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Whatsapp clicked number JS - 4/4/2023, 1:31:21 AM
FuckElonMusk - JS - 4/5/2023, 1:19:10 AM
Facebook - remove tracking url JS - Remove the tracking parameter in links
Better Figma Layer Exporter JS - A more convenient Figma layer export solution, featuring the following main functions: 1. Direct export of selected layers as PNGs and automatically assigning them to their corresponding DPI drawable folders; 2. Support for converting PNGs to WebP format before exporting; 3. Support for exporting SVGs optimized through SVGO.
Embed Nitro Type in Nitro Math Pt 1 JS - This is the part one of embedding Nitro Type in Nitro Math
Better Better Classroom Redirect JS - Auto switch to user 1 when using Google Classroom with User 0
Wanikani: Detailed SRS Popups JS - Changes apprentice and guru popups to say their respective numbers. E.G. Apprentice 1 or Guru 2
Poe enlarge chat box, auto set focus to input box and toggles (show/hide) the left sidebar JS - 1. Enlarges the chat box. 2. Automatically moves the focus to the chat input box when the user types. 3. Sets the chatInput as the focus when the page is focused.
MapGenie - Smaller Icon Size JS - Makes the icons smaller on the map, so you can see more of the map at once.
ChatGPT Voice-to-Text JS - Enables voice-to-text functionality on chat.openai by holding down the 'v' key and speaking into your microphone, using the Web Speech API, and automatically inserting the transcribed text into the chat input field.
TorrentBD Forum Smilies JS - Shoutbox emoji/smilies in forum reply
Copy ChatGPT's all replies JS - Add a Copy button to the first element with class "ml-1" on to copy content of all elements with class "prose" with basic formatting.
Psypost Control Buttons JS - Add buttons to control the page id in Psypost article list page URL by 1, using class 'jeg_block_loadmore' div as anchor element.
Bulk Export Dropbox Image URLs (2024) JS - Extracts image URLs from a Dropbox page and copies them to the clipboard when a button is clicked.
Dropbox Direct Downloader JS - Convert Dropbox file sharing links to direct download links.
DropBox Link Converter & Mass Downloader w Button JS - #1 Change dl=0 to dl=1 #2 Add Textarea with the list of links and wget preppended (so just cut and paste into the command line)
[SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching Results Links List Batch Open JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
Points Patch JS - Patches ws connection to hook set-word-points rpc
OpenAI Playground (ChatGPT) - Continue Button JS - press the [Continue] button instead of 'Add message > type continue > Ctrl+Enter', configure panel optionally saves 'Temperature', 'Maximum Length' and 'Instructions'
Replace Poe Prompt Input with Monaco Editor JS - 1.Replace Poe chat box with Monaco Editor; 2.Allow adjusting input box height;3.Change Enter Event to Ctrl+Enter.
Discourse perfect support JS - Overrides unsupportedBrowser, so you don't get locked out of most of a forums functionalities because your browser doesn't support some dumb function that is basically never used, in my particular case CSS.supports("aspect-ratio: 1")
Paper Clip (Save as HTML, Markdown or Text) JS - Edit and save selection as clean HTML, Markdown or Text file optimized for printing. Hotkey: Command + Shift + S.
Tinder AutoLiker // 80% yes / 20% no (customizable) JS - Auto liker for Tinder - 80% likes 20% dislikes in random interval between 1 and 4 seconds
Steam Search - Click Through To Game JS - If the URL contains the clickthrough=1 GET variable, then if there is an exact match for the search, click through to it to open the game's page. This is for use with search add-ons and search engine keyword functionality. 5/18/2023, 3:25:43 AM
GameChangerv2.2 JS - A script to listen to chat messages and respond to a specific prefix
Mirror Creator Link Checker (Improved) JS - Why Check 1 by 1 if you can do automatically?
Bulk Export Dropbox Image URLs to Clipboard (2023) JS - Extracts image URLs from a Dropbox page and copies them to the clipboard when a button is clicked.
GoatBots Card Watcher JS - Configure a list of cards to watch GoatBots until in stock. Pick a GoatBots page to watch, and click the cards you want to watch for. Then leave the script to automatically refresh that page on a set timer, check if any of the cards are in stock, and if so, add them to cart, play an audio alert, and (optionally) start delivery.
Easy Storage Manager JS - Easy Storage Manager is a handy script that allows you to easily export and import local storage data for WME.
Roblox RGB Color Wheel Effect for Buttons JS - Adds a color wheel effect to the play button and the purchase button on Roblox game pages.
