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Get of extension from Chrome-WebStore [] JS - Add button for get .crx of extension or theme from Chrome-WebStore
Cuticons JS -
Commie Rainbows JS - Makes Nyaa fruitier
4chan-Ignoring-Enhancements JS - 4chan Pain Kill Extension
Hide Outlook ads JS - Hide embedded ads in Outlook
Skype Web Mention JS - display list of member in skype group chat, so you can easily mention them by select
Ninegag JS - 9gag-link-helper on front-pages
Remove Red Masters JS - Removes red text from Masters qualification on exports
Send Link to Papaly Inbox JS - Adds a link to the current webpage to your Papaly Inbox
Coinigy Shortcuts JS - Adds various shortcuts to coinigy
_Ex Add button Read in Pocket [] JS - add button "Read in Pocket" to panel
IMDb VodLocker Embeds JS - Embeds videos into IMDB
lagouhelper JS - 拉勾自定义标记
Arukas SSH & SSconfig JS - Gnerate shadowsocks QRcode in arukas docker
JIRA no Sidebar Links JS - Overwrites the default behavior for Issue-Links which open in the sidebar by default
Click To Top JS - click the arrow-up pic to jump to the top of page.
imgur_show_user_stats_light JS - Show user statistics on imgur
Hide Facebook Side Ads JS - Removes Side Ads from Facebook
GitLab Collapse Markdown JS - A userscript that collapses markdown headers
GitLab Collapse In Comment JS - A userscript that adds a header that can toggle long code and quote blocks in comments
CookieClickerHack JS - Press Alt+G
Set the Ottawa Traveller's upcoming games team to Broadhead Brewsers JS - Sets the default team for Ottawa Travellers upcoming games table to "Broadhead Brewsers" instead of showing all teams by default.
TF1 Ads Bypasser JS - Bypass ads on TF1
Moodle Edit Mode JS - try to take over the world!
rZhihu JS - 为知乎首页添加类似 Google Reader 的快捷键。
Niltalk ping JS - prevent niltalk chat expiration
熊猫TV不用登录就可以一直看超清啦 H5播放器 JS - 不用登录就可以一直看超清啦;启用了H5播放器,妈妈再也不用担flash问题啦;屏蔽了右侧弹幕,不喜欢弹幕的同学再也不用屏蔽啦;直播间列表点击后在新的页面打开直播间
YouTube Always show progress bar JS - Always show progress bar
66ysGetUrl JS - try to take over the world!
Wanikani shaking for no reason bug fix JS - Fix wanikani bug where the answer box would shake even though the answer is in right format.
ReviveYouTube Alpha JS - Install this addon to access all participating youtuber's content in its pure uncensored and unmodified form!
Scratch 2.0 Embedded Phosphorus Player JS - Replaces the default Scratch 2.0 project player with Phosphorus and adds the option to switch between players.
Yahoo T-Point Auto Skip JS - Automatically skips the T-Point / PayPay registration nag screen on Yahoo! Japan.
Dmzj External Search JS - Adds external search links to search for the anime
4chan [s4s] colored text JS - For funposting on [s4s]
TP-Link Router Interface Enhancer JS - Adds an extra "Client Name" column or information to several sub-pages of the TP-Link router web-interface.
Remove junk URL parameters JS - Hides UTM and other tracking parameters from URLs.
Hype Machine direct download links JS - Add download links next to tracks on The Hype Machine.
优酷首页优化 JS - 把不需要的板块儿都屏蔽了吧,最主要的是“优酷一点也不懂我”。
bbs archiver to thread JS - 从搜索引擎搜索到discuz的页面,有时默认是一个简化版本(见Description部分的栗子表)。使用这个js之后,左上方悬浮一个‘完整版本’链接。可以通过设置var autoload=1,打开页面时自动打开完整版本(支持phpwind和discuz)
bbs simple - 简版论坛 JS - 和我的另一个作品discuz archiver to thread很相似,(事实上正是相反) 现支持phpwind和discuz X,慢慢完善吧。 注意,有些论坛关闭了archiver,会显示No input file specified之类的错误 所以请自行添加 @exclude 防止误作用。
小小木虫 JS - 小木虫论坛的排版很糟糕,本来打算再次升级我的作品"bbs new look",又看到小木虫本来就有简洁的手机版。 于是写了这个脚本,它能够在打开小木虫论坛的版块,或者小木虫论坛的帖子时,自动跳转到手机版.
