iTunes Cover Caption Image Links JS - Links the 'X Songs, Y Minutes' caption text below the album cover to an image URL.
GGn :: Hide Stickied Torrents JS - Hides the stickied torrents at the top of the torrents page.
GGn :: Bah Humbug JS - Clicks every Dislike link on every forum thread page visited.
Facebook :: Filter Artist, Band or Public Figure Searches JS - Automatically removes search results whose categories match a blacklist or do not match a whitelist, specified below in userscript.
Bandcamp :: Search Filters JS - Adds Artist, Album and Label buttons to filter the search results.
SoundCloud :: Hide themusictea/Popular Selection Search Results JS - Hides search results from users/accounts "themusictea" and "Popular Selection"
Wookieepedia :: Remove Pronouns JS - Removes Pronouns section from character pages' info panels on Wookiepedia
MusicBrainz :: Hide Ninja McTits Search Results JS - Hides all search results for artist "Ninja McTits"
OiNKPlusMenus JS (Library) - The code for OiNKPlus GM_config menus.