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DuckDuckVader JS - Adds a Star Wars theme to DDG.
ao3 work block JS - permanently hide selected works
GitHub CopyCode JS - Copy content of a code-block everywhere on GitHub
OGARio - xNEL99x Public Edition Mozilla Firefox JS - OGARio Edited
Research Project discrimination JS - Submits the HIT once you click on a radio button.
ffn work block JS - permanently hide selected works
Cryptic's Lucky Award Counter JS - Make's sure your post is eligible for the Lucky Award
Google - Middle Click Search JS - Opens search results in new tab when you middle click
82 skins JS - Add skin changing
reddit comments expand JS - when you've collapsed a lot of comment threads on a reddit thread and don't want to expand them all one by one
gh-better-monospace JS - Better github code reading experience
orlygift-expansion JS - A grease monkey script for adding functionality to orlygift.
[firstBank] Hack firstBank login for 1password JS - allow right click and set id for loginCustId
GitHub Make Tooltips JS - A userscript converts title tooltips into Github Tooltips
xkcd Tweaks JS - Some tweaks to and
Greasy Fork - Change Default Script Sort JS - Change default script sort on GreasyFork
sanseido-query-title JS - Adds search query to the title tag on
Basecamp Keyword Highlighter JS - Highlights predefined list of keywords in the Basecamp task list at the beginning of task description
Greasy Fork - Auto Enable Syntax-Highlighting Source Editor JS - Auto enables greasy fork's syntax-highlighting source editor
Suggest Me Not JS - Block ads disguised as content on Facebook.
Split Macros JS - Tricksplit With T, Triplesplit With 3,Double Split With D, and W for Macro Feed
- JS - block the shit out from
SteamTrades - Have List Filter JS - Check if you own the games from someone's have list (instant Compare2Steam)
Stop stupid translations JS - Replace language codes in URLs (like "pt-BR", for example) to "en".
Remove Google doodles JS - Stop the doodle madness!
Pokemap Addition Patch (skiplagged) JS - Adding coordinate and a link for trigger pokesniper2 to catch selected pokemon
Pokemap addition patch ( JS - Add coordinates and a link for trigger pokesniper2 to catch selected pokemon
Pokemap addition patch ( JS - Add coordinates and a link for trigger pokesniper2 to catch selected pokemon
bcrawlink JS - Provides links to the raw media files for previews on bandcamp to get around preview listen limits. Also allows you to easily download the previews. >:)
Deskthority: Mark forums read JS - Mark all forums read from the unread posts page
Sincere Skin changer JS - Add skin changing
Oduzależniacz JS - Skrypt, który informuje cię, że wszedłeś na stronę od której jesteś uzależniony.
Confluence - Open editor inside main view (keep sidebar) JS - Open editor inside main view when creating and editing pages (known bug: when page creation requires multiple steps, the resulting page will be opened without the page tree)
Confluence - remember opened branches in pagetree JS - Confluence does not remember which branches of the pagetree you opened - this script records the opened and closed branches in LocalStorage and restores them on page change, reload or on other tabs/windows
Agar Copy i Paste JS - Kopirajte imena igrača u Agaru,trollujte ih kada ih teammate slučajno pojede.
MyDealz Toggle Comments JS - Adds functionallity to toggles cascaded comments on
Unsurly JS - Rewrites links back to their original form
Auto Login for Webmail JS - none
BvS crane hotkeys JS - Hotkeys for BvS Crane
Politics and War PPU Updater JS - A simple script to automatically update the price of a resource to one minus the lowest offer when you create an offer. Only works for selling.
myTV Pearl Adblock Fix JS - Fix playback of Pearl on myTV due to adblock
FB Suggested Post Killer JS - Prevent adds in my post!
MyDealz Embedded Youtube Urls JS - Adds functionallity to turn plain youtube urls into embedded videos on
Youtube Autoplay Off JS - Set YouTube's Autoplay mode off by default
Facebook Image Alt Text Display JS - Display automated alt text over images.
Youtube - Remove Recommended JS - Remove recommended videoes from youtube
YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock Origin JS - To whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin
WME LiveMap Alerts Overlay (Version 2) JS - Overlay alerts from the Waze LiveMap
CubecraftHideLockedThreads JS - Adds an option to hide locked threads on the cubecraft forums.
