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< Feedback on Fightinfo


Posted: 12.11.2014

This is checking for updates too often!!!

Greasy Fork is seeing ~75,000 requests per day (~1/second) for and I assume this is from the update checker being too eager. This is making the server not happy.

Please review the logic in the script for checking for updates. Also note that is the URL for the HTML, syntax-formatted version of the code. You can grab the raw JS code from

Posted: 12.11.2014

Hi Jason. Thank you for the information. Indeed there is an error in the update logic of the script which I will fix asap.

Posted: 12.11.2014

problem is fixed, hope it will get soon better now

Posted: 12.11.2014

Thanks, I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if the problem is resolved.

Posted: 27.11.2014

This is down to about 7000 per day. I think there's still something odd here, but it's no longer angrying up the server's blood.

Posted: 27.11.2014

The userscript managers (Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, etc) check all the installed scripts for updates periodically, there's no need to implement it manually, moreover this particular userscript changes only a few times per month.

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