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AutoHack JS - Autohack enemies
YouTube Age Bypass JS - shitty but works in 2018 (requires to manually reload page)
Greasy Fork Dark Mode Night Theme JS - Greasy Fork Dark Mode Night Theme - simple grey red
Youtube Video hider (to only listen to audio) JS - A userscript that hides most of the video content on youtube, so you can listen rather than watch!
OWOT Extras JS - Improves & Adds more stuff to the menu (rainbow,paint,paste,teleport,js) and fixes a bug
WhatsApp Web Messages Website Dark Theme Night Mode JS - WhatsApp Web Messages Website Dark Theme Night Mode Simple
Video Background Play Fix JS - Prevents YouTube and Vimeo from pausing videos when minimizing or switching tabs. Cross-browser port of
What.CD: YAVAH JS - Yet Another Various Artists Helper
Shin WaniKani Leech Trainer JS - Study and quiz yourself on your leeches!
Bilibili Auto HD JS - bilibili自动高清
- ( Auto Heal + Speed Run + Party Spam + More ) JS - auto heal + speed run + party spam + More
Medium_Improved JS - Fix annoying UI behaviors on
Steam Wishlist Sorter JS - Lets you sort your Steam wishlist by comparing two games at a time.
KAntibot JS - Remove all bots from a kahoot game.
Hi, Google Translate, don't translate here (*) JS - Google Translate, don't translate code
TM YouthPull SkillSum JS - Calculates youths skill sums
Youtube Auto-translate Canceler JS - Remove auto-translated youtube titles
Twitter expanded image JS - Replace image address to original and adjust single image's height. Work in with
YT2Invidio JS - Point YouTube links to Invidious, Twitter to Nitter, Instagram to Bibliogram, Reddit to Teddit, Medium to Scribe
Save baidu wenku doc, press Ctrl-S after page load done. Disable Ads blockers if save failed. JS - Save baidu wenku doc as html. Need to Scroll down the web page to load all pages before press Ctrl-S to save, don't scroll too fast to ensure page of doc load complete, prefer use key <Page Down> on your keyboard. Chrome can not load saved html since it blocked some offline js script, Save to PDF in Yandex Browser is a better choice.
哔哩哔哩猜你喜欢 JS - 哔哩哔哩猜你喜欢!
Bandcamp - Display Prices on Wishlist JS - Simply display a price tag on each item in the wishlist
Recaptcha clicker JS - Clicks on the button
AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks JS - Adds shortcuts for last chapter and a floaty review box, sorts bookmarks by kudos (slow) and allows filter by complete only, download link to listing
Youtube - Fix channel links in sidebar recommendations JS - Fixes the channel links for the "Up next" and recommended videos below it on youtube.
Vimeo Embed Download JS - Adds a download button to the embed Vimeo video player. This is a fork of "Vimeo Download" originally created by schwarztee (
MouseHunt - Gifting Buttons JS - Adds buttons to easily ignore, accept, or return all free gifts
Wanikani JLPT Indicator JS - Show which JLPT level the kanji or vocabulary word is in (if at all) according to Jonathan Waller‘s JLPT Resources page The code is based on dtwigs "WaniKani Common Vocab Indicator" script. This code is at
MediaFire JS - Auto Download MediaFire
Spotify Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics from on the Spotify web player
Wanikani: Progress Percentages JS - Calculates the percentage of known kanji for each JLPT level, Joyo grade, Frequency bracket, and various other sources.
TwitterImg Downloader JS - Add download button to Twitter image, and click to download the original image named by format.
Google Maps Coordinates Grabber JS - Once in Google Maps, click on the map (Do not click on markers) a popup should show at the bottom with the place and the coordinates displayed in the last line. If everything works as expected you should see a line of text on top of the map with the confirmation of the coordinates been copied to clipboard. Press Control + Shift + L while on streetview to get the coordinates from the URL. (Doesn't work on Firefox)
Advanced Amazon Money Hack JS - This is a advanced amazon money hack! Not really it's not even a hack this script just changes the look of your amazon gift card balance amount by counting up. Have Fun!
RARBG Advanced Filters [No Porn Edition] JS - Just like RARBG Advanced Filters with the benefit of permanently removing pornography for those who would rather not see such content. Forked off of v1.42.
Gazelle Music Tracker Autofill from torrent JS - Attempt to read the .torrent file and fill in the artist and album
WaniKani Prioritize Overdue Reviews JS - Prioritize review items that are more overdue based on their SRS level and when the review became available.
Get info JS - Get info from people near to you.
MouseHunt - Location Catch Stats JS - Shows caught and uncaught mouse breeds for every location
Disable Hyperlink Auditing JS - A simple script that removes hyperlink auditing from all websites.
splixHax Vbetter JS - better than other splix hacks
Instagram Feed Auto Like JS - like user feed, auto likeer, best ever!
Scroll To Top-Bottom Button JS - Add Scroll To Top-Bottom Button in the lower right corner of the page
- Tools - agus123. JS - Fast eject, Auto Re-spawn, Re-spawn on R, Quick buy, Chat uncensor, and more
Speed up Google Captcha JS - Makes Google Captcha works faster by removing slow visual transitions and unnecessary delays.
for fun JS - fun
narwhaleHax vBetter JS - better than other narwhale hax
Assassinate Ad Block Blockers JS - You know those annoying content blockers that demand you remove your AdBlock so you can read the content? This script removes them by force. Please note, this is not automatically universal like AdBlock Plus. It operates on a per-site basis that the author must add.
