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< Feedback on FanFictionNavigator

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 18.01.2018

Separate shades for Liked Story and Author

As mentioned in the title, different colors for both would be appreciated to differentiate. Also when both are active, another color (gold or something).

Andy ScullAuthor
Posted: 22.01.2018

Maybe a bold font for liked title/author would be enough? Similar to how disliked titles are marked, just without a strike-through?
Your suggestion would be fairly easy to implement, I just don't want to force the color pattern on other users who may like one color for all likes. The colors are hardcoded in script since I don't have the skills to make a config/customization page.

Andy ScullAuthor
Posted: 22.01.2018

Oh, found a way to customize the colors. I'll add separate classes for these two and their CSS can be changed by another script loaded after FFN.

Andy ScullAuthor
Posted: 22.01.2018

Finally, a way to customize colors... not pure configuration page, but still possible.
You'll have to create new script and paste text below in it (header includes ffnet site only, you can add whatever site you want it to run on). Two GM_addStyle commands change/add styles for liked-author element and liked-author-liked-story. You can use google's color picker to get your own colors for them (just type "color picker" in search). Also I wrote a separate discussion thread with a quick guide for that, basically you can copy whole addstyle block from FFN script and add colors for all author-story combinations.
// ==UserScript==
// @name CSS -
// @include*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
GM_addStyle(".ffn_like_author:not(a) {background-color:#7ad611 !important;}"); // liked author color
GM_addStyle(".ffn_like_author.ffn_like_fic:not(a) {background-color:#edeb90 !important;}"); // liked author+fic

Posted: 18.02.2018
Edited: 18.02.2018

I'm sorry for not responding sooner. My notification preferences weren't set up correctly. The bold font option is great! I had noticed it a few days after making the issue but I assumed it was previously coded in and I had missed it. Thank you for working on this. I'll just set up my colors now.

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