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True URL downloads JS - Decryption and Display the real URL of the download links and then manage them.(thunder,flashget,qqdl)
[WoD]智能投票 JS - 不错过任何一点荣誉。
Mangaupdates Hiatus/Discontinued/Axed/Dead Warning JS - Adds a dark red warning to the titles of manga on their pages if they won't be finished or are on hiatus.
Anonymous Black Facebook Login Page JS - Update : Added a new CSS so that it works perfectly on most screen resolutions & the background shows its best when browser is resized..!! Give your Facebook login Page a Anonymous look..!! Looks pretty cool..!! Rate it..!! Connect with to stay updated..!! Google+ link Follow me on twitter Also see :)
Blacked Out - (Rounded Corners) NO ADS! JS - 10.03 - From now on This style can`t be updated anymore from Style manager. For every one new UPDATE You need to delete the old one, and install new one from here, based on your choise This is commin from the background selection and columns.
Amazon Tag Remove (All) JS - Elimina la variable tag de los vínculos hacia Amazon
Elisa Viihde: Add download links to recordings JS - Adds download links to the main page on recordings.
Memrise: Make Me Type JS - This script converts Memrise multiple-choice questions to typing
- Ikariam Tools JS - Next generation Ikariam search and addons script
PoE Trade - add whisper button JS - Adds a whisper button to searches which pops up a whisper text to copy.
- JS - test
Board Games SE mana symbols JS - Convert mana symbols to MTG's icons on MTG questions.
The West - Market best bids JS - Market utility for highlighting the best bids!
Codeskulptor Brython JS - Add the Brython python interpreter to CodeSkulptor
TinyChat Export JS - Export HIT information in multi-line plain text format.
Cantr Enhanced JS - Some useful enhancements: events grouping and coloring names, objects grouping, clean objects list, buildings&vehicles highlighting
Scroll and prop JS - Scrolls fitocracy feed and gives props to everyone
Remove Specials From Trakt Calendar v2 JS - Remove Specials from the Trakt Calendar
Remove Watched Shows From Trakt Calendar v2 JS - Remove Specials from the Trakt Calendar
Facebook Autolike JS - auto facebook like<br>this script like first 60 post in your wall in facebook, its liking post with random time , so facebook cant detect you as spam<br><br><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Tubantia without javascript JS - Makes it possible to browse without javascript enabled (noscript)
HackForums Reputations Link Clickable JS - Makes links surrounded by either whitespace or dots (periods) clickable.
WME Hot Fix JS - Fixes minor bugs found in the WME.
adam4++ JS - page cleanup and ad remover for Chromium, Opera, Silk, and Google Chrome.
Gianfranco Negativo JS - ¿Harto de darle dislike a Castrotrolo? No te preocupes, esta extensión lo hará por ti.
Next Previous Image Key Navigation JS - Quick scroll to next/previous image on a page with f/r buttons
TMD topic color JS - coloreaza topicurile care le doresti
Crescent City Soccer - Team Plugin JS - Highlights Team Name & Creates Team Schedule atop Page
Eclyspia Disarm Adblock Detector JS - A script that bypass attempts to detect Adblock on
KickThoseThings1 JS - Kick thoses things
Kick that loader JS - A script who kick that loader
tftvfl JS - Minor layout configurator
Facepunch frontpage double column JS - Brings back the double column style
LGM Comment Browser JS - Browse nested LGM comments chronologically
JD Fiat JS - Showing Fiat Value for Just-Dice CLAMS
steamcard updater JS - uses a non-deprecated steamcard service
Gmail Compactor JS - Click the text at the bottom of the table or press (t) to compact the size of gmail.
WK But No Cigar JS - Stops Wanikani from marking answers that are 'a bit off' as correct, makes you try again until you are right or wrong.
WK Auto Wrap-Up JS - deletes the review queue forcing WK to do reviews in batches of 10 and make get requests every 10 reviews
FA Content Filter JS - Filters user-defined content while browsing Furaffinity.
Reddit Replace Iframe JS - replaces reddits youtube/vimeo iframe with the iframe from the corresponding website
TW Kick-o-Matic JS - Helps to assign ranks to the players before a fort battle!
- Disable Video Autoplay JS - Disables autoplay on videos
tftv keyboard shortcuts JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts for navigating forum pages on
WME MapRaid Dallas Raid Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Dallas Raid Groups" layer
Fix SA Breadcrumbs Hover For Chrome JS - Fixes the hover box on the Forum breadcrumb such that it doesn't disappear when you go to click on it or if you're not fast enough
Pastebin Keybindings JS - Binds keys to the Pastebin website.
FP Custom Forums JS - Puts old forums back into Facepunch
WME MapRaid Dallas Raid Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Dallas Raid Groups" layer
Amazon ASIN Links (price watching) JS - Adds links to the following price watching pages on all amazon product pages:,, sowie ein direkter Amazon Produktlink (ohne unnütze URL Parameter, zum Teilen des Links).
