Enhanced keyboard shortcuts for Roll20, adding numerous features not supported out of the box.
Usage: Press \ (backslash) to bring up the input bar, then type the command (documentation below) and press enter.
To cancel a command, press Escape or click outside the box.
\h Show this help
\g- Page Controls
\ga<pagename> Send players & GM to the named page
\gp<pagename> Send players only to the named page
\gg<pagename> Send GM only to the named page
- Page names are case-sensitive.
- Only players on the bookmark will be moved.
\gs<settings> Set page settings
Settings are formatted as <key>=<value> pairs and
separated by commas.
dl (y|n) Dynamic lighting
xm (y|n) Explorer mode
gi (y|n) Global illumination (daylight mode)
ud (y|n) Update token vision on drop
rm (y|n) Restrict movement by dynamic lighting barriers
fw (y|n) Standard fog of war
ge (y|n) Grid enabled
gs (number) Grid scale
gu (unit) Grid unit
Units: ft, m, km, mi, in, cm, un, hex, sq, custom
gt (s|v|h) Grid type
s = square, v = vert. hex, h = horiz. hex
\c Chat - Send any message, including commands.
Example: \c/w gm Roll with advantage: [[2d20kh1]]
Note: This command doesn't work with chat popped out.
\r<dice-expression> Roll dice
All Roll20 dice expressions are supported. Examples:
2d20kh1 Roll 2d20, keep highest
4d6dl1 Roll 4d6, drop lowest
5d6>4 Roll 5d6, count 4+ as success
d6!+d8! Roll 1d6 + 1d8, explode both dice
?{#}dF Prompt for a number and roll that many fudge dice
\a- Audio
Note: These commands don't work with the Jukebox popped out.
\as Stop all audio
\an Play next track
\ap<name> Play playlist (case sensitive)
Example: \apCombat
Leave name blank to be prompted, i.e. ap
\at<name> Play track (case sensitive)
Example: \atRain - Heavy
Leave name blank to be prompted, i.e. at
\n- Create new things
\nh New handout
\nc New character
\nt New rollable table
\t- Turn tracker
\to Open turn tracker
\tc Clear turn tracker
\tx Close turn tracker
\tn Next turn
\ts Sort turns
\l<bright>[/<dim>] Lighting
Set the lighting on the currently selected token.
Example: \l25/25
\v- Vision
\vn Enable normal vision
\vx Blind (disable vision)
\vd<dist> Darkvision
\s[name] Toggle named status marker on selected token
If no name is provided, clear all status markers
\o<options> Set options for selected token
Options are formatted as <key>=<value> pairs and
separated by commas.
Example: \o b1a=hp,b2a=ac
Note: For any option value, you can enter ? to be prompted,
e.g. \o nv=y,np=y,nt=?
Bars: (# = 1, 2, 3, or * (all bars))
b#c (number) Bar current value
b#m (number) Bar max value
b#a (attribute) Bar linked attribute
b#v (y|n) Bar visible to players
b#e (y|n) Bar editable by controlling player
b#t (h|e|*) Bar text overlay visibility
h = hidden, e = editors, * = everyone
bl (a|b|ot|ob) Token bar location:
a = above, b = below, ot = overlap top,
ob = overlap bottom
bs (s|c) Token bar style: s = standard, c = compact
Auras: (# = 1, 2, or * (both auras))
a#r (number) Aura radius
a#s (c|s) Aura shape: c = circle, s = square
a#v (y|n) Aura visible to players
a#e (y|n) Aura editable by controlling player
Global permissions:
*v (y|n) Bars/auras/name visible to players
*e (y|n) Bars/auras/name editable by controlling player
nv (y|n) Token name visible to players
ne (y|n) Token name editable by controlling player
np (y|n) Nameplate visible below token
nt (text) Name text
tv (y|n) Tooltip visible on hover
tt (text) Tooltip text
\m- Run macros
\mcs Start combat
\mce End combat
\p Preferences
Preferences are formatted as <key>=<value> pairs and
separated by commas.
Example: \p aks=y,3dd=y,a3d=y,pas=n,cht=n
aks (y|n) Advanced keyboard shortcuts
wpc (y|n) Window popouts for characters
bcb (y|n) Background chat beep
add (y|n) Advanced dice
3dd (y|n) Use 3D dice
a3d (y|n) Autoroll 3D dice
cav (y|n) Chat avatars
cts (y|n) Chat timestamps
sta (y|n) Sort token actions
ani (y|n) Animated graphics
ust (z|p) Use scroll to...
z = zoom, p = pan
smp (t|b|l|r) Status marker position
t = top, b = bottom, l= left, r = right
pas (l|r|s|n) Player avatar size
l = large, r = regular, s = small, n = names only
cht (w|l|n) Chat tech
w = WebRTC, n = none