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Skip Steam Link Filter JS - Redirects users beyond the "Are you sure you want to leave Steam" page
Youtube Embed Tweak HTML5 (16 February 2018) JS - Forces all emdedded Youtube videos to the new player. With options for: Video size, https, hide annotations and hide related and hide controls
IMDb rating sanitiser. JS - Replaces rating on IMDb title pages with Non-US user rating.
Go to hell, Steam Link Filter JS - Redirects all links sent through the Steam Link Filter to their original destination
WebStagram Popup Remover JS - Removes popups from webstagram.
Aptoide APK Downloader JS - Changes the install button on Aptoid to download the apk.
- JS - Add ajax functionality to mark forums as read.
BvS Partyhouse Defaults JS - Selects checkboxes for some partyhouse games.
BvS Improved Spy Report JS - Tabulated and sorted spy report for Billy vs SNAKEMAN.
PlugPlug JS - For use on
WME Road Selector JS - Makes selection of multiple roads based on given condition
GameGuardian Logo Replacer JS - Changes the color of the GameGuardian logo to the default theme (red).
Orareview Helper JS - Help you making life easier when orareview.
Dropcam fullscreen JS - Switches Dropcam to fullscreen
TINYpulse transparent JS - Makes the TINYpulse cheer box transparent
Netpincer Sorting JS - Adds option to sort by various informations.
OWF Chat JS - Chatango for
OWF Makeup JS - New Banner & icons for
Facebook HD Video Downloader (Not working!) JS - (Not working! Read more at Additional info.) Adds a download link for Facebook videos. Works for HD videos.
- tools JS - Adds keyword highlight, category search, display options to Second Life Marketplace.
hover_autocopy JS - A small icon will prompt up after you selected some text, move the cursor over the icon will copy the selected text to clipboard
Post Toast for Lithium comunities JS - preview forum posts, etc. on Lithium based communities
Thread reply button for Lithium communities JS - Add a "Thread Reply" button to forum post pages on many Lithium-based forums. This button initiates a reply to the original post instead of the linked post, even if you are not at the first page.
UnTaint - Wiki Improvement Script JS - Greasemonkey script that improves the Wikifoundry wiki interface and integrates TinyEditor. For Firefox and Chrome.
UnTaint Wiki Improvement Script-G JS - Greasemonkey script that improves the Wikifoundry wiki interface and integrates TinyEditor. For Firefox and Chrome.
Improve logsoku for smart phone JS - display image directly, add links that show a certain accout of floor
JIRA UI JS - Updates the JIRA UI to improve its usability
Dawn of the Dragons ArmorInterfaceSimplifier JS - Removes nonessential elements from the AG interface
TMU SI with REREC JS - show SI and REREC in TMU Player page
[Japanese] Ehon Navi Focus Check Disabler JS - Disables the unfocus screen when unfocused from a book
Enable Right Click | Reek JS - Enable right click on websites having disabled
Is It Down Right Now ? | Reek JS - "Is It Down Right Now" monitors the status of your favorite web sites and checks whether they are down or not. Check a website status easily by using the below test tool. Just enter the url and a fresh site status test will be perfomed on the domain name in real time using our online website checker tool. For detailed information, check response time graph and user comments.
- bookmarks with favicons JS - Adds favicons for bookmarks at
YouTube Logo to Subscriptions JS - Makes YouTube logo navigate to subscriptions
mGET JS - Fancy GET script, !kittensORw's fork c: Requires 4chan-X.
- bypass JS - fairly self explanatory, but just in case, this package will replace urls on twitter and tweetdeck by using other attributes in the anchor tag.
Funnyjunk Anti Smiley JS - Replace emoticons on Funnyjunk with the text variants.
Funnyjunk Comment Menu Fixer JS - Thumbs in update
Phannikizer for funnyjunk JS - Makes shit orange
Funnyjunk Preview Notification Remover JS - Removes preview in the notification
Funnyjunk Notification Preview Radius Changer JS - Changes the radius of the notification preview
Funnyjunk Stupid Sticky Remover JS - Removes stupid sticky
Funnyjunk OCD Pixel Fixer :) JS - REMOVES THE FUCKING 4px THING
Funnyjunk goto page button JS - DONT QUESTION ITS USEFULNESS
Funnyjunk admin alert remover JS - For when admin goes dumb
Funnyjunk anti colored text JS - Removes colored text
THE PARTY AIN'T EVER JS - gisdjgiodfgdf
Funnyjunk Avatar Border Go Away JS - Guess
- for Desktop JS - Resizes and downloads higher quality versions of the images on LINE ( to improve usability on Desktops and Laptops.
Steam linkfilter bypass JS - Automatically bypasses the steam linkfilter.
FeedlyTool mini Save For Later JS - Display "Save for Later" count. This is the edition that was limited to Save For Later feature Chrome extension of "FeedlyTool".