Multipowers JS - Attack 1: Freeze-Virus + AntiRecombine ; Attack 2: Portal + AntiRecombine + Virus ; Defense: Antifreeze + Shield + Speed ; Growspam & Autoskip
HTML canvas fps limiter JS - Fps limiter for browser games or some 2D/3D animations
Mangahub Page Cleaner JS - Automatically removes spaces between pages caused by page count (e.g. 1/10, 2/10, 3/10 below each image) on
MouseHunt Auto Disarm/Swap Bait JS - Automatically Disarms/Swaps bait when the remaining quantity matches or goes below user input
GreasyFork Language Filter Remover JS - This script modifies the URL on GreasyFork to always show scripts from all languages unless the user manually selects a different language.
- JS - 6/7/2023, 1:01:23 PM
AO3: [Wrangling] When did I last wrangle? JS - turns the last wrangled date into a "X days ago" message, and highlights it if more than 10 days ago
Ebay - Set item location to home country JS - Set ebay location to home country (based on
kbin dark JS - dark mode for ios
Pavlov maps integration with JS - Add extra buttons to pavlov map pages to allow switching to the map or adding it to the rotation of a server by using
Flight Rising Archeology JS - Automatically digs for you! Various completion/repeat options available.
Copy uWorld or NBME Questions to ChatGPT for Step 1 JS - Adds Copy Buttons to uWorld Questions and Explanations + a button to append a ChatGPT prompt.
Copy Amboss Questions to ChatGPT for Step 1 JS - Add copy buttons to to copy to ChatGPT
Set Volume to 200% and 100% and 0% in Multiplayer Piano JS - Changes the max value of the volume slider to 2, allowing you to set the volume to 200% using the command '/set200%volume' in Multiplayer Piano.
/noparse in chat JS - Enables the use of /noparse to insert 0-width spaces
Kbin Magazine Pop-up JS - Show magazine subscription information on hover
Show Eligible Bonus [[xXx MITY DEV xXx]] JS - Script to show Eligible Bonus before 1 thousand satoshis. Support me by registering with my ref code: .
2014 for Google neocities Part 1 JS - Remove specific nodes from websites containing a specific URL
MostBeautifulFont-Hack JS - 最美字体-Hack:1、全网页 设置Hack字体,便于阅读英文网站和代码【容易混淆的字母和符号 aoO0Q CG iIlL|1 g9q {}[] ~-+<=】。【最后:1、localStorage中,支持关闭某一特定功能】
Steam2SteamDB JS - Imports Steam Wishlist to SteamDB Watchlist, albeit very slowly. Instructions below.
Robux changer 1 JS - Shockingly realistic robux changer. Combine Robux changer 1 with Robux changer 2 (both made by me)
Robux changer 2 JS - This robux changer only works on Anywhere else is unstable. Combine Robux changer 2 with Robux changer 1
[AO3] Fanfic Intensity Rating JS - Colors the backgrounds of fanfics based on intensity of warnings, ratings and additional tags.
鼠标手势-【米】字 JS - 1、通过按下鼠标右键拖动,分别实现的【↑ 上移一屏】、【↓ 下移一屏】、【↗ 移到底部】、【↘ 移到顶部】、【← 后退上页】、【→ 前进下页】、【↖ 关闭页面】、【↙ 刷新页面】当前标签页的八大功能;当然,支持长按超过1秒取消操作;
Restore elite 0 on viktorlab JS - Prepend option to all select elements matching .dps__phase on viktorlab
GET PGN - JS - 6/8/2023, 1:09:32 PM
PP Bot Example JS - Bot Exampe
YouTube: Force Single Column Mode JS - 8/17/2023, 1:51:20 AM
Torn Bazaar Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills bazaar item price with lowest bazaar price currently minus $1 (can be customised), shows current price coefficient compared to 3rd lowest, fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
NoredInk Bubble Fill 100% Hack JS - Automatically fills mastery bubbles every 1 second
auto aim / auto healer and aimbot JS - this is my first script is probably not the best but enjoy <3 (toggle:|)
Anilist Auto Set Start Date JS - Auto set the start date when completing 1 episode/chapter anime/manga
Always Start With 100 Resources JS - Start with 100 resources in
Lemmy UX Improvements JS - This script does two things: 1)Thumbnail links open in new tab. 2)If the user is a mod of some communities, the communities links appear below the profile link in the top-right menu.
