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remove page limit JS - Remove various page limit, check the code for website list, or add other websites
CF-Predictor JS - This extension predicts rating changes for Codeforces. It shows approximate deltas during and after the contest.
Skribblio Google Search JS - Google Search for
GitHub First Commit JS - Add a link to a GitHub repo's first commit
BlueCat Address Manager Expand Tree Button JS - Expand Tree Button for TreeView in BlueCat Address Manager
MOOMOO.IO AUTOHEAL + numpad hat mod JS - Autoheal credit for auto heal gose to night and hat mod gose to Perussi. use numpads to equip hats u can press the number pad keys and see on top of tab withc eache one dose.
LINE Sticker Download JS - Add download button for line sticker/emoji/theme store.
RGdoi JS - Convert DOI links in Researchgate to hyperlinks
AO3: Reorder Fandoms by Size JS - Sorts fandoms by no. of works on AO3's fandoms list.
YouTube: Expand All Video Comments JS - Adds a "Expand all" button to video comments which expands every comment and replies - no more clicking "Read more".
Custom Skins by ΔᎥяωεв JS - try to take over the world!
Bigger Chat JS - Slightly bigger chat. Easier to read on a 1920 x 1080 monitor.
Set Arrival Time JS - Set the desired arrival time in Tribal Wars and the script will automatically send the attack
Auto Challenge for the Crest Challenge JS - Automatically clicks the link/button to challenge a player in the crest challenge
YouTube - Ad Skip JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically
WaniKani Open Framework Additional Filters JS - Additional filters for the WaniKani Open Framework
QOL on the Web JS - Just some general quality of (my) life changes. Reddit: disable pinned top-bar, enforce old, hide sidebar on small screen. YouTube: disable end cards, enforce theatre-mode. Facebook: enforce most-recent. Duckduckgo: soften the ads.
Wanikani Self-Study Hide Info JS - Hide item info on the Level and Item screens for self-study.
reCAPTCHA ShortLink Clicker JS - This script is not resolver, only can click. Currently,
AWBW Damage Calculator Plugin JS - calculate damage in games!
Nexus Mods no more ad blocker warnings JS - Removes ad blocker warnings that appear when using script / ad blockers
Endless Google [fork] JS - Load more results automatically and endlessly.
Highlight Rituals JS - Highlights ritual spells on roll20 if you have the shaped character sheet
Company Enhancement Suite JS - Your one stop solution to managing your company.
Instagram Download JS - Download instagram image and video
AutoSave to Internet Archive - Wayback Machine JS - Automatically save the page you visited (or all links you can see) to "Wayback Machine".
Debrid Download Helper JS - Downloads files, copies URLs and queues magnet links.
WeiboDL 异步增强版 微博图片下载 JS - 微博图片下载
++WeaponEffects JS - Cool weapon effects added (katana, short sword, and polearm) ~~ You can easily change the color in your Tampermonkey dashboard code editor, here's a guide: ~~ #### MAKE SURE YOU'VE UNINSTALLED THE DEMO BEFORE USING #### ~~ Documentation:
PaperDownload & titleAsPDFName JS - 下载pdf论文并自动用文章标题重命名文件,点击左上角的save按钮或按 Ctrl+S 触发下载(按键下载有bug暂不可用)。Automatially download a pdf paper and rename it with the paper title. This script works on opened pdf pages, e.g. Click save button on the top left corner or press Ctrl+S to trigger. Currently support pdf pages in,,,,, and
Automail JS - Extra parts for
seattletimes JS - removes anti-adblock functionality from seattletimes webste.
Youtube Peek Preview JS - See video thumbnails, ratings and other details when you mouse over a Youtube link from almost any website
Download Weibo Images and Video JS - Download images from weibo with user-id and weibo-id in its filename. filname format xxx_wb_uid_wid
Arrow Script JS - Official arrow
cf-fast-submit JS - append the form to submit to codeforces contest problem page.
VRChat Web Pages Extender JS - Add features into VRChat Web Pages and improve user experience.
Bazaar Auto Price JS - description
Duolingo IME Auto-Toggler JS - Automatically toggles between IME on and off states when doing the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese Duolingo courses (and their reverse trees).
FM skill colors for TrophyManager JS - Football manager colors
YouTube Recommended Remover JS - Removes recommended videos from the related videos section
MusicNotes download JS - Download any sheet music as png
10FastFingers - Typing Bot JS - Best 10FastFingers bot
Jump@5ch Auto Jump JS - Jump@5ch のページを開いたとき、自動でジャンプ先のページに移ります。
WeChatOA Video Downloader JS - download videos from WeChatOA to your disk
- ( Auto Heal + Speed Run + Party Spam + More ) JS - auto heal + speed run + party spam + More
Auto Close Twitch Ads JS - Close, mute or hide Twitch video ads automatically while watching a stream!
