Dynamic list of MusicBrainz scripts by jesus2099
automatically updated list of scripts for musicbrainz.org and mbsandbox.org
Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
mb. REVIVE DELETED EDITORS JS - musicbrainz.org: reveal deleted editors’ names and emphasizes your own name to standout in MB pages
MB: Artist Credit Splitter JS - いい感じに MusicBrainz のアーティストクレジットを分割します (失敗することもあります)
MusicBrainz Magic Tagger Button JS - Automatically enable the green tagger button on MusicBrainz.org depending on whether Picard is running.
MB Release Seeding Helper JS - Give better clues on reusing of existing releases/recordings for new release
MB Auto Track Lengths from CD TOC JS - Autoset track lengths from unique CD-TOC
MusicBrainz Artist Credits Helper JS - Split and fill artist credits, append character voice actor credit, and guess artists from track titles.
Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
MusicBrainz Batch Query AcoustID JS - Batch query AcoustID of recordings on release and collection page.
MusicBrainz :: Hide Ninja McTits Search Results JS - Hides all search results for artist "Ninja McTits"
MB Auto-retry on upload to CAA error JS - Just autoretry
MB: copy artist credit JS - copy artist credit to clipboard (localStorage)
Open in PlayMB JS - MusicBrainz の recording を PlayMB で開くリンクを追加
MusicBrainz: Fix featured artists JS - Tries to detect artist names in artist and track fields and allows you to extract those. Found entries are added to the corresponding editor for fast adding.
MusicBrainz: Sort artists JS - Allows you to change the order of artist names in any of the multiple artists editors. NOTICE: This will remove any artist lookup data already present in the editor. You have to assign this manually again.
HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.