Vk Media Downloader

Download music, video from vk.com (Vkontakte) without any external service

As of 2021-08-09. See the latest version.

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Applies to

Vk Media Downloader

Download music and video from vk.com without any external service



The advantages of this script:

  • this is open source project
  • works without any external service
  • download video from thumb - no need to open a video to download it
  • this script can work even without GM API - if you want you can disable all @grant metadata and the script still would work (tested on Firefox + Tampermonkey, Firefox + Violentmonkey)
  • automatically add ID3 metadata to audio files - this feature requires ffmpeg.js to be enabled (see Settings -> General)


  • Alt+R - Restart script - usefull if the download button doesn't appear in some pages
  • Alt+L - Save log file - needed for debugging the script
  • Alt+U - Save audio url to clipboard


To open settings modal click on VkMD button on left side bar or profile menu on top-right corner

Setting modal


The new version v3.3.0 added ffmpeg.js. Now you don't need to install ffmpeg on your computer. One click is enough and this script will combine *.ts fragments into an mp3 / mp4 file directly in the browser (see below Important notes ). If you still do not want to use this functionality, or it slows down your browser, you can always disable this option in the settings General -> uncheck "Enable ffmpeg.js ".

Important notes

Starting from version v2.1.0 it is available to download *.ts fragments of HLS playlist archived into a *.zip file:

- source/stream.001.ts
- source/stream.002.ts
- source/*.ts
- generate.mp3.bat
- generate.mp3.sh
- README.txt
- %filename%.txt

Why is it needed?

VK now uses HLS (Http Live Streaming) instead of mp3. HLS consists of *.ts fragments. So in a new version v2.1.0 I have added *.ts downloader. One should use ffmpeg to convert *.ts fragments into a single *.mp3 file. For this purpose I've created scripts (bat - for Windows, sh - for Linux, MacOS) generate.mp3.bat, and generate.mp3.sh, they are included in a downloaded *.zip file

How to convert *.ts fragments into *.mp3 ?

  • install ffmpeg if you haven't done it yet (google helps you)
  • unzip downloaded *.zip file
  • run generate.mp3.[bat|sh], P.S. before you run the shell script make it executable: chmod +x generate.mp3.sh

If there are any errors or the script doesn't work correctly

  1. enable debugging mode in logger settings: Settings -> Logger -> Debug Debug
  2. press Alt+L to save logs into file
  3. if Alt+L doesn't work, then open browser's Console and save logs; for Chrome and Opera: Ctrl+Shift+J -> tab Console -> right click in console window -> Save as; for Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+K -> tab Console -> right click on messages -> Export visible messages to -> File;
  4. upload log file here https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/38614-vk-media-downloader/feedback along with a description of the problem

Hotkeys for Aria2 users

  • Alt+A - get links of all music and video files on current page
  • Alt+S - save text file with received links


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