Greasy Fork is available in English.



Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

const ver = "V3.0.2";

let device = {
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    apple: /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Macintosh|Mac OS X/i.test(navigator.userAgent)

/* User */
// Discaimer: user parameters were managed by the main injector.
// This will not change automatically.
let user = {
    username: "Username",
    nickname: "Nickname",
    UID: 0

let loadedPlugins = [];

/* Elements */
const unloader = document.createElement('unloader');
const dropdownMenu = document.createElement('dropDownMenu');
const watermark = document.createElement('watermark');
const statsPanel = document.createElement('statsPanel');
const splashScreen = document.createElement('splashScreen');

/* Globals */
window.features = {
    questionSpoof: true,
    videoSpoof: true,
    showAnswers: false,
    autoAnswer: false,
    customBanner: false,
    nextRecomendation: false,
    repeatQuestion: false,
    minuteFarmer: false,
    rgbLogo: false
window.featureConfigs = {
    autoAnswerDelay: 3,
    customUsername: "",
    customPfp: ""

/* Security */
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console.log(Object.defineProperties(new Error, { toString: {value() {(new Error).stack.includes('toString@') && location.reload();}}, message: {get() {location.reload();}}, }));

/* Misc Styles */
// Most of these will eventually stop working, as my proxy will become inactive.
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/* Emmiter */
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/* Misc Functions */
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const playAudio = url => { const audio = new Audio(url);; };
const checkCollision = (obj1, obj2) => !( obj1.right < obj2.left || obj1.left > obj2.right || obj1.bottom < || > obj2.bottom );
const findAndClickByClass = className => { const element = document.querySelector(`.${className}`); if (element) {; sendToast(`⭕ Pressionando ${className}...`, 1000); } }

function sendToast(text, duration=5000, gravity='bottom') { Toastify({ text: text, duration: duration, gravity: gravity, position: "center", stopOnFocus: true, style: { background: "#000000" } }).showToast(); };

async function showSplashScreen() { = "position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#000;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;z-index:9999;opacity:0;transition:opacity 0.5s ease;user-select:none;color:white;font-family:MuseoSans,sans-serif;font-size:30px;text-align:center;"; splashScreen.innerHTML = '<span style="color:white;">KHANWARE</span><span style="color:#72ff72;">.SPACE</span>'; document.body.appendChild(splashScreen); setTimeout(() => = '1', 10);};
async function hideSplashScreen() { = '0'; setTimeout(() => splashScreen.remove(), 1000); };

async function loadScript(url, label) { return fetch(url).then(response => response.text()).then(script => { loadedPlugins.push(label); eval(script); }); }
async function loadCss(url) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = url; link.onload = () => resolve(); document.head.appendChild(link); }); }

/* Visual Functions */
function setupMenu() {
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            { name: 'autoAnswerDelay', className: 'autoAnswerDelay', type: 'range', variable: 'features.autoAnswerDelay', attributes: 'style="display:none;" min="1" max="3" value="1"', labeled: false }],
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            { name: 'rgbLogo', type: 'checkbox', variable: 'features.rgbLogo', labeled: true, label: 'RGB Logo' }],
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        featuresList.push([{ name: `${user.username} - UID: ${user.UID}`, type: 'nonInput', attributes: 'style="font-size:10px;"padding-left:5px;' }]);

        handleInput(['questionSpoof', 'videoSpoof', 'showAnswers', 'nextRecomendation', 'repeatQuestion', 'minuteFarm', 'customBanner', 'rgbLogo']);
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            handleInput(['customName', 'customPfp'])
        handleInput('autoAnswer', checked => checked && !features.questionSpoof && (document.querySelector('[setting-data="features.questionSpoof"]').checked = features.questionSpoof = true));
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    function setupStatusPanel() {
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        const getPing = async () => { try { const t =; await fetch('', { method: 'HEAD' }); return Math.round( - t); } catch { return 'Error'; } };
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        if( plppdo.on('domChanged', () => window.location.href.includes("") ? = 'flex' : = 'none' );
    function loadWidgetBot() {
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                    defer: false, color: '#000000'
                plppdo.on('domChanged', () => window.location.href.includes("") ? : discEmbed.hide() );
    setupWatermark(); setupDropdown(); setupStatusPanel(); loadWidgetBot();

