Moves the video to the top of the website and resizes it to the screen size.
Tính đến 29-04-2015. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.
Đây là phiên bản của script này, nơi mã nguồn đã được cập nhật. Hiện tất cả các phiên bản.
Remove unused args
Fix duplicate body in selector
v139 - Fix page top margin as some CSS properties are ignored (#88)
v138 - Bind toggle to keydown instead of keyup
so that pressing Ctrl+W to close a tab does not trigger the YTWP toggle when you then focus on a Youtube tab.
Bind keyup not keypress. Also cancel event for keydown. Fix #71
Bind to yt-page-data-fetched and yt-navigate-finish (Issue #72 + #76)
v137 - Fix back button Issue #72 + #76, and w keybinding Issue #71
v136 - Attempt to fix ytd-watch-grid papercuts (Issue #81)
Basically copied every rule containing ytd-watch-flexy.
Add a ytwp.debugPage function for debugging youtube changes
Add check to see if the page has changed. If so, print debug.
v135 - Attempt to fix ytd-watch-grid (Issue #81)
v134 - Fix container getting shifted again (Issue #79) Thanks @Vamael.
Correct the px value in comment and link to issue.
v133 - Fix container getting shifted (Issue #79) Thanks @Vamael.
v132 - Fix video container getting shifted after YT update (Issue #77)
Hiển thị mọi phiên bản của script