YouTube Auto Resume

Automatically continue watching YouTube videos on your favourite channels where you left off.

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مراجعة: Good - script works

Posted: 13-08-2018

stop autoplay of video (using iridium for autoplay control)

Hey. I really wanna use thhis script but it breaks the start videos paused feature from iridium. could you look into that?

Posted: 06-09-2018


Yeah, I could look into it but I'm not sure what you mean by "it breaks the start videos paused feature". I had never heard of Iridium browser before, so I looked it up. It appears to be a chromium based browser which means it's basically the same thing as Chrome. I don't think Chrome has feature that starts videos on paused mode. I suspect you're using an extension of some sort. Unless you can describe the problem in a way that I could reproduce the bug/problem you're having, I don't think there's so much I could do.

Cheers, E.

Posted: 07-09-2018
Edited: 07-09-2018

I'm not 100% sure but I think that he is referring to the iridium script: (basically Youtube+ for the new youtube layout)

Posted: 07-09-2018

Thanks Cptmathix. You're probably right but I think it's best to wait for his reply. For what it's worth, I use YouTube Player Controls for features like those and it works pretty smoothly in conjunction with my own script. It even has that pause at start feature and I've never had an issue with it before.

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