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Copy Enabler JS - Disable all copy restriction in Chrome
GeoGuessr Ultimate Script JS - GeoGuessr Ultimate Script - One Script to rule them all - Work In Progress - Adding features over time - Removes Bottom, Right and Top Bar (Options) - Pimps Data - Makes for a cleaner experience - Removes Author (Optional - For an extra challenge) - Changes flags with numbered flags - Adjust GeoGuessr Logo position - Adjusts Data position
Youtube - dismiss sign-in JS - Hide the "sign-in" and cookies dialogs. Prevent the dialogs from pausing the video.
Download magnet links with GetBy.Download for free,instant downloads,like Xunlei,Baidu,offcloud JS - This script can transfer magnet links to GetBy.Download which supports offline download, and with the help of its free downloading service, it can quickly complete your downloading.
ADMIN SCRIPT JS - Best script ever made
- | Simple Fast-Split Script JS - This is a simple script that allows you to fast-split. Just press X and it will fast split your cell one time!
Always on focus JS - Prevents websites from knowing that you switched tabs or unfocused the window
Brainly++ JS - Remove the limitation of viewing answers in Brainly
DigDig.IO Temporary Account JS - Creates a temporary account whenever you join the game. Good for using cheats and not get banned.
Instagram: pictures, video batch downloader JS - Downloader for Instagram, support batch download pictures and videos
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Aimbot and ESP for Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
- AutoGuesser JS - Goes into's console to guess possible outputs, and puts them in chat.
Youtube Anti Shorts JS - shorts is a shit, fuck you youtube
- ULTIMATE HACK A lot better JS - the perfect hack for much better than u7's he copied mine
Twitch helper JS - Auto claim bonus and automatically restart the player if an error occurs
Pokeclicker Automation JS - Automation for | Auto click | Auto quests | Auto achivements | Auto mine | Auto farm | Auto hatch | and more ...
Autokey helper script - nitro type bot JS - This script is used for copying the text on to the clipboard. It works in co-operation with the Autokey app. Autokey will then type the text which this script copied. It will do so for each race that you set it to do. Autokey will be found on my site This script is NOT an auto typer by itself. It just copies the text for Autokey to type.
- Remove Adblocker messages & respawn timer JS - Remove the Adblock popup, as well as the respawn timer to avoid the extra wait in shell shockers
The Sims Resource - Easy Download Button JS - Open download in new window, auto-start download when ready.
Alpha-Ware 40 bot mod! (Patched) JS - Up to 40 bots hack (more with VPN), autoheal, macros, and command keys!
Xbox Cloud Gaming Low-Res Disable JS - Lock Xbox Cloud Gaming not switch to low bandwidth mode.
Freeship JS - Unlock all Fireship PRO courses/lessons.
HTML5 player enhanced script custom configuration JS - HTML5 video player enhanced script custom configuration
AUTO-OPEN hCaptcha + reCaptcha JS - Auto clicks the recaptcha and hcaptcha - NOT SOLVING
Geoguessr Better Menu JS - Adds a menu bar to Geoguessr's new UI
- Cheats JS - " Cheats"
Xbox Cloud Gaming Mobile Landscape Fullscreen JS - Auto into landscape fullscreen in Xbox Cloud Gaming
Mxo Bot JS - Fast, Auto Secure And Easiest To Confugre With Menu
Penguin Client JS - Lots of mods
reCaptcha Autoclick JS - Automatically click reCaptcha checkbox button when detected it and doesn't solve the captcha for you!
GP Captcha Sover JS - Save time
bunkr video downloader JS - Download video automatically
chatgpt-infinite JS - Infinite auto ask for chatgpt
🔗 Links Helper JS - Open external links in a new tab, open internal links matching the specified rules in a new tab, convert text to hyperlinks, convert image links to image tags(<img>), parse Markdown style links and image tags, parse BBCode style links and image tags
MonkeyType AutoTyper Bot JS - A Bot that automatically types for you in MokeyType.
Spotify ad skipper JS - Detects and skips ads on spotify
YouTube Fixed Video Quality JS - Remember video quality without any additional user interface.
Instagram Anonymous Story Viewer JS - Blocks a specific request to maintain anonymity while viewing Instagram stories.
Restore YouTube Username from Handle to Custom JS - To restore YouTube Username to the traditional custom name
Remove Reddit Over 18 Login Requirement Popup JS - Remove annoying Over 18 Login Requirement Popup
Multibox script Working December 2023 JS - multibox
YouTube Lite (best experience) JS - Makes the YouTube interface lighter, hides videos with keywords, adds a download button and opens the video on an ad-free page (embed youtube-nocookie).
