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center page layout // Seiten-Layout zentrieren JS - Useful for displaying pages with a native left-aligned or full screed-width layout on a wide screen.
Floating Table of Contents JS - Makes the Wikipedia Table of Contents (TOC) float at a fixed position and not scroll with the rest of the page. The position can be customized with the "left:" and "top:" parameters (which define in pixels the distance to the left and top border, respectively). Works for most Mediawiki-powered wiki websites.
Offline Indicator JS - Add icon to web page on bottom right as indicator when in offline mode.
Howrse onMouseDown Menus JS - Turns the 5 onmouseover menus into onmousedown menus
Howrse BannerAd Border Removal JS - Removes the border for the Banner Ad on Howrse.
Hide WtF and Trending on Twitter JS - Hides the WtF (Who to Follow, abbreviation theirs) and Trending modules on the side. Made this because however adblock hides elements leaves an ugly gap.
HowrseSireDamLinks JS - Adds links to the sire and dam of the horse you are looking at that go to the page you can see, if you own that horse. Howrse will redirect it to the public page if you don't.
Twitter profile replies hider JS - Hide replies on Twitter profiles
Twitter profile retweets hider JS - Hide retweets on Twitter profiles
Google Chrome - Set New Tab JS - Set a specified URL as new tab page on Google Chrome.
WaniKani Turtle Total JS - This will optionally add the cumulative turtle counts for each category to the srs-progress display. It will also mark increases and decreases in all the counts since the last display (for example, right after a review session.) By RhosVeedcy.
WaniKani Lesson Ordering II JS - This allows you to sort the items in your WaniKani lessons, either putting the Radicals and Kanji first, or the Vocabulary first. By RhosVeedcy, based on scripts originally by Alucardeck.
WaniKani LevelUP Celebrator JS - This will display a "level-up" notification on your WK Dashboard after you level up. You can customize the image and text of the display. Other achievements are also noted. By RhosVeedcy.
WaniKani Level Duration JS - This will display the number of days since your last level-up. Two display options are offered. By RhosVeedcy.
Y-marker JS - Sets up keyboard shortcuts for placing bookmarks and navigation inside webpage.
Twitch Chroma Chat JS - Chroma Key Style Background for Twitch Chat
LiveLeak: stretch video JS - stretch the videos on LiveLeak, hide right column
- Favicon Alerts JS - Add number of games waiting to favicon
Don't Read Below the Line JS - Script intended to reduce misanthropic feelings, by hiding the comments section on some UK newspapers.
Greasy Fork - Search other sites JS - Add search option to search on and *cough*
pixiv タグクラウドからピックアップ JS - Restores the tag cloud (illustration or novel tags column), and if there are tags attached to a work, this script brings those tags to the top of the tag cloud (illustration tags column).
Drag & DropZones + JS - [userChromeJS] Drag selected character strings or image and drop to the semitransparent box displayed on web page to open search result.
pixiv 検索オプションを追加 JS - This is a search option add-on script for pixiv. Enables you to select search mode by radio buttons (legacy feature).
pixiv コメントを展開 JS - Expands pixiv comments. Always shows all comments (and replies).
Bug 667607 (Fill the tab bar after closing a tab) JS - [userChromeJS] Resize tabs to fill the tab bar immediately after closing a tab (Firefox 4 feature).
Append Tag Searching Tub JS - Adds “Keyword”, “Tags”, “My List”, “Images” and “Live” search tabs to all of the Niconico search boxes.
HTMLダイアログ無効化 JS - Always opens JavaScript links in new tab in current window instead of new window.
Google 検索窓を複製 JS - Also shows the search box to the page bottom.
Clone Turning Page Button in nicovideo JS - Also shows the pagination on the top of Nico Live search result, Lives by Category page, and Nico Video user page.
Moe-FM Downloader JS - Download music when listening to the music on Moe.FM
Tieba Quick Post JS - Press Ctrl + Enter to post a thread / comment on Tieba.
Tieba Template JS - 贴吧模板
WaniKani Review Search JS - Do a WaniKani Search on your review answer. By gth99.
quick-view-douban JS - see douban book movie music in every webpage by selecting text
Reddit visited link remover JS - hides links you already visited on reddit and offers keyboard navigatin
Light Rising Tweaks JS - Some minor tweaks for Light Rising browser game
Nexus Clash Interface Tweaks JS - Various Tweaks to the Nexus Clash Browser Game Interface
Light Rising AutoFuel JS - Adds an 'Add Fuel 10x' button to Light Rising Browser Game
Light Rising Craft Lock JS - Remember a craft or build option. Handy when getting components.
