Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
< 腳本Manga Loader (unmaintained)的回應
Thanks for the feedback. Your requests gave me the idea to just add an area for custom CSS. You can now just add whatever CSS you want to apply on each load.
For example in order to make the images full width, hide the counters and get rid of the gaps you'd put:
img { width: 100%; margin: 0px auto !important; } .ml-counter { display: none; }
It isn't the most fool proof solution since it requires people to know how to use CSS, but it's pretty flexible.
Here are the changes: v1.7.1
I haven't added the sites you requested yet, but stay tuned, I'll add them as soon as I get a chance.
As far as loading the next chapter on the same page, I'll look into it, but I have a feeling that the solution will be a little over the top and probably not worth it for this script (since I want to keep it lightweight). We'll see though.
alright awesome :D
I saw that you added support for 2 sites that were posted after this topic and i saw nothing in the Pending Site Requests so i just wanted to make sure you didn't forget.
Ah, dang, I did forget, I'll add it to the pending list and I'll get around to them. mangastream is already supported though AFAIK.
it seems i had another script interfering on, my bad :s
[Request] add sites
add these sites please
I always read my manga in fit width since i have a monitor in portrait mode, an option to default load all images to fit the browser width would be nice.
i would like to be able to remove both the space between images and remove the numbering
this doesn't have to be changed in the script itself i'd just like to know what to remove to do it for myself. =)
I love the load 10 images at a time in a chapter, is it possible to expand that to automatically start loading the next chapter on the same page?
Before this script i used
this seems to work cleaner though, good job =)