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UMD build of cookie

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name          cookie-umd
// @namespace     flomk.userscripts
// @version       1.0
// @description   UMD build of cookie
// @author        flomk
// ==/UserScript==
(function (global, factory) {
	typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
	typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
	(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.cookie = {}));
})(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
    const __toString = Object.prototype.toString
     * RegExp to match field-content in RFC 7230 sec 3.2
     * field-content = field-vchar [ 1*( SP / HTAB ) field-vchar ]
     * field-vchar   = VCHAR / obs-text
     * obs-text      = %x80-FF
    const fieldContentRegExp = /^[\u0009\u0020-\u007e\u0080-\u00ff]+$/;
     * Parse a cookie header.
     * Parse the given cookie header string into an object
     * The object has the various cookies as keys(names) => values
     * @param {string} str
     * @param {object} [options]
     * @return {object}
     * @public
    const parse = (str, options) => {
        if (typeof str !== 'string') {
            throw new TypeError('argument str must be a string');
        var obj = {}
        var opt = options || {};
        var dec = opt.decode || decode;
        var index = 0
        while (index < str.length) {
            var eqIdx = str.indexOf('=', index)
            // no more cookie pairs
            if (eqIdx === -1) {
            var endIdx = str.indexOf(';', index)
            if (endIdx === -1) {
                endIdx = str.length
            } else if (endIdx < eqIdx) {
                // backtrack on prior semicolon
                index = str.lastIndexOf(';', eqIdx - 1) + 1
            var key = str.slice(index, eqIdx).trim()
            // only assign once
            if (undefined === obj[key]) {
                var val = str.slice(eqIdx + 1, endIdx).trim()
                // quoted values
                if (val.charCodeAt(0) === 0x22) {
                    val = val.slice(1, -1)
                obj[key] = tryDecode(val, dec);
            index = endIdx + 1
        return obj;
     * Serialize data into a cookie header.
     * Serialize the a name value pair into a cookie string suitable for
     * http headers. An optional options object specified cookie parameters.
     * serialize('foo', 'bar', { httpOnly: true })
     *   => "foo=bar; httpOnly"
     * @param {string} name
     * @param {string} val
     * @param {object} [options]
     * @return {string}
     * @public
    const serialize = (name, val, options) => {
        var opt = options || {};
        var enc = opt.encode || encode;
        if (typeof enc !== 'function') {
            throw new TypeError('option encode is invalid');
        if (!fieldContentRegExp.test(name)) {
            throw new TypeError('argument name is invalid');
        var value = enc(val);
        if (value && !fieldContentRegExp.test(value)) {
            throw new TypeError('argument val is invalid');
        var str = name + '=' + value;
        if (null != opt.maxAge) {
            var maxAge = opt.maxAge - 0;
            if (isNaN(maxAge) || !isFinite(maxAge)) {
                throw new TypeError('option maxAge is invalid')
            str += '; Max-Age=' + Math.floor(maxAge);
        if (opt.domain) {
            if (!fieldContentRegExp.test(opt.domain)) {
                throw new TypeError('option domain is invalid');
            str += '; Domain=' + opt.domain;
        if (opt.path) {
            if (!fieldContentRegExp.test(opt.path)) {
                throw new TypeError('option path is invalid');
            str += '; Path=' + opt.path;
        if (opt.expires) {
            var expires = opt.expires
            if (!isDate(expires) || isNaN(expires.valueOf())) {
                throw new TypeError('option expires is invalid');
            str += '; Expires=' + expires.toUTCString()
        if (opt.httpOnly) {
            str += '; HttpOnly';
        if ( {
            str += '; Secure';
        if (opt.partitioned) {
            str += '; Partitioned'
        if (opt.priority) {
            var priority = typeof opt.priority === 'string'
                ? opt.priority.toLowerCase()
                : opt.priority
            switch (priority) {
                case 'low':
                    str += '; Priority=Low'
                case 'medium':
                    str += '; Priority=Medium'
                case 'high':
                    str += '; Priority=High'
                    throw new TypeError('option priority is invalid')
        if (opt.sameSite) {
            var sameSite = typeof opt.sameSite === 'string'
                ? opt.sameSite.toLowerCase() : opt.sameSite;
            switch (sameSite) {
                case true:
                    str += '; SameSite=Strict';
                case 'lax':
                    str += '; SameSite=Lax';
                case 'strict':
                    str += '; SameSite=Strict';
                case 'none':
                    str += '; SameSite=None';
                    throw new TypeError('option sameSite is invalid');
        return str;
     * URL-decode string value. Optimized to skip native call when no %.
     * @param {string} str
     * @returns {string}
    const decode = str => str.indexOf('%') !== -1 ? decodeURIComponent(str) : str;
     * URL-encode value.
     * @param {string} val
     * @returns {string}
    const encode = val => encodeURIComponent(val);
     * Determine if value is a Date.
     * @param {*} val
     * @private
    const isDate = val => === '[object Date]' || val instanceof Date;
     * Try decoding a string using a decoding function.
     * @param {string} str
     * @param {function} decode
     * @private
    const tryDecode = (str, decode) => {
        try {
            return decode(str);
        } catch (e) {
            return str;
    exports.parse = parse;
    exports.serialize = serialize;