HeroWarsDungeon JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
Facebook video downloader JS - Download any video on Facebook (post/chat/comment)
Kirka.IO speed JS - speed hack for Kirka.IO.
paper2hack JS - Modding utility/menu for
MultiHack KillSwitch [WORKING 2023] JS - Take Over
Torn Crimes 2.0 - Disposal JS - Color codes disposal type based on difficulty
URL Modifier for Search Engines JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying (redirecting) URLs in the search result of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites, allowing for a more customized and efficient browsing experience. You can also add you custom URL modification rule to the script and are welcomed to commit your rules to this script to make it much more useful.
SnapEnhance Web JS - A userscript to Enhance the User experience on Snapchat Web
Local YouTube Downloader JS - Download YouTube videos without external service. Better Version
Arceus X Official Bypass JS - An bypasser that bypasses the "" checkpoints for a key system. It checks the link, goes to an API from arceus, and then check the loot link title. If it's the right title, it will go to another API link completing the checkpoint. It will take around 2-5 seconds to do. (depending on your wifi)
Mouse Line Aimer for JS - Creates a line that follows the mouse
Dobby2 JS - Dobby
Twitter remove content warning JS - Remove twitter content warning
Blogspot Warning Bypass JS - bypass the content warning on blogspot/blogger sites
Classic Youtube Layout JS - Revert to old Youtube UI Layout. Comments below the video and recommendations in the sidebar. Forked from v.1.1.0 by KartongFace on 4/22/2024
Show External Downloads JS - Automatically expands the external downloads section on httpss://
Fix Google Web Search JS - Remove AI results and other fluff from your Google search! Adds udm=14 to the search params of a new Google search, changing to the "Web" tab.
proxies moddified khan hack JS - Here Is A Moddifed Version Of Khan Hack
Youtube Copying Selected Subtitles - Immersive Translation JS - When Youtube using Immersive Translation copies the subtitles to the clipboard, supporting before translation, after translation, or select all Youtube,New Feature:Recording traslate.
test_ece_crawl JS - download sketchfab models
ChatGPT Auto-Talk 📣 JS - Automatically play ChatGPT responses
Sketchfab Auto PreferredFormat Downloader and Attribution Saver Script JS - Automatically downloads preferred format and saves attribution from Sketchfab for one tab at a time. If you can automate this further; give it a try
Custom Crossair for YTKingDream JS - Custom Bloxd Cursor
ICEbot v5 JS - Bot Panel for
Ventionware JS - Adds a custom crosshair to with UI to enable/disable and change colors, plus smooth rainbow text
Tinder Unblur JS - Unblur Tinder teaser images
CS Trade Values JS - A userscript that uses Horror's list for higher value pets and an average range from both Horror's and Solloby's C$ price chart to help users determine at a glance whether a trade is fair or not!
RoJoin JS - (WORKING AS OF 11/21/24) Allows you to join to any player in a Roblox game.
Video and Image Quality Fixer for All Sites JS - Force highest quality playback for videos and images on all sites.
LootDest/Loot-Link (Lootlabs) Bypass JS - Released - 2/21/2024
Auto Retry for JS - Automatically press the retry button when something goes wrong. Mostly meant to fix error 429 but also works for other errors.
FPS Increaser JS - Increases FPS in game if your monitor can handle it. Do not use if you have a high refresh rate monitor (i.e. over 60hz)
Nuked Ware V2.0 JS - Best Level Medium Free Cheat for with advanced features
Pixiv Downloader JS - Tải xuống hình ảnh và truyện tranh từ Pixiv
Improved Krunker.IO Hack Suite JS - Enhanced hack suite for
Premium Link Grabber via OkDebrid JS - Resolve premium download links across multiple file hosting sites via OkDebrid
Duolingo Streak Buff JS - Automatically buffs your streak on Duolingo.
KhanHack JS - Sloppy lazybones anti-homework production
Ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube JS - It looks like you may be using an ad blocker. Ads allow YouTube to stay free for billions of users worldwide. You can go ad-free with YouTube Premium, and creators can still get paid from your subscription.
IdlePixel UI Tweaks - GodofNades Fork (Rehost) JS - Adds some options to change details about the IdlePixel user interface.
DuoFarmer Lite JS - DuoFarmer is a tool that helps you earn XP in Duolingo at blazing speed.
Block Youtube Users JS - Hide videos of blacklisted users/channels and comments
GDocs Display blank form after submit JS - Redirects back to empty form after displaying the confirmation message for 5 seconds
bilibili vip remover JS - remove the 'become-vip' link, repalce red names to original, and replace emoji to pure text
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Close ADS JS - Close unwanted popup ads
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
ao3 savior config JS - Config script for AO3 Savior userscript
Vimeo Download Button JS - Adds a download button to the HTML5 Vimeo Player (embeded or not)
SLITio by szymy JS - MOD
- - 607ch00 remix JS - MOD - 2021 Update! - Zoom, High score, Custom backgrounds, Clock, and more!
[MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer JS - Brings many enhancements to the MTurk Worker Dashboard.
- mod JS - Mods a few things
Zhihu Link Redirect Fix JS - Avoid link redirect for
TWLeoTools JS - Useful tools for The West!