Seach All Free Image [JPG+PNG+ICO] JS - One key search free commercial pictures, JPG + PNG + ICO
Spotify Desktop notifications JS - Show desktop notifications whenever the track changes
- show health JS - It shows your hp. Turns red when below 20.
Twitter: Hide Retweet JS - Hide retweet, like, reply, and follow posts on your twitter timeline.
Bilibili Danmaku Translator JS - Add translations on streaming user comments(弾幕;danmaku) of bilibili, with the translation of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
- Low balance MULTIPLY BTC Script 2019 JS - To support please register on my free reffer
- AutoClicker JS - Autoclicks the "Next" buttons on the course!
Youtube Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics/songtexts from on Youtube next to music videos
Display Team stats on Phonetool JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube Watch-Later Playlist Nuker JS - Batch-remove every video in your YouTube Watch-Later Playlist
Remove web limits (re-modified) JS - Pass to kill most of the site, you can lift the restrictions prohibited to copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.
Pinterest - Save Original Image JS - Save the original (largest) image in a new tab by pressing 'z' while hovering over a pin
Wanikani: Levels by SRS JS - Displays your level for each SRS stage.
Lichess Auto Rematch JS - Automatically Presses Rematch Button When Available
Lithp Replather JS - For making fics that type out lisps a little more bearable
Xenforo 2 Thread-Starter Highlighter JS - This is a userscript which highlights subsequent posts by the thread-starter in the SpaceBattles, Sufficient Velocity and Questionable Questing forums. It also displays a short information at the top of each page if a post by the thread-starter can be found on the current page.
Teleportal hack (The best!!) JS - try to take over the world!
Twitter image viewing enhancement JS - Make Twitter photo viewing more humane
jianshu Clean JS - jianshu auto readmore.
MH Timers+ JS - Handy script to keep track of the various MH location timers
soundcloud disable autoplay station JS - Opens the Soundcloud Next Up menu on load and turns off the Autoplay Station, then continually disables it
swordz.IO Hack JS - Support extension for SwOrDz.Io
Force Zoom JS - You can control the zoom ratio of a web page by gesture pinch.
addlessphotopea JS - Addless Photopea only for you!
AO3 Fix Paragraph Spacing JS - Removes excessive spacing between paragraphs on AO3.
Pixiv enhance history a little JS - Just let non-members browse history
Aternos Minecraft Server Hosting ADBLOCKER JS - Great minecraft hosting, but it has adblocker detection, this script automatically destroy antiadblock windows. I would prefer to show a donate button instead of forcing Ads. Script tested with Tapermonkey, Chrome 76.
[RED/OPS/DIC] Upload Assistant JS - Accurate filling of new upload/request and group/request edit forms based on foobar2000's playlist selection or web link, offline and online release integrity check, tracklist format customization, featured artists extraction, classical works formatting, online cover art lookup, reporting open requests, form enhancements and more
Roll20 Character Sheet Print Support JS - Adds Print support to character sheet pop-ups on
Wanikani 2 Cool 4 Progress JS - Are you level 60? Psssh! You don't have time for any of those silly progress bars! Get rid of 'em with this neat script!
Thingworx Load Monaco Editor JS - Loads the monaco editor in the new composer from CDN.
Simple Youtube Downloader JS - Download any video and music (audio) from Youtube
YouTube - Stay Active and Play Forever JS - Tired of Youtube pausing playback asking you to click 'yes' to continue playing? This script will make the popup never appear, music will never stop. Never pause, never inactive, never worry. The script will keep you active and keep playing music FOREVER. Enables playing in background on mobile.
Facebook Adblocker JS - Block all ads in Facebook News Feed.
Bilibili_Anime4K JS - Bring Anime4K to Bilibili and ACFun's HTML5 player to clearify 2D anime.
soundcloud scroll queue JS - Adds a button that automatically scrolls the queue until disabled
IXL JS - It adds confetti to the ixl awards screen!
- native video player and direct links - LEGACY JS - This script allows you to watch and download videos on
Inject Google Translate Widget JS - Userscript version of "Google Translate This" from for Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. v0.5 2019-11-06
Soundcloud Downloader Clean JS - An ad-less, multilingual, clean Soundcloud downloader with robust code. Adds a 'Download' button in the toolbar of all single track views.
Twitch Auto Channel Points Claimer JS - Automatically claim channel points.
Youtube Automatic BS Skip JS - A script to deal with the automatic skipping of fixed length intros/outros for your favourite Youtube channels.
Duolingo mods JS - Duolingo keyboard shortcuts
Whitelist YouTube channels ads JS - Whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin
Neopets - Custom Active Pet Sayings JS - Make your active pet occasionally talk, just like in the old layout.
10FastFingers WPM JS - Displays WPM, CPM and Words during typing test test
Survivio | Enhanced | JS - Enhanced | UI-HUD | Menu Buttons | Streamer Mode | Adblocker |
Plain old youtube (2019) Dark JS - Dark theme for Plain old youtube, made by teidesu and dark theme made by Amir Torrez
soundcloud shuffle likes JS - Adds a shuffle play button to "Likes" and playlists
Enable Flash on some sites [Firefox 69+] JS - Bypasses detection of Flash Player on websites using SwfObject.
CF-rating-chart-patch JS - Some modification to make Codeforces rating chart better