SillyTavern - Excessive text hiding JS - Removes all dialogues on the current page each time the 1 key on the keyboard is pressed except for the last 10 dialogues and new dialogues.
Greasy Fork++ JS - Adds various features and improves the Greasy Fork experience
Web Skipper for Plex JS - Automatically skip intros, credits, and auto-play the next item on Plex Web.
2 in 1 PiP Tool JS - Allows Picture-in-Picture on any website even if blocked `alt+ctrl+p`
Search engine redirection optimization (Baidu, Sogou, Google, Bing) JS - 1. Bypass your own redirect connection in search results from Baidu, Sogou, Google, and Haosu, and directly access the original webpage - you can understand it anyway. 2. Add custom website interception function. 3. Add Favicon display. 4. Page CSS. 5. Add counting. 6. Switch to select the above functions. 7. Automatic page flipping function
ChatGPTHelper JS - 1) Real-Time Local Disk Storage: ChatGPTHelper automatically saves all your chat history and predefined prompts on your local disk as you go. 2) No Official History Required: You won't need to fine-tune it with official history data. Your information remains confidential, never used to train the model. 3) Offline Functionality: ChatGPTHelper makes the history still available when offline.
Super Anki JS - Supercharges AnkiWeb. Currently Supported Functionality - Show card total, done and remaining count per session - Dark Mode
Youtube playlist length JS - 9/22/2023, 1:07:22 PM
Auto-close SDQL tabs without active trends JS - Close the tab if today's date is not found in the table unless it's a nonstandard table OR the word Research appears in your query.
9Gag Image Post Only JS - 10/1/2023, 10:36:51 PM
TORN │ Better Chats JS - Slightly changes the appearance of chats on for the better.
VACYourFriendsRevamp (VACYFRe) JS - Prank your friends by adding a fake VAC ban to their Steam profiles. Customize the number of VAC bans and days since their last ban with this script.
Google Search Extra Buttons (Position Slightly Right) JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
Blur on inactivity Extended JS - with additional features
Bluesky - Remove Zeroes from Buttons (OBSOLETE) JS - Bluesky no longer shows 0s on the buttons so I'm retiring this script.
Tavriav Lazy Load Scroll Catalog JS - Lazy load two subsequent pages on Tavriav's catalog pages with 1-second delay, display current page number, and show distance from the bottom
Pickpocket J.A.R.V.I.S. JS - color pick-pocket targets based on difficulty
Better AutomationAnywhere JS - Enhanced Automation Anywhere developer experience. Working at CR Version 34.0.0
- Hotkeys JS - " Hotkeys"
GC Food Colour Hider JS - Toggle for hiding the food colours that only have 1-2 pets for in the rainbow pool pet colours. Mostly Chia but also includes some other minor ones like coconut jubjub and mallow grundo. Keeps ones that apply to more pets like Strawberry. On by default.
Shafa Endless JS - Lazy load subsequent pages on catalog pages with a 1-second delay, display current page number, and show distance from the bottom
Streaming links on letterboxd JS - 10/31/2023, 1:34:25 PM
hwm_price_for_one_battle JS - shows price for 1 battle from shop, market and map
测试脚本1 JS - 测试脚本测试
Expand small chat on Linkedin JS - 11/4/2023, 8:44:59 PM
巴哈姆特動畫瘋[Shift]+[→]跳過1m30s JS - 巴哈姆特動畫瘋按下快捷鍵[Shift]+[→]跳過1分30秒
Wanikani Level-Up Time Assistant JS - Shows the earliest date and time you can level up if your reviews are correct. Adds an indication if you have items available for lesson/review that are needed to advance your current level.
Go@d m@Cr0 2 JS - press [q] for heal, it clowns somewhat easily, press [n] for triple mills (this is part 2 of Go@d m@Cr0 prt 1)
Fullscreen Hotkey Mobile Youtube JS - 9/8/2023, 1:42:06 AM
Lazyloadfier Userscript JS - 9/8/2023, 1:42:06 AM
内存监控控制台(全背景图表) JS - 2025 年 1 月 17 日
Infinite Power Script JS - made by mai
OpenAI TTS Text Reader JS - Read selected text with OpenAI's TTS API and adjustable volume and speed.Please enter the apikey before using.
Fix YouTube Embeds - JS - 21/11/2023, 1:23:44 pm
Wallhaven - Hide '0' New Wallpapers From Subscriptions JS - Auto hide Subscriptions with '0' new wallpapers, only displaying ones with '1' or more