Greasy Fork is available in English.
Automatically selects professions for empty slots
< Feedback on Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation
I start allways,
, then I do,
, and current script is used.
It is mostly passive process, but I need swap workers + set profession workers count, useing "Skip level 20" helps because allways when profession reach 20 then all slots are moved to next.
Leadership Default is set to 9 and it is last on "Priority"... so if you set,
, then most is done by script.
Well, enable all but not these two works too,
* The configurable options window sets how many profession slots you want to use for each profession.
Where do I find this?
Top Right hand corner should be a PAUSE and OPTIONS buttons (Screwdriver and Spanner).
See Front Page image
See Tutorial
Once I watched the video it helped a ton. 1 last question, is it possible to edit the Vendor Prof Crafted & Gathered Items to just Crafted Items? Seems like a waste to sell off hides when doing jewelcrafting only to need them when doing leathercrafting.
I've run this script for a while now and I have a couple addons I think would help, is it possible to add an option to "disable" leadership.
The reason being it is much faster to raise other skills to 20-25 which will open another slot, which in turn will speed up the gains for leadership.
Second, would it be possible to add a "fastest gain" to the script rather than trying to maximize AD gains?