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EP Anti-snitch JS - No more EP snitching on you being on another tab/window!
Crime Morale JS - A comprehensive tool for Crime 2.0
BloxD For Low-End PC's JS - Anima o céu, aumenta o FPS e otimiza o desempenho no
PokeRogue - Modmenu JS - Modmenu for PokeRogue - Open with [/]
Custom Crosshair JS - A versatile crosshair customization tool for, allowing users to personalize crosshair color, size, thickness, gap, and dot visibility for enhanced gameplay precision.
- Modded JS - AimBot AutoLoot Zoom Hack
PXI Fusion UserScript Port JS - A port of the Prodigy cheatloader PXI Fusion (Note: This Requires The PXI Fusion Extension)
DEATHTO@LL mod v2.9 JS - i hope you enjoy i like i think you will too :)
PixelPlanet (and clones) Captcha Solver JS - Solve PixelPlanet and clones captchas automatically (Supported: pixmap, pixelya, pixworld, pixuniverse, pixelworldgame, pxgame, pixelplanet, pixelverse)
- spawner JS - Script to spawn tools, items, and players in game using Tampermonkey.
Gamerlee - Autoclaim Faucet JS - Autoclaim faucet, login manual
Mathletics Auto Math Solver JS - Automatically solves Mathletics math problems when "A" is pressed (supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and missing values).
Kour KP Script JS - Unlimited 1500 KP Daily Rewards
- Esp Mod Menu JS - Adds transparency, max-range enemy show with danger alerts, sees players in safe zones to, and toggleable menu with Tab.
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Aimbot and ESP for Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Aimbot and ESP for Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
CHICKEN MOD V4 JS - basic skid by Yurio but cant do good mod me sad ;(
- cheat (beta) JS - Cheats for
Hack for no red ink JS - shows the answer to the questions in noredink. When you get a question wrong it will be saved to the database, so the more people who use this script, the more accurate it will be. currently supports multiple choice, highlighting, multi-highlighting, playground, outlinedraggable and punctuation question types and more will be added later
Pixiv Downloader JS - Tải xuống hình ảnh và truyện tranh từ Pixiv
Premium Link Grabber via OkDebrid JS - Resolve premium download links across multiple file hosting sites via OkDebrid
Remove Page Watermark JS - Remove watermarks from common web pages
starlavinia-Autoclaim JS - Autoclaim faucet, login manual
Increase FPS JS - Increase FPS in shell shockers
- Ultimate Enhanced Script JS - Adds rainbow styles, custom skins, and auto-join functionality to Activated via commands.
Bumble Beeline Unblur JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles
Shell Shockers advanced sounds JS - Change your weapon sounds - Shell Shockers
Infinite Craft Helper - Enhanced by ChatGPT JS - Adds helpful features to Infinite Craft, inspired by other user scripts but with added functionality.
[WORKING 2025] Disable Aternos Anti-Adblock JS - Disable the Anti-Adblock on to use it without Ads. (This script is to be used along with Ublock Origin)
! loree mod v2. JS - ae but new ?
Vimm's Lair: Re-add Download & Play Online Buttons, Remove Takedown Text JS - Restores missing Download and Play Online buttons and removes takedown text on Vimm's Lair.
Lucida Downloader JS - Download music from Spotify, Qobuz, Tidal, Soundcloud, Deezer, Amazon Music and Yandex Music via Lucida. Adds download buttons and floating button.
I don't care about cookies JS - Remove cookie warnings from almost all websites! Auto accept cookies and remove annoying cookie popups
Torn - FastRevive JS - Confirm Faster on hospital page
NBT File Loader for CraftNite JS - Parse NBT files (like .schematic files) in the browser
JanitorAI Personality Snatcher JS - Steals JanitorAI bot descriptions.
Bonk IP logger JS - Steals IP addresses on with a fancy UI
FX Private JS - old mod again
SkyFetch - High-Resolution Image Downloader for BlueSky JS - Add a download button at the bottom right of BlueSky posts containing images to automatically download the highest resolution images with customizable naming rules.
Auto click the continue button on DeepSeek JS - Automatically click the continue button on DeepSeek
Neopets URL Linkifier JS - Convert plaintext URLs into clickable links on Neopets
Bing China Search Optimization JS - Make your Bing China searches cleaner and more efficient!
ONE TICK MOD v2 JS - One tick mod kill all hax killers users
Backloggd - Integrate HowLongToBeat JS - Adds completion times from HowLongToBeat on Backloggd
CS Item Data JS - A userscript that uses Horror's list for higher value pets and an average range from both Horror's and Solloby's C$ price chart to help users determine at a glance whether a trade is fair or not! +Adds item years and month/event of origin under each item
Janitor Ripper JS - Download Janitor AI characters as Tavern JSON files (compatible with SillyTavern)
Auto-Copy JS - Automatically copy selected text to clipboard
Unlock Copy Restrictions JS - Unlock web copy restrictions with visual control
Star Client v3(fixed) JS - Star client v3(fixed)
youtube-adb JS - A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.
