krunker the best aimbot JS - locks on to players
Sploop.io W-MOD [Modifications] JS - Transparent Hat & Clan Menu, Auto Toggle, Auto Select Mode, Access Settings in-game, Ad Remove
🌕 Moon Visuals 🌕 [New Visuals!] JS - Visuals created by me using the CSS of moomoo.io offcial, give me ideas!
TORN: Display Crime Chain JS - Calculates and displays your current crime chain
MidishowCrack JS - Midishow免积分脚本 基于 https://github.com/66hh/MidishowCrack
TORN: Dowload WarReport as CSV JS - Displays a button that allows users to download a csv version of their war report
Swift Client for bloxd.io ( updated ) JS - Arthur ( the nerd who is the head dev of the game ) has disabled all user scripts and extentions because people were using it to hack other people's accounts and i got a few script dms on discord too ( it mostly happens via discord ) so if you use this you're going to get a 24 hour ban
边缘下滑刷新•改 JS - 对边缘下滑刷新脚本进行的一些更改
[Black russia]Скрипт для КФ JS - По вопросам(ВК): https://vk.com/negritsik
TM Value Variation Calculator JS - Calculates sell to agent current and old values, based on the RatingR5 (ver5.4 for Season67) local storage.
Restore animated thumbnail previews - youtube.com JS - To restore animated thumbnail previews, requires inline previews to be disabled in your YouTube settings. Note: not Greasemonkey compatible. v2.0 adds fallback option of a still image carousel for the homepage where YouTube has changed their data structure to no longer provide an_webp animated thumbnail urls, which is affecting some users; for such users non-homepage pages are unaffected and continue to use the an_webp animated thumbs.
Replace CloudFlare links JS - Take action against CloudFlare. Replace CloudFlare links.
Trade Chat Timer JS - Show a timer that shows the time left to post next message.
ChatGPT Enhanced Interface JS - Enhances ChatGPT interface with various features.
Unblock Reddit Image - reddit.com JS - 12/17/2023, 2:10:12 PM
google-chrome-dark-mode-exceptions JS - Google Chrome Dark Mode Exceptions
Always Hi-Res c.ai Avatars JS - Always request high-res (400px) user/character avatars all the time instead of mixing in low-res (80px) avatars in some places.
Unblur Discord Content JS - Unblurs the content on paywalls in discord
点击波纹特效 JS - 点击时显示波纹特效。脚本菜单可更改大小, 颜色, 数量
Unused Skribbl.io Rainbow Skin JS - Client-sided rainbow skin in skribbl.io main menu.
摸鱼助手-知乎 JS - 摸鱼辅助工具,移除知乎logo, 移除问题页面的大标题
夸克懒得点 JS - 夸克懒得点..
c.ai X Text Color JS - Lets you change the text colors as you wish and highlight chosen words
Pokeclicker get all Unown by pressing space JS - Press space to get all Unown
叔叔不约只配女并自动问好 JS - 叔叔不约只配女 并自动问好
永页机伴侣 JS - 开启页面自动滚动,通过点击按钮改变自动滚动速度,可与永页机一起使用
* Einsatzkategorie JS - Zeigt die Kategorie(n) eines Einsatzes in der Liste an
medie - ApiUrl视频解析 JS - ⭕精选解析线路为大家提供优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、B站(bilibili)、乐视、芒果、搜狐、PPTV等各大视频网站(PC+移动端)视频解析服务,让你省去购买视频VIP费用。⭕去除原视频广告。⭕可自由增加修改线路。⭕可自由选择站内外解析。⭕可自由修改图标位置、大小、透明度。❌拒绝收费。⭕持续更新。
B站显示点赞率、投币率、收藏率 JS - 显示b站 | bilibili | 哔哩哔哩 点赞率、投币率、收藏率
SaveFrom.net helper JS - Youtube Downloader: all in one script to get Vimeo, Facebook, Dailymotion videos for free
mboost.me bypass JS - Fast auto bypasser
dA_showAIOnThumb JS - Display on thumbnail that art was generated using AI!
🥇【华医网小助手】全网唯一真实免费|无人值守|自动静音|视频助手|考试助手|不疲劳 JS - ❌倍速播放✅视频助手✅屏蔽或者跳过课堂签到、提醒、疲劳✅考试助手(试错算法仅面向可多次提交的考试)✅双模选择:单刷视频or视频+考试🚑如果你想对脚本表示肯定或意见,可以通过赞赏码备注;如果要与我反复交流,则需移步到下载本脚本的页面,在“反馈”区留下意见或直接私信我。
Tsinghua E-Reserves Lib Downloader JS - Download PDF from Tsinghua University Electronic Course Reserves Service Platform
爱发电自动下载 JS - Automatically download content from afdian
Guess Peek (Geoguessr) JS - Click on your pin to see where you've guessed!
steam创意工坊模糊化图片显示 Wallpaper Engine:壁纸引擎 JS - steam创意工坊 Wallpaper Engine:壁纸引擎 18+ 模糊化图片显示 前提是你能看到18+内容 ;
URL Modifier for Search Engines JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying (redirecting) URLs in the search result of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites, allowing for a more customized and efficient browsing experience. You can also add you custom URL modification rule to the script and are welcomed to commit your rules to this script to make it much more useful.
