "Add My List" button to mylist page JS - Add the "Add My List" button to niconico video mylist page
Protect Textarea JS - Protect from closing or navigating away from a web page with changed textareas.
NZBGet Enter Submit JS - Enhance the NZBGet interface's in page "forms" so that pressing enter will "submit" them.
Ru.Board Messanger JS - Очистка личных сообщений от конкретного пользователя.
Clean Links JS - Clean up links. Remove targets, embedded redirects, and style links.
imgur HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar
HDBits torrent search JS - Searches for torrents with the same name as the current one
imdb.torrent.links JS - Provides links to popular torrent sites while Browsing IMDB movie\TV-show pages
Automatic Clicker for reCAPTCHA of URL Shortener JS - This script is not resolver, only can click.
Mturk Worker Queue Advancer JS - Advances to next HIT in queue for
TryToLoadBigImageAutomatically JS - Automatically try to show big image instead of original preview.
Facebook Ad Filter ++ JS - Filter for content on facebook.
Macros Por ZeroAgar JS - try to take over the world!
glenowe menu JS - Dodaje ikony w górnej części strony, aby ułatwić nawigację po Wykopie
turkoptiscript JS - User script for Turkopticon -- review requesters on Amazon Mechanical Turk
ADIPHY Bot JS - Start and Stop button to bot on Adiphy
DH1 SuperChat JS - This is a script that changes the chat to be amazing and improved from the original!
Class build shortcuts JS - Press '1' for hunter+better pickups, Press '2' For detective+Rapid Fire, Press '3' For triggerman+Rapid Fire, Press '4' for Mr.ops+Health Regen
DSA Wiki Crawler JS - Crawling the Wiki and refactor it the good way
Maximize Netvibes Mod JS - Hides netvibes top bar and bottom with modified icon location.
Nerarchy site redesign JS - Tries to make the site a bit easier to handle by reducing the overload of the right side bar.
JVC Imgur JS - Uploader vos images sur Imgur
Lumiz Macro V2 JS - Z : 16 Space Q : Double Space
RED Dynamic Range DB Lookup JS - Searches the dynamic range DB for an artist / album
Fixed Width Spectrum Tweaks JS - Readability Teaks for Spectrum
Promo Reviews JS - Adds "promo" class to promo review "div" elements
Full Width Spectrum Tweaks JS - Readability Teaks for Spectrum
Bakchodi JS - Replaces keywords appearing in the Indian liberal media with proper Indianized terms.
Facebook Filter Fork JS - Minimizes all posts your friends didn't post (friend liked, friend commented, friend attends...)
QV Redirect to login JS - connects to QV each day
Enable Right Click(APEX) JS - Right Click APEX
JVC réponse live JS - Répondez plus facilement à quelqu'un et voyez qui vous a répondu
BvS Scratchies - Hardcoded JS - Play the minigame Scratchies!
Skip Intacct Landing Page JS - Redirect immediately to Intact login from the Intacct homepage.
Munzee Specials Map filter JS - Filter the Munzee specials map by type
kukuku_hide_someone JS - k岛屏蔽某id的串
eBay - Display Totals with Shipping Redux JS - Computes and displays the total price with shipping added.
Etat des Topic JVC JS - Script qui permet de voir l'état des topics sur le site
No Comic JS - Removes all occurrences of Comic Sans from websites.
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
Remove Useless Segments of the Ecomonist JS - Remove top and bottom popups of Economists, right sidebar ads and the limit on the number of articles you can view for free on The Economist's site.
QV Redirect to login2 JS - connects to QV each day
exler JS - Exler page expander
Gladiatus Auto Dungeon click JS - gladiatus auto dungeon
Copy Hex to Clipboard | JS - Make Color Hunt a little nicer to use. :P
WME Wazebar JS - Displays a bar at the top of the editor that displays inbox, forum & wiki links
Shoutbox JS - Shoutbox - Wyze
Shoutbox JS - Shoutbox - Wyze
Karnage, remove delete clan button JS - Removes delete button
Protect Eye JS - Set Background Color to protect eys.
New IMDB Message Boards - Moviechat JS - Directly integrated replacement on the IMDB message boards using, appears at bottom of all IMDB movie/tv page listings, includes millions of archived posts saved from before the boards closed.
video tabs JS - tabbed video sources on certain drama and anime sites
- torrent filter JS - Track favorite torrents on
Google Apps Script Editor Styler JS - Style the Google Apps Script Editor
VKNoSponsoredFeed JS - Remove sponsored posts from desktop feed
DH2 Fixed JS - Improve Diamond Hunt 2
Netflix Seek Without Pause JS - Seek using arrow keys without pausing the video
Star7arab Online Newspaper Read ICON JS - the following script adds an Icon so you can read different newspaper provided by star7arab online using google drive pdf reader without downloading them
CSS Editor for ProtonMail JS - See your CSS edits as you type.
IP Hunter by tr0janz08 JS - This userscript automatically reconnects the mobile data for some HUAWEI modems until it connects to a matching IP address.
Tab Prefix: › JS - Put a prefix on tab titles.
Tab Prefix: · JS - Put a prefix on tab titles.
Neopets old shop toolbar JS - Changes shops links to old shop toolbar
Direct download from Nokia Ovi Store (WaybackMachine Backup) JS - Replaces the Download Button on the Nokia Ovi Store to allow direct downloads from the backup version of the website.
WME Validator Kansas Localization JS - This script localizes WME Validator for United States. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
Add Keyboard Shortcut for Generic Next/Previous Page JS - Add CTRL+ArrowLeft and CTRL+ArrowRight for generic next/previous page. It will click the last found link/button whose text starts/ends with e.g. "Next", "Prev", "Back", or "Previous".
Eyny JS - Simple Enhanced Feature of
Cookie clicker tools JS - Cookie clicker tools (visual)
Just4Fun v2 JS - Never ending progressbar!
Mute accounts under level 5 JS - Fed up of spam and constant messages? Heres the solution.
KoebutaSlayer JS - Adds a button that eliminates evil replys to tweet details.
tumblr video url JS - Get video url in dashboard or video blog page
IMDB URL Cleaner JS - Cleans the URL for a title's page on IMDB
Hackintosh Adnix JS - Remove ads and donation begging.
Custom Fixed Font in Gmail JS - Custom fixed-font in Gmail messages
Jisho Audio Downloader JS - Adds download audio button to pages which downloads word audio clips.
Android AppLinks Rewriter JS - Re-writes Android App Links to point to "a better place"
Map Updator JS - Update Map
StackExchange Link Personalizer JS - Personalizes links to questions with your userID for sharing and collecting (Announcer/Booster/Publicist) badges
VK right menu JS - Move VK menu to right
Report Helper Modified by Whitepimp007 JS - Helps with reports