BlockTiebaAvatar JS - 我暂时不想在贴吧看到任何头像
TWeaker JS - Some little tweaks for The-West!
BvS BillyMaze (For Opera) JS - Remembers your moves in the BillyMaze
FPL-TH Fixer JS - FPL-TH Screen Fixer
HaaretzPaywall Gcache JS - bypass haaretz paywall
PoE Clerk JS - Makes shopping easy at your friendly neighborhood!
Google Search Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
Gateway Mods JS - This script adds some functions to speed up HP operations
Torrent & subs in IMDB JS - Adds title search links to the most popular torrent sites in lists.
Facebook HIT Export (regular links) JS - Export HIT information for posting on Facebook (long link version)
Prankota4Pranks JS - Скрывает из сообщества пранкоты всякую рекламу
Open HIT on Captcha (Firefox) JS - Gives you the option of accepting a predetermined HIT for captcha completion
HP BlueSkin JS - Changes some of the icons / colors of HP
Visual Wordpress Changes JS - Just some stupid wordpress color changes so items stand out a bit more.
DC - Chat JS - Personalisation du Chat. Adaptation du script de Gideon, ou d'Odul, je sais plus!
HackForums Profile Image/Signature Blocker JS - This allows you to hide HF profile images and signatures
WaniKani: I Don't know button JS - Adds an "I don't know the answer" button to reviews. When clicked it will submit an incorrect answer.
WaniKani hide mnemonics JS - Adds a possiblity to hide meaning and reading mnemonics.
- search each other JS -, douban, xiami search each other
ScoopsMeatland add download attribute JS - Adds the download attribute to links for easy downloading
IITC_DX_INTEGRATION JS - Integrate Dx Fielding Simulation
OpenSubtitles Direct Downloads JS - Creates direct download links for subtitles on
Rotten Tomatoes Link On IMDb JS - Adds a direct link to the corresponding Rotten Tomatoes movie description page for every IMDb movie
TV Today Enhancer JS - Buttons for a quick Google / Wikipedia / IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes search. IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings.
Remove inoreader ADS JS - Remove's advertisement in reading list, upgrae button and some annoying dialogs.
MTurk Worst & Best Case Scenario JS - This script will calculate the best and worst case scenario of your pending HITs. The information will be displayed on your dashboard.
Decloak links and open directly JS - Open redirected/cloaked links directly
Adervarul Curat JS - Hides annoying tabloid articles from the from the first page, and replaces naughty words with better ones
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question
PI Search JS - (Hide instructions and mark first bubbles)
Tumblr Timestamp JS - Adds Timestamp on Dashboard (even on private blogs)
WhatsApp Web Boss JS - Hides your whatsapp session at work
WME Mapraid Ottawa Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Mapraid Ottawa Groups" layer
WME Kecamatan Overlay JS - Adds a city overlay for Indonesia Area
4chan X shitpost removal edition JS - removal of shitposts for 4chins
dmhyBangumiAddLink JS - 番组表的图片监听左键单击,直接在当前页跳转不符合本人浏览习惯,故对每一张图片覆盖上一个链接元素
Delicious Link Tooltop JS - Shows Delicious info for the target page in a tooltip when you hover over a link.
Demo Seen JS - Adds a "visited" colour to, so you can see which pages you have already visited.
DuckDuckGo Extended [fork] JS - Extends DDG by adding a customizable list of additional search engines for making fast searches from other engines.
FastJSLogger JS - Intercepts console.log calls to display log messages in a div floating on the page. Tries to be a replacement for normal browser Error Consoles (which can be a little slow to open).
FaviconizeGoogle JS - Adds favicons next to Google search results. Also works for Ecosia, StartPage and Searx.
FaviconizeTheWeb JS - Adds a favicon for the website next to every external link on the page. Clearly shows when you will be leaving the current site, and where you will be going! (Unfortunately making links longer than expected can result in unwanted overflow on various websites. For example, Google header bar!)
Github Notifications Dropdown JS - When clicking the notifications icon, displays notifications in a dropdown pane, without leaving the current page.
Hibernate Idle Tabs JS - If a tab is unused for a long time, it switches to a light holding page until the tab is focused again. This helps the browser to recover memory, and can speed up the re-opening of large sessions.
Make Bookmarklets from Javascript URLs JS - When it sees a link to a userscript or general Javascript URL, adds a Bookmarklet besides it, which you can drag to your toolbar to load the script when you next need it (running outside Greasemonkey of course).
More Keybinds JS - Adds some extra keystrokes to Firefox.
Next Image/Previous Image [adopted] JS - Quick scroll to next/previous image on a page with n/p buttons
Pouet Plus JS - Preview screenshots straight from the prods search by hovering over links.