Scriptet er en forbedrer til at forbedre din seeroplevelse på YouTube! Indeholder funktioner og nyt layout. Introduktion: 1. Optimeret video detajtside interface. 2. Skærmbillede. 3. Mørk/lys tema skift. 4. Hurtig fremspoling af video. osv.
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how do i remove the progress bar and make it the default
In the next version, I will add a setting option
how do i remove the progress bar and make it the default
In the next version, I will add a setting option
how do i remove the progress bar and make it the default
A quick fix is search in the script code ThemeProgressbar.start() and add ‘//’ in front: // ThemeProgressbar.start()
how do i remove the progress bar and make it the default
A quick fix is search in the script code ThemeProgressbar.start() and add ‘//’ in front: // ThemeProgressbar.start()
Yes. You can do it this way.
how do i remove the progress bar and make it the default