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Country Streak Counter JS - Adds a country streak counter to the GeoGuessr website
Hack for no red ink JS - shows the answer to the questions in noredink. When you get a question wrong it will be saved to the database, so the more people who use this script, the more accurate it will be. currently supports multiple choice, highlighting, multi-highlighting, playground, outlinedraggable and punctuation question types and more will be added later
全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用 JS - 全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用。支持:腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果、Bilibili、pptv、乐视等其它网站;
Health-Bar Mod | Shell Shockers | flygOn LiTe JS - Adds a health bar to the Shell Shockers game UI with sound FX
Win Every Nitro Type Race You play. JS - Sing Developments has created this script for you to use for personal use. This script should help you to win every Nitro Type race you play. Make sure to go to the link below to use this correctly. Enjoy!
Anti DeBlocker (ad blockers detector defeater) JS - try to defeat DeBlocker, the Anti AdBlock Wordpress Plugin found here:
- bypass JS - bypasses annoying time taking rekonise links.
Facebook Autopoke JS - Automatically pokes back people listed on your home page. Make sure to be on this page
Freeship JS - Unlock all Fireship PRO courses/lessons.
HTML5 player enhanced script custom configuration JS - HTML5 video player enhanced script custom configuration
Auto Clicker JS - Auto Clicker for Browsers!!
Tinder Deblur JS - Simple script using the official Tinder API to get clean photos of the users who liked you
ChatGPT Code Completer JS - ChatGPT limits the amount of code output. So this script adds a continue button on ChatGPT webpage to continue getting the output code stream. Make sure a previous response having a code block is present to make it work.
WaniKani Item Difficulty JS - Add difficulty ratings collected from forum datasets to items in WaniKani lessons and reviews.
Unhold YouTube Resource Locks JS - Release YouTube's used IndexDBs & Disable WebLock to make background tabs able to sleep
sketchfab JS - download sketchfab models
Paper.IO Enhanced JS - Zoom hack, game speed change hack, and instant movement hack.
Happymh reading aid JS - infinite scroll reading mode,Arrow keys to switch chapters,Background preload image,Auto reload image with error.
Mxo Bot JS - Fast, Auto Secure And Easiest To Confugre With Menu
get free patreon content JS - Pick all the links from patreon (only the free content) and store it in a file.txt
reCaptcha Autoclick JS - Automatically click reCaptcha checkbox button when detected it and doesn't solve the captcha for you!
- js Autoheal JS - js autoheal from Nuro but edited
- Key Rebinder JS - F -> Hold Trap/Boost Pad / V -> Hold Spike / N -> Hold Windmill
Auto Typer for JS - Bot: AutoType Up to 300 WPM
Bypass some spanish link shorteners JS - Bypass some shorteners
Attack Better JS - Move Torn "Start Fight" button on top of your weapon of choice and remove certain elements to help with load times.
HLS(m3u8) Ad Remover JS - Remove HLS.js-based(m3u8) ad stream
Egg Finder JS - Makes finding eggs a little bit easier...
Autoclose Zhihu Login Prompt JS - Autoclose Zhihu Login Prompt is only used to close the pop-up login and registration prompt.
XiaoHongShu No Watermark JS - XiaoHongShu No Watermark, and Show Some Useful Options.
ChatGPT is GPT4 by default(PLUS only available) JS - ChatGPT switch The default is GPT4
Pikpak Enhance JS - Violentmonkey Scripts
Quizlet Login Bypass 2024 JS - Unblur text, Remove ads, Clean UI
Dark Reader JS - Toggle dark mode using an icon placed at the bottom left of your screen. Hotkey: Command + Shift + B
YouTube Fixed Video Quality JS - Remember video quality without any additional user interface.
pancake mod [UNPATCHED] JS - This mod is not bad, its just ok. To know the controls, look in the description! Enjoy :>
Photopea No Ads One-liner JS - Hide Photopea Ads
No Keywords JS - Get rid of fucking highlighted search keywords.
lurldownloader JS - download file in lurl
- Legit Macros JS - MOOMOO.IO WORKING MACROS, TRAP => F || Spike => V || Food => Q || WINDMILLS => N
Twitter Block Porn JS - One-click block all the yellow scammers in the comment area.
Translate webpage JS - Mimicks chrome's built-in page translator. Can be used as a userscript (from the context menu or always on) or as a bookmarklet (clicking the bookmark translates the page). For Firefox and chrome
YoutubeDL JS - Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.
AtCoder Better! JS - A Tampermonkey script for AtCoder that enhances functionality and interface.
ChatGPT - Collapsible Messages JS - Makes ChatGPT messages collapsible. The script adds a button to each chat message that lets you collapse it (and un-collapse it).
SaveAsZip for Patreon JS - Download post images and save as a ZIP file.
Hacker Tools (F12 view source code) JS - This is a "developer tool" for editing and viewing HTML elements and using JavaScript. It comes with a responsive interface for mobile devices.