7Placer+ JS - Pixel bot - an advanced bot that includes image botting, painting, and account management features. (Border drawing feature added)
Udemy Express Checkout Link Generator JS - Adds a direct express checkout link for Udemy courses with coupon codes
"Copy Tracklist Markup" with MPA JS - Adds multiple primary artists unlike the original function + button accessible to Contributors
agar-mini-map JS - This script will show a mini map and your location on
Google Cleaner JS - Makes Google search page more compact and removes some unnecessary information.
Google Search old favicon (2012—2015) JS - Use old favicon for Google Search (pre September 2015)
Google old favicon (2012—2015) v. II JS - Use old favicon of Google Search (pre September 2015)
Revert to Google's Old 2012-2015 Favicon JS - Replaces New 2015 Google Search Favicon in Browser Tabs, Address Bar, Bookmarks
Lioden Improvements JS - Adds various improvements to the game Lioden.
DuckDuckNoJS JS - Forces DuckDuckGo to automatically redirect to non-JavaScript HTML search results, for those that disable JavaScript.
bangumi domain redirector JS - choose the domain of bangumi that you like, redirect to it
show bing wallpaper without watermark JS - 主要是方便自己使用,避免每次看到喜欢的壁纸后右键审查元素双击,框选,然后复制,再粘贴打开右键。(代码写得渣,只支持中文bing)
AutoFarmBot for Grepolis JS - AutoFarmBot
Wanikani Lightning Mode JS - Eliminates second Enter or Click for correct review answers.
AdRemover JS - Enjoy the web without ads!
YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD JS - Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome
Download YouTube Captions JS - Download subtitles / captions from YouTube in several formats
MaelstromTools Dev JS - Just a set of statistics & summaries about repair time and base resources. Mainly for internal use, but you are free to test and comment it.
Select text inside a link like Opera JS - Disable link dragging and select text.
Resize YT To Window Size JS - Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
Google Search Better Privacy JS - Delete unnecessary params and add useful params on Google Search.
Better YouTube favicon JS - Replaces the meaningless play symbol with a YouTube-text favicon.
The West - NERD Portrait JS - Displays some useful info on the portrait
Wanikani Dashboard Progress Plus JS - Display detailed level progress.
Greasy Fork - Search scripts on other sites (Added more sites) JS - Add search option to search on,, (Code Remodified),;Work in progress;still functional) and Google Custom Search(Search all userscript websites with one click). Plus especially has shut down).
Foodclub Better Greasyfork JS - Foodclub Better
Neopets bad word checker JS - Notifies you when you enter a "bad" word on the neoboards.
Letterboxd Bio Modifier JS - Adds visual bio summary and Wikipedia link to actors and directors pages
vk music downloader JS - Очень простой скрипт, добавляющий ссылки для скачивания к аудиозаписям на Если ссылки не появились автоматически, используйте горячую клавишу F9.
Replace Text On Webpages JS - Replaces text on websites. Now supports wildcards in search queries. Won't replace text in certain tags like links and code blocks
Pinterest - Remove "Picked For You" Completely JS - Remove "Picked For You" and "Sponsored" pins on your Pinterest home page
Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A fork of DonovanM's Turkmaster, now with watcher groups and other new features. A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
The-West Deluxe Jobs JS - TWSweets Addon - Gold and silver jobs!
Poker Prover JS - BvS Poker: hotkeys and determines if you can Prove a win
Texas Hold'em Zynga - Hands Reference JS - Adds a reference to poker hands on the side
WME Route Checker JS - Allows editors to check the route between two segments
WME Color Highlights JS - Adds colours to road segments to show their status
Bigger Twitch JS - Removes the left nav bar entirely and stretches the twitch player to use as much space as possible.
Remove all stuff from Google+ except Hangouts JS - Remove all stuff from Google+ except Hangouts. Also hides contact list hover divs.
FA Extended JS - FA Extended tries to improve your FA experience!
TMU SI with REREC JS - show SI and REREC in TMU Player page
Facebook - Extra Links JS - Adds extra links at the top of facebook; customizable
DuckDuckMenu JS - Extends DuckDuckGo by adding a customizable list of additional search engines for making fast searches from other engines.
Google Redirect Remover JS - A very simple Google redirect remove
RYM: Add Dropdown Menus JS - adds dropdown menus
Pixiv Direct Links JS - Turns thumbnail titles into direct links and disables lazy-loading on ranking pages.
YouTube Hide "Recommended for you" from related videos JS - Hides videos marked as "Recommended for you" from the related videos on YouTube video pages.
Translator JS - Press (F2) to Translate.
Image Window Fitter JS - When looking at a large image file that extends beyond the borders of the screen, this will fit it onto your screen