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Facebook Videos Detector (Generates ffmpeg download command)

This script will help you to list all facebook videos that were loaded during your session

< Feedback on Facebook Videos Detector (Generates ffmpeg download command)

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 11.11.2024
Edited: 11.11.2024

it is very useful script but it doesn't give links to videos without audio you can try on this video and it was giving errors in video muxing i added these 2 commands for ffmpeg -map 0:v:0 Maps the first video stream from the first input -map 1:a:0 Maps the first audio stream from the second input and it works well changed this in the script const downloadCommand = ["ffmpeg"]; downloadCommand.push("-i", "${maxSource.url}"); if (maxAudio) downloadCommand.push("-i", "${maxAudio.url}"); downloadCommand.push("-c:v", "copy", "-map 0:v:0", "-b:v", maxSource.bitrate); if (maxAudio) downloadCommand.push("-c:a", "copy", "-map 1:a:0", "-b:a", maxAudio.bitrate); downloadCommand.push(${videoId}.mp4);

Posted: 30.11.2024

Thanks Yusuf,

this bug has been fixed, and the video you mentioned is working perfectly now!

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