UnTaint Wiki Improvement Script-G

Greasemonkey script that improves the Wikifoundry wiki interface and integrates TinyEditor. For Firefox and Chrome.

Daily installs
Total installs
0 0 0
54.7 KB
Applies to

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any questions, issues or topics "related to/or regarding" Untaint or its relation to Greasemonkey SHOULD NOT be directed to Wikifoundry admins on their public support forum. It's use is not officially sanctioned and issues will not be resolved in that case. Questions related to Untaint should be directed here on this site or through Wikifoundry's private message system directed to the author.

About This Script:

This version is identical to the standard script except the profanity obfuscation has been removed. This means that profanity will be censored by the system as normal. This version is for sites that don't want to encourage the use of profanity in their forum but do want the other regular features.

Untaint is a user script that improves the Wikifoundry (formerly Wetpaint) wiki interface and integrates TinyEditor. The script allows for RTF tags, images, links and Youtube videos to be embedded in posts. In addition, the script alters some styling to make navigation easier for higher activity members. This version works with GreaseMonkey 0.9+, Firefox 4+ and Chrome 10+ (requires Tampermonkey for Chrome version 33). Not currently tested in IE or Opera.

Installation Firefox:

  1. Install the latest version of Greasemonkey if not already installed.
  2. Disable and remove any older versions if installed.
  3. Install the latest version of Untaint by clicking the Install this script button.
  4. Verify the installation. Then, go to your site. That's all.
  5. The Untaint panel should appear in the top right corner of the page when you go to a discussion thread.
  6. The editor will load when making a post.

Installation Chrome:

  1. Install the latest version of Tampermonkey from the Chrome web store if not already installed.
  2. Install the latest version of Untaint by clicking the Install this script button.
  3. Verify the installation. Then, go to your site. That's all.
  4. The Untaint panel should appear in the top right corner of the page when you go to a discussion thread.
  5. The editor will load when making a post.

Additional Information: It's not necessary to uninstall a previous version of 1.6.ffc.xxx when doing an update to a new revision. The new revision will overwrite the old one. The script should activate automatically with any default Wikifoundry name. A unique Wikifoundry site name will not automatically run the script unless the site's name is included. Some sites with large memberships have already been added. If Untaint doesn't activate, ensure that your website is in the list of includes.

If you want to use the script on a site not already included. Add filters in the options with the following pattern. Replace [site name] with the actual site's name.

http://www.[site name].com/thread*
http://www.[site name].com/forum/*
http://www.[site name].com/forum
http://www.[site name].com/account/*/thread/*
http://www.[site name].com/photo/*/thread/*
http://www.[site name].com/video/*/thread/*

For example, select Untaint under Greasemonkey. Then, select options, then user settings and then add each of the above filters. If for example, the site you wanted to include was called "www.myfansite.com", then [site name] above would be "myfansite". Therefore, you'd start by adding "http://www.myfansite.com/thread*". Then, you'd continue by adding the remaining five filters using the same process of replacement. If done correctly, the script should activate in the discussion threads of your site.

Revision History:

Rev 1.6.ffc.cen: 007: Added gm4-polyfill.js to fix Greasemonkey 4.1 issues and removed 'Threads' from the top menu as this is currently redundant and also glitchy. 006: Added icon, minor code adjustments and additional coding documentation. 005: Included @grant GM_addStyle now required by Greasemonkey 2.0+, fixed navigation panel's jump to "bottom" for Chrome, Settings panel now appears top-center and cancel button added. 004: Updated Youtube video object 003: Updated links to button images so they're visible again 002: Added ZPW to default includes. No new functionality 001: Key references associated with Wetpaint changed to Wikifoundry

Rev 1.5.ffc.cen: 009: Updated video object 008: New Youtube object, updated Youtube URL parsing, fixed scroll to bottom on new post for FF 007: Updated some default include paths. No new functionality 006: Improved HTML conversions and filters. Added Headers 2-4, Ordered and Unordered lists. Added additional shades of red for text color. 005: Added some efficiency enhancements 004: Settings storage migrated to localStorage 001-003: Beta release

Credits: TinyEditor integration and script adaptation to FF 4+ and Chrome 10+ by SurfingEagle Original authors: toasty2 and Gu1.