FeedlyTool mini Remove ADs JS - This is the edition that was limited to ads remove feature Chrome extension of "FeedlyTool".
- - ad page bypass JS - - Bypass ad pages.
- News "Complete Story" Redirect JS - Automatic redirect for articles to full stories
- redirect JS - Automatic redirect for articles to full stories
- forum - goto first unread redirect JS - forum - goes to first unread post.
Swedroid forum - goto first unread redirect JS - Swedroid forum - goes to first unread post.
Facebook - Extra Links JS - Adds extra links at the top of facebook; customizable
Facebook Old NavBar by LaNouille974 JS - Automatically repositions the elements of the Facebook navigation bar as they were in the previous version of the social network: friends requests, messages and notifications on the left (next to the logo), the other ones on the right. Lets also add a short personalized text (eg. a nickname) in the navbar. Ability to change the background color of the navigation bar.
Shift + Scroll = HScroll JS - Scroll horizontally using < SHIFT + scroll > (useful in Firefox)
ao3 download buttons JS - Adds download buttons to each work blurb on AO3's works index pages.
ao3 personal hellban JS - Hide comments and kudos from specified users and/or guests
ao3 saved filters JS - Adds fields for persistent global & fandom filters to works index pages on AO3
ao3 work form autofill JS - Auto-populates AO3 new work/chapter form with test data
NeoGAF Live Thread (modified by sharkiller) JS - Automatically update a thread with new posts
NeoGAF: Quick Quote, Reply, and Edit (modified by Sharkiller) JS - This script adds the ability to quickly quote, reply, and edit posts on NeoGAF. Just click and go.
Gazelle : Torrent Link JS - Get a BBCode block with links for your posts.
GayRomeo_VisitorCheck JS - Periodically checks for new visitors on your profile
KOL - Chat - Label Mods JS - Labels the Mods in chat, and puts their name in the warnings and bans
QT Framework for Grepolis JS - A script framework for Grepolis
TV-Muse quicklinks in list view JS - Adds links to coke&popcorn to tv-muse.
NinjaKiwi - Low Quality Flash JS - Sets the flash player to low/med/high quality. You can choose the quality
Steam Linkfilter Bypass JS - Bypasses the steam link filter
Mathias' CSGOLounge W/L/C Bets JS - Allows you to calculate your W/L/C ratio on bets.
MangaReader Easy Viewing JS - Formats MangaReader to view your manga easier
Steam Price Comparison - Unpowered edition JS - Displays prices from all regions in the Steam store and convert them to your local currency
Ikariam Imperator JS - Overview tables for Ikariam 0.5.0+ desktop versions in the style of Ikariam Empire Board or Ikariam ExMachina. Rule your empire with ease!
add IMDb rating & votes next to all IMDb Movie/Series Links (Working 2024 on new view) JS - Adds movie ratings and number of voters to any imdb link on any webpage. Modified version of And from [StackOverflow community (especially Brock Adams)]
Torn City - Extended Top Bar Search by Xiphias[187717] JS - This script adds useful search functions to the top bar.
WarezBookLC - Warez Link Checker (Updated 2023) JS - Automatically checks for dead links from various file hosting services.
Hide Smashboards User JS - Hides all posts on smashboards from specified users.
Confirm Report Hit JS - Ask for confirmation before reporting a hit to Mturk AHK friendly
Sanskrit Tools - Toolbar JS - Sanskrit Language Tools - Quick access to Sanskrit dictionary, thesarus, news and other tools, on Firefox and Chrome browsers.
Dmzj Anime Downloader JS - Get anime download links from
Comment Separator Fix JS - Fixes new SE comment separator to fit the existing style
Nyaa Extreme Redux JS - This scrip sorts searches by seeders, it also shows the description and images if those are included. Also it grays out unseeded torrents.
YouTube Menu Adder JS - Gives YouTube menu back
DuckDuckMenu JS - Extends DuckDuckGo by adding a customizable list of additional search engines for making fast searches from other engines.
Clean and Simple FilesTube JS - Show directly the links and their source and remove All the Ads and unnecessary items from
Pr0gramm Joystick Controls JS - Enables joystick controls for pr0gramm.
DOTABUFF Player Shortcuts JS - Add player shortcut links to DOTABUFF
Erepublik Messages Blocker JS - Hide unwanted messages from Erepublik citizens
Dailymotion: "Playback Quality Control" Feature JS - Add some site-wide video playback quality control settings to Dailymotion.
PirateBay Search Enhancer JS - Color codes search results based on size
KAT home page + search customizer JS - color codes the file sizes for table lists of results
egov4you citizen ID generator JS - Generate a list of citizen IDs from egov4you
Coppersmina JS - Enhances Coppermine galleries with direct links, color coded border and other tricks. See source code for more info.
ModularGrid Manufacturer Exception Filter JS - Add brand exclusion filtering to ModularGrid module browser
Weibored.js JS - 删除所有微博