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Melvor Action Queue

Adds an interface to queue up actions based on triggers you set

< Feedback on Melvor Action Queue

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 20.12.2021

Hi, i have just installed this and looking to see what it can do. I've set my triggers and actions to collect a number of resource 1 (in this case coal), upon reaching an 'item quantity' trigger i would switch to Runite, followed by Dragonite. The aim would be to collect a sizeable amount of each in the correct proportions to then jump to smelting bars once the item quantity trigger is reached for the next action. I've noticed that the action works well getting to Runite but then sticks on this and doesn't recognise the next trigger despite having more than enough Runite ore in my bank. Of course, the numbers are low at the moment but as i said, just trying to learn how it all works. Thoughts / assistance please?

Posted: 21.12.2021

I've managed to get something working for mining Copper & Tin ore, smelting to bronze and crafting bronze platebody. Unfortunately, when modifying this process to Dragonite Platebodies it does not work. What i've noticed (for me at least) is that it doesn't entertain mining for Dragonite Ore. eg:
(assuming the trigger condition is met each time)
If Item Qty: Dragonite <= 'X', then Start Skill: Mining: Dragonite - does not work
If Item Qty: Dragonite <= 'X', then Start Skill: Mining: Copper - does work
If Item Qty: Copper <= 'X', then Start Skill: Mining: Dragonite - does not work
Can anyone confirm if this is their experience too?

Posted: 21.12.2021

You need to chain the actions and triggers together so that each action will lead to the next trigger after it's done.
For example here is a loop that will mine and smith dragonite bars:

If Idle, then Start Skill: Mining: Dragonite
If Item Qty: Dragonite >= 200, then Start Skill: Mining: Runite
If Item Qty: Runite >= 400, then Start Skill: Mining: Coal
If Item Qty: Coal >= 2400, then Start Skill: Smithing: Dragonite bar

Posted: 21.12.2021

I have been testing a few settings today and can say with confidence 'Start Skill: Mining: Dragonite' doesn't work for me

Posted: 22.12.2021

That appears to be a bug caused by recent changes to mining code. I have fixed it now in version 1.0.9

Posted: 22.12.2021

Absolutely fantastic service, i can verify 1.0.9 definitely works now. Thank you

Posted: 23.12.2021

Apologies, It would seem i missed one - Rune Essence also doesn't trigger

Posted: 23.12.2021

fixed now

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