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Azkuna Zentroa Calendar JS - Adds an "Add to calendar" option for Azkuna Zentroa events
Bot to Top JS - Move Youtube Mirror Bots and twitter bots to the top of the thread
coralized-youtube JS - Uses Coral Content Distribution Network to accelerate video performance on YouTube
Remove Amazon popups JS - Some marketing idiot at Amazon must have decided to make every link a popup. This script prevents Amazon links from opening a new tab.
WME Mapraid South Africa 2016 Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Mapraid South Africa 2016 Groups" layer
Project Endor (Jamelio) Keybinds JS - Make keybinds for the Project Endor (Jamelio) voice recording hits.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Average Friends Score JS - Display next to the MAL score, the average score of your friends
Comment Is Hidden JS - Remove the Comment Is Free articles (and the whole Opinion section) from the Guardian's front page.
YT Thumbnails JS - Hover over a thumbnail to see images from the video
JVBan - Savoir qui est ban sans ouvrir sa CDV ! JS - Savoir qui est ban sans ouvrir sa CDV !
Convert Page to IPA Pronunciation JS - Replaces all English words on a webpage with their pronunciation in the international phonetic alphabet. American and British English flavors available!
- Videos View instead of Channel View JS - Fuck channel view, only videos view!
URL as PAGE TITLE JS - Shows address bar url as page title everywhere.
Reddit RES Style Class JS - Adds class to html for subreddit RES style on/off
GitHubFlow PR merge idiot-proofing JS - Confirmation before common mistakes when merging Pull Requests in github
Virtonomica: выделить все позиции товара в снабжении JS - Добавляет чекбокс "выделить все" для каждого товара в снабжении
BvS FIGHTO Hider JS - Hide FIGHTO tournaments when you already have the part or when you lack Kaiju status.
ao3 series collapser JS - collapse works that are later than part 1 of a series
Inline images on a Niconico News article page JS - Converts image links on a Niconico News article page to inline images.
Agar Minimap (By Tal) JS - Minimap for Agar (By Tal)
GameDownloader *OLD* JS - Finds the game URL and adds a download link in the "QuickLinks"
drabble judgment JS - is that thing tagged drabble actually a drabble
- Videos Remover JS - 3dmgame annoying videos remover
Cheat JS - Like pb&j on a rainy day
Virtonomica: автопереход на следующую страницу при строительстве JS - Добавляет автопереход на следующую страницу при выборе варианта строительства
Anty Kubisiopedia JS - Usuwa wszystkie posty z nimi związane
TF.TV Thread Title Hider JS - Hides thread titles you don't want to see immediately
Hacker Experience Aids JS - try to take over the world!
Selecteur de couleur JS - try to take over the world!
Remove comments on JS - Removes the comment section on
DigiKey: Export cart (possibly to BOM) JS - Want to save your cart or import it to BOM? This will make a tab-delimited version of your cart.
- Single-click PDF access JS - On the search results page, clicking on the PDF icon will jump you straight to PDF view.
- Decrapify and move search results to top JS - Move search to top, remove questionably-useful inventory and distributor search, remove gratuitous line breaks.
Virtonomica: смена названий юнитов через групповые операции JS - Плагин для
Virtonomica: фильтрация выпадающих списков по набранному тексту JS - Заменяет все выпадающие списки на фильтруемые
YouTube Intro Skipper JS - Skip youtubers long intros with set-up rules (coded)
BvS Quest Hotkeys JS - Quest hotkeys for BvS
Livecap » Youtube JS - Redirects livecap to youtube
Bangumi-Episode-Chinese JS - Show Chinese episode name in episode page.
- skin rotator JS - Skin rotator for
leetcode hide premium problems JS - Hide Premium Problems on Leetcode
YouTube Remaining Time JS - Show the remaining time of a YouTube video inside the player.
Torn City - Travel Run One Click Update by Xiphias[187717] JS - Update Travel Run and the Travel Thread with one button click.