ROBLOX 2012/ 2013 CSS - roblox 2013 in only css
- : Auto Claim Faucet, PTC and Shortlinks with Auto Login JS -
Discord Nitrolen V2: A Free Auto-Embedding Nitro script JS - Basically Free Nitro. Join my server for updates:
Torn Bazaar Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills bazaar item price with lowest bazaar price currently minus $1 (can be customised), shows current price coefficient compared to 3rd lowest, fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
TC Bootlegging Plus JS - Tools to help with Bootlegging
Rizz Your Waifu JS - auto swiper/message swiper
Multibox script Working December 2023 JS - multibox
HeroWarsHelper_Bot_TC JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
Ironwood RPG - Pancake-Scripts JS - A collection of scripts to enhance Ironwood RPG -
- AutoGG JS - Auto "gg" on kill in
Pixeldrain Viewer & Download - With Bypass JS - Enhances PixelDrain by handling file list clicks, displaying media content, and adding download bypass buttons for individual files and lists.
pixmap picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to
TweetXer JS - Delete all your Tweets for free.
CheatNite JS - CraftNite cheat client. Credits to 🄱u𝕥c🅷e𝕣_B𝙤🅈 for icon.
b站深色模式 JS - 给b站添加深色样式
HeroWarsDungeon JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
- 1.8.0 AutoHeal & Interactive Menu JS - Toggle Autoheal by pressing "P", access the menu by pressing "Esc" to adjust settings such as Speed, Multiplier, HP Threshold, or even customize the Toggle Keycode.
MORS CLIENT JS - Creates an overlay with a styled side panel and content area that can be toggled with the "]" key.
Facebook video downloader JS - Download any video on Facebook (post/chat/comment)
- | Petal farming progress counter JS - Track and count the number of desired petals.
Sketchfab Model Downloader JS - Download Sketchfab models
- fov changer by KarstenKirsche JS - custom fov for!
- No spread JS - No spread (recoil still presists) TRY SHOTGUN, LOL! (for cryzen)
Cryzen enemy nickname display JS - Shows some additional visual legal info in cryzen
YouTube H.264 + FPS JS - Clone of h264ify with optional limit up to 30 FPS.
The Password Game (TAS Userscript) JS - TAS Userscript for The Password Game (I compiled it myself to save you all time) All credit goes to the original owner of the script, once again, I did not make this script, I just compiled it to save all of your time. Sourcecode:
Gooboo辅助 JS - 循环学习、参加考试、使用装备、循环播种
GC - Wise Old King JS - Autofill words of wisdom
🌕 Moon Visuals 🌕 [New Visuals!] JS - Visuals created by me using the CSS of offcial, give me ideas!
Youtube Tools JS - Youtube Tools All in one
torn-crime-crack-helper JS - Utilize password database to crack torn cracking crime.
URL Modifier for Search Engines JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying (redirecting) URLs in the search result of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites, allowing for a more customized and efficient browsing experience. You can also add you custom URL modification rule to the script and are welcomed to commit your rules to this script to make it much more useful.
SnapEnhance Web JS - A userscript to Enhance the User experience on Snapchat Web
Master Mills JS - Just Auto-Mills for
myMod 2 JS - V - spike, F - trap, - H - 2 turrets, SPACE - spikeHit, R - insta, C - 4 spikes, RightMouse - tankspam, O - qadro boost/trap, ESC - menu beta, T - reverse insta, G - beta one tick boost.
TurboType for Monkeytype 🤖 JS - This script automates typing tests on Monkeytype by simulating character input at random intervals when the "CtrlLeft" key is pressed. Keyboard events are intercepted and transmitted to the input field, providing a configurable automated typing test experience. The test can be started or stopped through a menu accessible with the "CtrlLeft" key.
MPP Assistant by RoxasYTB JS - For Multiplayer Piano
ChatGPT to PDF by PDFCrowd JS - Turn your chats into neatly formatted PDF.
VN Mod v2 JS - Revolver killer
Lootlinks and lootlabs bypass JS - This userscript bypasses Lootlinks and Lootlabs links quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy.
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
GC - Nerd Link JS - Adds a button link to ~Nerd on current neoschool course page
- Onion's best hack JS - OP
Highlight Myself in Faction JS - Highlight myself in faction rows
Youtube Save/Resume Progress JS - Have you ever closed a YouTube video by accident, or have you gone to another one and when you come back the video starts from 0? With this extension it won't happen anymore
GPT-4 Unlocker JS - Unlocks GPT-4 on
Duolingo Auto Solver JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING OCT 2023]
- script for opening (better TT ) JS - Press a specific key to trigger an action.
Macro Mod V-1.0 JS - Macro Place , Macro Hat , And More!!!!
Sigmally Modder By ShadowSoftware JS - Clans Menu
Lobbyselector for Craftnite 2025 JS - This is a easy Lobbyselector/Mapselector for (Compatible with any other hack/scribt!)
Pre 2024 Youtube UI JS - Revert to old Youtube UI