Custom Skins By Dani-NoFake JS - Custom Skins for
Sakugabooru Tag Translation JS - Translate tags on
- Respawn on R - Jolyano JS - Click R to respawn
No Ad-Blocker Messages JS - Gets rid of the message that pops up when you attempt to download a file from mediafire and you have a sort of adblock enabled.
EME Logger JS - Inject EME interface and log its function calls.
Instagram style JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube Auto-translate Canceler JS - Remove auto-translated youtube titles
Brutal io cool crosshair Better JS - This is a ? looking cursor. Accually. Thats what it looks like. Hey use this website
-! Thick Crosshair cool JS - A cool lookin cross hair, yeah ITS accually working Serious BELEIVE ME!
No lag JS - try to take over the world!
Fullscreen Google Keep JS - Edit Google Keep in fullscreen and hide the dashboard
Youtube Downloader JS - This extension add a download tab button on any Youtube page and allows you to download MP3 & Video with just one click (4K Ultra High Definition Supported).
Amazon to libgen JS - Add link to libgen on all ebook products
Enhance twitch JS - Auto click claim bonus (channel points and moments), Show images/video in chat, always source quality, hide offline channels and more
youtube player rotate JS - rotate youtube player.
Xmillsa's Youtube Downloader JS - A simple script to enable in browser downloading of Youtube videos, no external scripts required.
Facebook - Show Most Recent Posts by Default JS - Forces the news feed to show 'most recent' posts by default.
Custom Fonts for JS - Replace your boring messages by fancy ones !
Youtube - Fix channel links in sidebar recommendations JS - Fixes the channel links for the "Up next" and recommended videos below it on youtube.
(Fix Gui) Moomoo, Finally added ★Change Hat Keys Are in Description JS - Ask permission Before putting/ Adding it on a Script add me on discord, name in description
get_iplayer helper JS - Adds bright pink buttons to every program in BBC's iPlayer website ( that allows quick programming of open source downloader get_iplayer Web PVR Manager (available at
Block Edge promo bar JS - Add cookie to suppress MS Edge promo
Old Reddit Redirect JS - Automatically redirects you to the old reddit
Nitro Type Infection Hack Bypass JS - Copy the code and paste it into tampermonkey for the hack bypass
Wanikani Heatmap JS - Adds review and lesson heatmaps to the dashboard.
Spotify Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics from on the Spotify web player
Kill ADs and Watch VIP Videos JS - maybe it's the most similar VIP videos script to origin website
Iwara Custom Sort JS - Automatically sort teaser images on /videos, /images, /subscriptions, /users, /playlist, and sidebars using customizable sort function. Can load and sort multiple pages at once.
Wanikani: Progress Percentages JS - Calculates the percentage of known kanji for each JLPT level, Joyo grade, Frequency bracket, and various other sources.
Wanikani Open Framework JLPT, Joyo, and Frequency filters JS - Adds filters for JLPT level, Joyo grade, total frequency, and adding various relative frequencies
MOOMOO.IO mod made by MRS.UR_WACK JS - mod thats in deveolpment
Omegle semi-bot JS - Write first message and auto-reconnect when disconnected.
xuetangx video speedup JS - A xuetangx video speedup script.
Translate Trakt JS - Translates titles, plots, taglines and posters of movies, TV series and episodes in the choice language
- Extension By : MvCroco Reza JS - NO LAG GOTA.IO PLAY!
Restore Old Youtube(void) JS - Return Youtube to the old layout.
- Respawn on R By Dizzy JS - Click R to respawn
GBookDown - Download Google Books JS - Saves all available Preview pages from a Google Book as PNGs
HaxBall Test Mod JS - See if mods work for you
Telegram Ad Filter JS - Collapses messages that contain words from the ad-word list
MH: Profile+ JS - Community requested features for the tabs on your MH profile.
Reddit search on Google JS - Adds a button to search Reddit posts with Google
ReCaptcha Automatizer JS - Passes ReCaptcha automatically as long as no suspicious traffic was registered.
Scroll To Top-Bottom Button JS - Add Scroll To Top-Bottom Button in the lower right corner of the page
skribblHax vBetter JS - better than other skribbl hax
Blogger Content Warning Skip JS - Automatically skips the content warning on sites without reloading the page
Pinterest with no registration modal popup JS - Allows to browse Pinterest without login/registration, removing the offending modal popup
- - Respawn on m by agus123 JS - Click m to respawn in
Show Price as Hours of your Life JS - Gets the price displayed on shopping sites and shows the equivalent hours of your life spent to earn that money.
scholar download JS - add scihub download button to google scholar
KGrabber JS - extracts links from and similar sites
Haxball Terror JS - Terror every room in Haxball