WME Google POI verifier JS - Verify Waze landmarks linked to Google POI
- Autoreload JS - Automatically reloads the watchlist/unread posts
99clients JS - Add average ratings of 99designs contests to the contest listing
goodfon JS - remove ads
tumblr optica restyle JS - for tumblrs with the optica theme, move header to side and automatically display post notes
Youtube Subscription List Quick Playlist JS - Quickly create playlists from your Youtube subscription feed
Ikariam Upgrade Watcher 3 JS - Attaches a simple icon on each building which show level and if upgradeable
Get YouTube Thumbnail JS - Adds button to view largest thumbnail image for any video
Facebook grey minimalist JS - Grey subdued fb
Dhaka-1 JS - Code Shaban Ali
Memrise - Extend use JS - Memrise extend use of
Outlook OWA Notifier and Unread Title Updater JS - Update the HTML title with the number of unread messages and notify of new messages
CG Modify Links JS - Adds &pp= at the end of links on
attackcheker - sirena 4-5 minutos JS - enter something useful
SteamCompanion Auto Giveaway Enterer JS - A script that automatically enters all available giveaways on
JR Mturk Panda Crazy JS - Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.
Dota 2 Hero Build Editor: Author Note Fix JS - Fixes an issue with the hero builder that removes the author note on mouseover
Add Hidden Stats to Dashboard (TheFrostlixen) JS - Adds submission, return, and abandonment rates to the dashboard. Fixed source.
CS.RIN.RU - Contributor Posts View JS - Basic post-whitelist functionality: Only view "contributor" posts from pre-defined users (contributors) in a topic and hide posts from other people (leechers). You can change the users, that you consider contributors, by modifying the contributors array.
HTML5 na JS - zmienia player na na wersje html5
Torn Set Calculator JS - Calculates prices of plushie and flower sets
Steampunk Temptress Tracker JS - Keep log of steampunk temptress and obtain ratio of catches to misses in GT
HF User Stalker JS - Be a dirty stalker and know what someone's doing!
GT - Check if Gifts/Invites exist JS - GT script to check for badges to accept and send, and also to check if there are any friend invites
Quick Youtube to MP3 HQ JS - simple button to save youtube's video as mp3
Better Stocktwits JS - Adds links to various financial outlets to stocktwit stock pages
WatchSeries Fav Hosts JS - try to take over the world!
- Ad Block JS - Bypass the adblock blocking!
高德地图坐标拾取器全屏地图 JS - 高德地图的坐标拾取器,默认高度只有575px,本脚本将地图高度根据浏览器高度自适应,并移除了没有用的header和footer部分。
Kijiji Visited Links - Hack Links To Match History JS - Add link with "?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true" to match how Firefox recorded them in history for a while
GT - Community Boosts Notifier JS - If hunters need you to boost them, a notification shows up above your trap setup (once per 15 minutes)
Eza's Homestuck Simplifier JS - A mobile-friendly "reader app" for
Phhhoto gif downloader JS - Download an image with a click of a button
Sort Facebook NewsFeed by Most Recent JS - Automatically sorts your news feed by Most Recent instead of by Top Stories.
Facebook Back to Top JS - Click the red link on the bottom of your Facebook page to scroll back to the top of your News Feed.
wikia youtube JS - Automatically redirect Wikia video pages to the appropriate Youtube link.
Hacker News Comment Search Filter JS - Hides comments on a page via regular expression search fields
Refresh alertes / Conversations Auto JS - try to take over the world!
MunzeeMapNG JS - Munzee map filters, scores and gpx exports,
Spotify Links On iTunes JS - Add a Spotify link and embedded player on iTunes album/artist pages
FlagstackMap JS - Type filters, score sum and GPX exports for Flagstack Map
Refresh alertes / Conversations Auto JS - try to take over the world!
ROBLOX Group Invite Archiver JS - Filter out spammy messages about group invites.
KoCByte JS - A Kingdoms of Camelot Tracker (Kocmon replacement)
[HF] Colored thread reply numbers JS - Color the thread reply number based on the post count.
War Base Extended - Haka JS - Brings back the old war base layout, adds a filter to the war base, enables enemy tagging
War Base Faction Highlighter JS - Highlights factions in the war based that are linked to in the faction announcement.
Disable image resize in Feedly JS - By default uses own thumb generator service. This script disables it
MFT Widescreen JS - Opens page to your browser's full width
nfart JS - Turns all text on page to Fart
Instant-Cquotes JS - Automatically converts selected FlightGear mailing list and forum quotes into post-processed MediaWiki markup (i.e. cquotes).
RobuxChanger by Green Arrow JS - Script by Green Arrow
The so scrolling pouë oneliner JS - 1in10: "I wish the oneliner scrolled"
- tracking JS - Eliminate "disable tracking" alert on Firefox when Tracking Protection or Adblock/uBlock is turned on
HeroQuizz highlight correct answer JS - Highlights the correct answers on HeroQuizz.
Steam - Default language JS - Make sure you always see the steam page in your preferred language. You can configure the language in the language variable.