Nexus Clash Stat Bars JS - Adds bars to AP HP and MP
Nexus Clash Recall Last Charge Attack JS - For Gunwizards. Rememebers last attack power up for arcane marksman
Nexus Clash Add Drop Item Safety Check Box JS - Make it a tad harder to drop things
Nexus Clash Colour Messages JS - Message colour coding for Nexus Clash Browser Game
Nexus Clash Forums Newspaper Wiki Text JS - Trys to find and convert forum posts containing newspaper leaderboards to wiki ready text
Shintolin Tweaks JS - Tweaks for Shintolin Browser Game
Nexus Clash Newspaper Wiki Text JS - Adds button to newspaper view thats adds wiki ready version
Light Rising Crafting Checker JS - Shows if any crafting tools or ingredients are missing
Nexus Clash Default Prayer is for Magic JS - Makes default prayer be for magic
Light Rising Remember Number of Items JS - AutoSelects value used for number of items for Give/Drop/Take actions
Light Rising AutoQuarry JS - Adds a Quarry 10X button.
Light Rising Remember Last Weapon JS - Remembers last weapon used and autoselects it.
Shintolin Remember Last Weapon JS - Remembers last weapon used and autoselects it.
Shintolin Building Checker JS - Shows if any building tools or components are missing
Shintolin Crafting Checker JS - Shows if any crafting tools or ingredients are missing
NexusClashReadableInfusion JS - Makes infusion numbers readable
Nexus Clash Remove Spell Gem Color JS - In the faction safe removes the color from spell gems and resorts them alphabetically
Shintolin AutoSearch JS - Adds Search 10x button
Light Rising Anti Wall Climbing JS - Stops accidental wall climbing.
Light Rising Building Checker JS - Shows if any building tools or components are missing
Light Rising AutoSearch JS - Adds 'Search 10x' button
Shartak Rearrange Inventory Lite JS - rearranges a few less inventory items
Shartak Rearrange Inventory JS - rearranges a few inventory items
Markdown textarea JS - Add Markdown convert button to textarea
Better Shanbay JS - Enhance
Shanbay message assistant JS - Shanbay 短信助手
Open Discuz Link in new tab JS - Discuz论坛链接默认新链接打开,支持autopager和Super_preloader等
Google Image Search Context Menu JS - Add Search Image context menu
HowrseHorseImageSwap-Frieisan JS - Swaps the Friesian V4 default coat for the V3 default coat
XuanFengEx JS - QQ旋风网页版离线下载增强
Batoto MyFollows JS - Filter your follows from comic search; info button and sorting in the old follows page; links between Batoto-MU-Mal and other features.
Howrse Swap all v4 >> v3 Default Coats JS - Swaps all of the v4 default coats for the v3 default coats
Stop Overzealous Embedding JS - Tries to turn embedded Youtube videos into links
Kill Floating Bars JS - Stops elements from following you as you scroll down the page
Expand Wikipedia Acronyms JS - Provides a better tooltip for a link to a Wikipedia page about an acronym
Kill Typeahead Search JS - Removes drop down lists that try to second guess the user
Twitch Plays Pokemon - Command Filtering & Spamming Tool JS - Adds tools to your chatbox for spamming chat and filtering out commands from chat.
Newegg ComboEgger JS - Automatically retrieves and displays egg ratings for all products in a Newegg ComboBundle page.
Scrying Workshop Reworked JS - UX Improvements for Flight Rising's Scrying Workshop and Search
Swefilmer JS - Wide player, and store layout to next time you change. Navigate faster to Next TV-Series or the previous one. Easy to see where you are. (colored)
HTML5 YouTube F key fullscreen JS - Make YouTube's HTML5 player go fullscreen when pressing F
HTML5 video auto-pause JS - Auto-pause any HTML5 videos. Will still preload.
TMD filtru torrente JS - ascunde torrentele care nu le doresti
Reddit-Upvoter JS - Upvote all links/comments on the page
Wall Manager Sidekick (Farmville) JS - Assists Wall Manager with Farmville posts
Mutik's DotD Script JS - Fork of ForTheGoodOfAll DotD script with new look and strongly optimized js code
FB Wall Manager JS - Manages Wall Posts for Various FB Games
myTImenu - Personal version JS - Create new buttons on NavTab and drop down menus on top
BlastarBegoner ][+ JS - further enhancements for
QR-Plugins.IMG.WrapBBCode JS - plugins for Kaskus-QR, wrap all image link with img bbcode
QR-Plugins.EmbedMedia JS - plugins for Kaskus-QR embed media, eg SoundCloud, Vimeo
QR-Plugins.TextFliper JS - plugins for Kaskus-QR TextFliper generator
QR-Plugins.RainbowText JS - plugins for Kaskus-QR rainbowtext generator
QR-Plugins.TextMechanic JS - plugins for Kaskus-QR TextMechanic generator
Fixed Scroller Anywhere JS - fixedscrollanywhere
Greasyfork Require Easy Get Latest Version JS - Puts the link for the latest version of a library into an input with autoselect instead of a code tag.
GeenStijl & Powned & Dumpert Comment Enhancer JS - Add features to enhance comments on GeenStijl & Powned & Dumpert & more.
Outlook Sign Out To Login JS - Redirect back to login page when signing out from Outlook
Github Commit Whitespace JS - Adds button to hide whitespaces from commit
Kiss Insights Goodbye JS - Remove KissInsights dialogs from all web sites.