Discussions » Development

is there a key remap script?

Posted: 02.05.2015

is there a key remap script?

as the title said

is there a key remap script?

for example when i click "Middle Mouse Button" (MMB) it will also click " F " key

thanks in advance

Posted: 02.05.2015

Have you tried all the browser extensions that allow to define custom hotkeys/shortcuts and so on?

Posted: 02.05.2015

Have you tried all the browser extensions that allow to define custom hotkeys/shortcuts and so on?

most of the custom hotkeys/shortcuts they give is limited , i cant find any hotkey that i can remap any key at all :(

Posted: 02.05.2015

Seems like userscripts-generated keypress events won't be seen on the page, this is by design for security reasons. You can use an Autohotkey script, though:

#ifwinactive ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1
   ~MButton::send F
  ; "~" before MButton passes the mouse click to Chrome as well as the F key

Install Autohotkey, save the code to anyname.ahk file and launch it. You can add the script in the Startup group in Start menu to run it when Windows starts.

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