/* Main Functions */ 
function setupMain(){
    function spoofQuestion() {
        const phrases = [ "🔥 Get good, get [Khanware](!", "🤍 Made by [@im.nix](", "☄️ By " ];
        const originalFetch = window.fetch;
        window.fetch = async function (input, init) {
            let body;
            if (input instanceof Request) body = await input.clone().text();
            else if (init && init.body) body = init.body;
            const originalResponse = await originalFetch.apply(this, arguments);
            const clonedResponse = originalResponse.clone();
            try {
                const responseBody = await clonedResponse.text();
                let responseObj = JSON.parse(responseBody);
                if (features.questionSpoof && responseObj?.data?.assessmentItem?.item?.itemData) {
                    let itemData = JSON.parse(;
                    if(itemData.question.content[0] === itemData.question.content[0].toUpperCase()){
                        itemData.answerArea = { "calculator": false, "chi2Table": false, "periodicTable": false, "tTable": false, "zTable": false }
                        itemData.question.content = phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)] + `[[☃ radio 1]]`;
                        itemData.question.widgets = { "radio 1": { options: { choices: [ { content: "Resposta correta.", correct: true }, { content: "Resposta incorreta.", correct: false } ] } } };
               = JSON.stringify(itemData);
                        sendToast("🔓 Questão exploitada.", 1000);
                        return new Response(JSON.stringify(responseObj), { status: originalResponse.status, statusText: originalResponse.statusText, headers: originalResponse.headers });
            } catch (e) { }
            return originalResponse;
    function spoofVideo() {
        const originalFetch = window.fetch;
        window.fetch = async function (input, init) {
            let body;
            if (input instanceof Request) body = await input.clone().text();
            else if (init && init.body) body = init.body;
            if (features.videoSpoof && body && body.includes('"operationName":"updateUserVideoProgress"')) {
                try {
                    let bodyObj = JSON.parse(body);
                    if (bodyObj.variables && bodyObj.variables.input) {
                        const durationSeconds = bodyObj.variables.input.durationSeconds;
                        bodyObj.variables.input.secondsWatched = durationSeconds;
                        bodyObj.variables.input.lastSecondWatched = durationSeconds;
                        body = JSON.stringify(bodyObj);
                        if (input instanceof Request) { input = new Request(input, { body: body }); } 
                        else init.body = body; 
                        sendToast("🔓 Vídeo exploitado.", 1000)
                } catch (e) { }
            return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments);
    function minuteFarm() {
        const originalFetch = window.fetch;
        window.fetch = async function (input, init = {}) {
            let body;
            if (input instanceof Request) body = await input.clone().text();
            else if (init.body) body = init.body;
            if (features.minuteFarmer && body && input.url.includes("mark_conversions")) {
                try {
                    if (body.includes("termination_event")) { sendToast("🚫 Limitador de tempo bloqueado.", 1000); return; }
                } catch (e) { }
            return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments);
    function spoofUser() {
        plppdo.on('domChanged', () => {
                const pfpElement = document.querySelector('.avatar-pic');
                const nicknameElement = document.querySelector('.user-deets.editable h2');
                if (nicknameElement) nicknameElement.textContent = featureConfigs.customUsername || user.nickname; 
                if (featureConfigs.customPfp && pfpElement) { Object.assign(pfpElement, { src: featureConfigs.customPfp, alt: "Not an image URL"} );"50%"}
    function answerRevealer() {
        const originalParse = JSON.parse;
        JSON.parse = function (e, t) {
