[Deprecated] Kanka Summernote Code View Save Fix JS - Correctly saves changes made while in code view in the Summernote editor.
[Deprecated] Kanka Marketplace Plugin HTML Inserter for Summernote JS - Adds a button to Summernote that inserts HTML snippets required by Marketplace themes.
Kanka Summernote HTML Beautifier JS - Automatically "beautifies" the HTML in Summernote's code view to make it more legible
Kanka Editor Toolkit JS - Adds toolbar buttons to Summernote to quickly insert custom HTML elements or classes.
Kanka Summernote Code View to the Top JS - Sets the cursor position to the start of the input field rather than the end when switching to Code View in Kanka
[Deprecated] Campaign CSS Splitter JS - Splits the Theming editor into multiple named fields for easier management and adds syntax highlighting
Kanka Jump to Post JS - Adds a dropdown to Kanka entity headers to quickly scroll to the selected post.
Kanka Custom Keyboard Shortcuts for Summernote JS - Set your own keyboard shortcuts for the Summernote editor on Kanka.
Custom Coloris Palette JS - Modifies Coloris color pickers in Kanka to offer the user’s selection of preset colors.
Kanka Search Upgrades JS - Adds the ability to look for user and campaign settings in Kanka’s search field for faster access.
Kanklippy JS - Adds Kankappy to your Kanka experience to share some useful tips
Kanka Lightbox Creator JS - Changes a standard image in a Kanka entry into a thumbnail-and-lightbox combo
[Deprecated] Advanced Mention Name Reminder JS - Shows the title of each advanced mention’s target entity in Summernote, next to the entity ID (or in a tooltip on hover).
Kanka Map Path Helper JS - Helps turn polygon markers on Kanka maps into lines to represent paths.
Kanka Mention Previewer JS - Adds the ability to load a preview of any mentioned entity in a modal.
Kanka Backup to Local Storage JS - Copies the editor’s content to local storage before saving to allow recovery if something is lost in transit.
Kanka Entity Privacy Setting on the Entry Tab JS - Makes the entity Privacy checkbox visible on both the Entry and Permissions tabs
Kanka Preserve HTML Entities in Summernote JS - Checks PRE and CODE tags in Summernote and ensures that their contents use HTML entities for proper display.
Kanka Gallery Alphabetical Sort JS - Sorts folders and images alphabetically in the Kanka Gallery, keeping folders first.
Kanka Subpage Elements Counter JS - Shows the count of attributes, relations, assets, etc. on each entity's corresponding submenu item
Tag Column for Kanka Entity Lists JS - Adds a Tags column to entity lists (in table view) in Kanka
Summernote to Markdown for Kanka JS - Adds bidirectional Markdown conversion to Kanka editors
Open Kanka mentions in a new tab JS - Makes entity mentions open in a new tab rather than the current one.