SSC Better like button JS - additional "Like button" without reload whole post
Neopets: Vending Machine JS - Plays vending machine if you have nerkmids.
Agar Extras JS - Improves the functionality and aesthetic of
南大财务 JS - 从复制的脚本
WeTransfer JS - Fixes the annoyances of every day use of WeTransfer
DoodleGoneBy Removal JS - Replace the Google logo with a hosted image
屏蔽动漫之家10秒广告 JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube Thumbs JS - mouseover to animate thumbs
Disable GIF autoplay in TweetDeck JS - See
JIRA、Confluence外链新窗口打开 JS - JIRA、Confluence优化
TeleSpam JS - Spam Tele
Morgenrot JS - Enhancements for TU Vienna's Aurora
Go to empty queue JS - Goes to the empty queue page after you have fininshed all assigned tasks
WME India MapRaid! Rajasthan JS - Adds a countdown timer to start and end of the Thailand MapRaid.
Banh bím VTV JS - Như tít lần nữa :)
zhihu link fix JS - Change the jump link to the original link.
Fluid Mastodon JS - Mastodon, taking all available width, assuming 3 columns (, and only; fork for other domains)
- Player Auto Full Screen JS - Auto Full Screen for 云端
Banh bím VTV go JS - Ngắn quá :3
- JS - Automatically skips to the image
- JS - Removes waiting time
- JS - Skip to the image
Mark Watched YouTube Videos JS - Add an indicator for watched videos on YouTube. Use GM menus to display history statistics, backup history, and restore/merge history.
- Redirect JS - Redirects games from to thier source websites
GitHub Issue Show Status JS - A userscript that adds an obvious indicator showing if an issue or pull request is open or closed
WebMoney PayButton JS - try to take over the world!
Kissanime auto hide ads JS - Auto clicks to hide all ads
MAL block reviews JS - block review user
Simple Multiplayer IP Agario Script JS - IP address on URL, COPY+PASTE for Agario multiplayer (all modes)
Send Agario SIP To Discord JS - Gets the agario server IP link and posts it to discord
Copy & Ignore textTransform property JS - Ignore the textTransform property while copying some text.
mute live threads JS - Add a close button to reddit live threads so you can ignore them easily.
Batch srcImage downloader for tieba JS - Batch Download Src Image From Baidu Tieba
GitHub Reveal Header JS - A userscript that reveals the header when hovering near the top of the screen
xoatu JS - try to take over the world!
Udemy Affiliation link removal JS - Udemy link fixed
微博视频下载助手 JS - 下载微博视频
Unclutter VB5 JS - Cleans up forum, mainly by removing additional space and merging elements
- - Essential Script (modified) JS - Press “Shift” to center your mouse. Press "F" to eject 7 masses (tips: those green balls needs at most 7 masses to duplicate). Press "Q" to do maximum split.
Change all pics on website to Rick Astley JS - Title
C&C Tiberium Alliances AutoCheat JS - Autocheat move cool down, Autocheat repairall (Def, Off)
鼠标点击冒泡 JS - 一个用JS写的鼠标左击特效
Pause/Mute HTML5 Audio/Video On Leaving Tab JS - Pause or mute HTML5 audio/video on leaving a tab and restore them back on returning.
VM detector JS - Detector installation status for scripts on Violentmonkey.
Highrise Task Manager JS - try to take over the world!
Background Network Requests Indicator JS - Shows an indicator at bottom right/left when there is one or more background network requests in progress.
iTunes Cover Caption Image Links JS - Links the 'X Songs, Y Minutes' caption text below the album cover to an image URL.
Gota Script JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Highlight Word JS - Insructions
Auto-open thepiratebay content links JS - Provide a button at the bottom of TPB item info to open links found in the torrent info area.
Bye Calculator JS - Projected bye score for DT Draft
Greasyfork + JS - script for function①some links open in new tab[部分链接在新窗口中打开]
Automatically mark episode as watched at JS - It will mark a episode as watched after clicking the advertising close button
C&C: Tiberium Alliances - xTr1m's Base Overlay- Display Ratio 4:3 JS - Provides an overlay over the base of the gain/cost relationship of building upgrades by holding the Control key
Super fix for Bottols Display JS - Eliminate Ads and Shift screen
- Colorize Arrows JS - lichessarrows