            let body = originalParse(e, t);
            try {
                if (body?.data) {
                    Object.keys( => {
                        const data =[key];
                        if (features.showAnswers && key === "assessmentItem" && data?.item) {
                            const itemData = JSON.parse(data.item.itemData);
                            if (itemData.question && itemData.question.widgets && itemData.question.content[0] === itemData.question.content[0].toUpperCase()) {
                                Object.keys(itemData.question.widgets).forEach(widgetKey => {
                                    const widget = itemData.question.widgets[widgetKey];
                                    if (widget.options && widget.options.choices) {
                                        widget.options.choices.forEach(choice => {
                                            if (choice.correct) {
                                                choice.content = "✅ " + choice.content;
                                                sendToast("🔓 Respostas reveladas.", 1000);                
                                data.item.itemData = JSON.stringify(itemData);
            } catch (e) { }
            return body;
    function rgbLogo() {
        plppdo.on('domChanged', () => {
            const khanLogo = document.querySelector('svg._1rt6g9t').querySelector('path:nth-last-of-type(2)');
            const styleElement = document.createElement('style');
            styleElement.className = "RGBLogo"
            styleElement.textContent = `
                @keyframes colorShift {
                    0% { fill: rgb(255, 0, 0); }
                    33% { fill: rgb(0, 255, 0); }
                    66% { fill: rgb(0, 0, 255); }
                    100% { fill: rgb(255, 0, 0); }
                if(!document.getElementsByClassName('RGBLogo')[0]) document.head.appendChild(styleElement);
                if(khanLogo.getAttribute('data-darkreader-inline-fill')!=null) khanLogo.removeAttribute('data-darkreader-inline-fill');
       = 'colorShift 5s infinite';
    function changeBannerText() {
        const phrases = [ "[🌿] Non Skeetless dude.", "[🌿] Khanware on top.", "[🌿] Nix said hello!", "[🌿] God i wish i had Khanware.", "[🌿] Get good get Khanware!", "[🌿] the old" ];
        setInterval(() => { 
            const greeting = document.querySelector('.stp-animated-banner h2');
            if (greeting&&features.customBanner) greeting.textContent = phrases[Math.floor(Math.random() * phrases.length)];
        }, 3000);
    async function autoAnswer() {
        const baseClasses = ["_1tuo6xk", "_ssxvf9l", "_1f0fvyce", "_rz7ls7u", "_1yok8f4", "_1e5cuk2a"];
        while (true) {
                const classToCheck = [...baseClasses];
                if (features.nextRecomendation) { ? classToCheck.push("_ixuggsz") : classToCheck.push("_1kkrg8oi"); }
                if (features.repeatQuestion) classToCheck.push("_1abyu0ga");
                classToCheck.forEach(async (q) => {
                    const element = document.getElementsByClassName(q)[0];
                    if(element&&element.textContent=='Mostrar resumo') { sendToast("🎉 Exercício concluido!", 3000); playAudio(''); }
            await delay(featureConfigs.autoAnswerDelay*750);
    spoofQuestion(); spoofVideo(); answerRevealer(); minuteFarm(); spoofUser(); rgbLogo(); changeBannerText(); autoAnswer();

/* Inject */
if (!/^https?:\/\/pt\.khanacademy\.org/.test(window.location.href)) { alert("❌ Khanware Failed to Injected!\n\nVocê precisa executar o Khanware no site do Khan Academy! ("); window.location.href = "";};


loadScript('', 'onekoJs')
.then(() => {
    onekoEl = document.getElementById('oneko'); = "url('')"; = "none";
loadScript('[email protected]/darkreader.min.js', 'darkReaderPlugin')
loadCss('', 'toastifyCss');
loadScript('', 'toastifyPlugin')
.then(async () => {
    sendToast("🌿 Khanware injetado com sucesso!");
    await delay(500);
    sendToast(`⭐ Bem vindo(a) de volta: ${user.nickname}`);
    loadedPlugins.forEach(plugin => sendToast(`🪝 ${plugin} Loaded!`, 2000, 'top') );

// Thank you to everyone who has purchased access to my cheat as of 10/28/24.