[] Bring Back Cheevos JS - Allows you to get cheevos back on KAT.
F - Emote Organization JS - Fixes the smiley clown fiesta
The ULTIMATE Agario Script. (All Macros, Keybinds and Mousebinds) JS - E is 'W' Macro, Shift and 4 is Tricksplit, R is Triplesplit, Q is Doublesplit, Left Click is Space, Right Click is Feed/Macro, Mouse Click is Tricksplit. Easily configurable keys in code. Credits to Jack Burch AND Tom Burris
_sentient JS - blank
ao3 tags savior JS - hide works with too many tags on the AO3
[] Fix Beta Downloads JS - Trying to download through beta*.torrent causes a 500 error. Simple bug fix to resolve this.
Em-8ER Forums Dashboard JS - Tune-up for forums
[HWM] TimePortalDataCollector JS - [HWM] Time Portal Data Collector
mail_ustc_select_stu_domain JS - select domain automatically
Redirect to JS - Change links on torrent websites to links
- - Auto Enable Source Editor JS - auto enables the source editor on
MyDealz Toggle Description JS - functionality to toggle deal descriptions on
MyDealz Just Deal Search JS - Changes the default search to "for deals only" on
MyDealz Google Search JS - Adds google search functionality on
RSS Feed Finder JS - Looks for RSS links on the page when there isn't a subscribe button set in the header
MyDealz User Info JS - Adds extended user information (online status, nr of comments/deals/...) below each comment on
Hide Facebook Ads JS - Remove "sponsored" facebook ads
- - odstraneni upozorneni o AdBlocku JS - odstraneni upozorneni o AdBlocku
bilibili notify JS - 自动监听bilibili直播推送信息,当所关注者开启直播时自动打开直播网页的javascript脚本。
- hide certain employers JS - Provides an option on Indeed to select employers that you are uninterested in working for and collapse their openings in search results
[] Better Header JS - Redoes the header on FT
toutiao jumper JS - jump direct to dest websites on
WME State Districts JS - Adds state districts as a layer, and displays district info for selected road segments.
vk-chat-shortcuts JS - Allows to change active chats with Ctrl+(1-5) (only 5 last of them)
PageEditor JS - Allows you to edit web pages easily for taking fake screenshots or videos!
DLE links decoder JS - Прямые ссылки на сайтах с движком DataLife Engine (DLE)
WME URComments Dominican Spanish List JS - This script is for Dominican Spanish comments to be used with Rick Zabel's script URComments (URC)
facebook block more sponsors JS - Block Facebook news feed "sponsored" posts that hide in :after css
- - auto select keep me logged in JS - Auto checks keep me logged in on
Prevent Wikia Ads JS - Prevent the ads that pop up when clicking a link to an external page on Wikias
Wider facebook content JS - Set facebook content to 100% width after removing column between content and chat
YouTube Wait for Me - Pause and Start Player in Background Tabs JS - Pause the video in YouTube tabs opened in the background, play on activation 2016-08-18 (I know, it doesn't pause fast enough)
Gitlab Default dropdown to Https JS - Make default clone method is HTTPS instead of SSH
Toggl-Button Jira JS - Toggle button for Jira
Without external downloaders JS - File hosting without external downloaders
1444422 JS - lul
Anti-Disabler JS - Restore context menus on sites that try to disable them
KissAnime Video Expander JS - Remove the page background and expands the video player while watching videos on KissAnime. It's like full screen without full screen.
Remove ad posts from JS - removes ad posts from feed and walls by keywords
WaniKani Lesson Overlearning JS - Always automatically click the 'Need more time' button after lessons to enable overlearning.
Ask for name JS - Asks for your name when you open a website!
YouTube Ad-Buster! JS - Remove ads from youtube! Exactly what the title is!
Neige By Karim Tita JS - try to take over the world!
Hide 'Recommended for you' videos on YouTube sidebar JS - Hides 'Recommended for you' videos on YouTube sidebar
13 macro's for :) JS - 13 macro's for feeding, linesplits, tricksplits, etc. And enables show mass and skip stats by default :)
TopAndDownButtonsEverywhere JS - Top and Down buttons everywhere (no Jquery)
Adblock for Requestly JS - Evades Requestly's adblock blocker