小破站・哔哩哔哩超级助手, 视频下载(单P和批量), 自动签到领瓜子辣条等,===大家都说好系列😈 JS - 为爱发电,B站视频下载(👉支持多P批量快速下载👈)、浏览记录提示、一键三连、访问任意B站链接,即可自动签到领取瓜子辣条、视频描述中文本网址转链接,专栏文章中文本网址转链接,跳转访问更加方便等,脚本长期稳定更新,大家可以放心使用
Nfu抢课助手 JS - 设置热键开关(w)连续模拟左键点击选课系统
economist-unlock JS - to read Paid Articles of economist.com for Free
磁力链接提取插件 JS - 在网页内添加提取按钮,点击按钮后显示弹窗框包含该网页的磁力链接,并添加复制功能
Youtube download button - yt1s.com (revised SuchtiOnTour Edit) JS - This Script Adds a Download Button next to the subscribe button, you can easily download Audio/Video
Новый автокликер для SIGame Online РАБОТАЕТ 05.01.24 JS - Актуальный автокликер для SIGame Online by mail0ff
Pixiv novel to Epub JS - Download pixiv novels in Epub format
FarmRPG Auto Fishing JS - Very fast Auto Fishing for FarmRPG. He buys worms and sells fish himself. You need to open two pages with Farm Pond and Farmer's Market.
Replace Service Links JS - Replace the patreon links with kemono links for easy navigation. Strictly on Kemono.su
Instagram like deleter JS - Deletes ALL of your likes
🔥🔥全网VIP视频免费解析,并去广告🔥🔥 JS - 全网VIP视频免费破解,支持:腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果、pptv、乐视等其它网站。
Embed Shellshock.io Game JS - Embeds Shell Shockers into Google Classroom
Facebook hidden JS - Facebook change UI to Stack Overflow
鼠标点击爱心特效 JS - 鼠标在页面点击会出现各种颜色的小心心111222333444
Sploop.io Hat Hotkeys JS - Allows to equip hats by pressing keys!
Twitter(旧:𝕏)のインプレッション小遣い稼ぎ野郎どもをdisplay:none;するやつ JS - Twitterのインプレゾンビを非表示にしたりブロック・通報するツールです。
Download Video JS - Adiciona um botão de download para o vídeo na página com marca d'água do Jeiel Miranda
抖音视频直链提取 JS - 这个工具可以提取指定页面包体大于500KB的数据包的直链
YouTube: Audio Only JS - No Video Streaming
YouTube - Force 4-row thumbnails on home feed + Both tweaks CSS - This style forces the 4-row thumbnails on homepage feed (this also includes both compact thumbnails on subscriptions feed and disabling gigantic search result thumbnails).
Vikacg小助手 JS - 受不了这些下载页面的该死广告,简直和畜生一样点一下直接跳转到其他黄网了,所以这个脚本就诞生了。目前1.2版本,修复了在.xyz网页主页不能清除广告的bug,添加了主页自动签到功能
Educake ChatGPT Button + Allow Pasting JS - Adds a ChatGPT button to Educake which copies question text and opens a ChatGPT window, allowing you to get answers quickly. This script also re-enables the pasting feature in the answer box, so you can copy answers from GPT / Google, and paste them in the answer box
Seer Helper JS - 赛尔号启航助手,只为重新启航,寻找我们最初的回忆与感动……
Brune RemodV3 BETA JS - CUSTOM HEALTH, ANIMATED hotbar, ANIMATED skybox, ANIMATED cursur, ANIMATED chat box and more soon to COME!
gimkitcheat JS - A userscript that allows you to cheat across various gimkit games
淘宝买家订单数据导出 JS - “淘宝买家订单数据导出”最初基于“淘宝买家订单导出-颜色分类”添加了“商品主图”,修改和修复了一些细节问题,当前版本与之前已经有了较大的变动。导出的项目包括下单日期、订单编号、子订单编号、店铺名称、商品名称、快照商品名称、商品颜色分类、商品主图链接、商品链接、商品交易快照链接、单价、数量、订单实付款、退款状态、订单交易状态、订单详情链接。导出的订单数据为CSV文件。在导出淘宝买家订单数据时,支持一些可选功能,如商品名称和店铺名称黑名单关键字过滤,快照商品名称获取以及获取时的随机延时,Excel 数据格式适配,订单详情链接一致化。支持项目标题次序自定义,支持图片链接尺寸选择,支持项目标题和黑名单列表的数据的本地存储。使用的过程中会有反馈,如按钮的可用状态和颜色变化,以及窗口右下角的气泡通知等。
VSCO Gallery DL JS - Bulk DL or Single DL on img click
Fluxus Key System Bypasser JS - This userscript bypasses Fluxus key system and takes you directly to the destination page.
Youtube - Auto Expand Video Description JS - Youtube Auto Expand Video Description! YT自动展开视频描述详细!
谷歌学术快速导出助手 JS - 学术快速导出助手是一款专为学者、研究人员和学生设计的浏览器油猴脚本,它能够极大地简化您在使用谷歌学术(Google Scholar)进行文献检索时的引用和文献管理工作。该脚本提供了一种快速、高效的方式,让您可以在浏览学术论文时,一键导出所需的引用数据。
!!!! Project kindvers unpatched fps boost !!!! JS - works best with stick hammer has autopush, auto trap, auto insta, autoheal, can get katana gun VISUALS not real (still deals 35 dmg but looks like katana) to get this go with sword and DO NOT PICK KATANA or you will not be able to get gun, select the gun then you will get katana visuals :D thats all
Old Roblox Icon JS - Changes favicon to the old logo
Royal Road: Add Word Count to Statistics Section JS - Adds the word count of a fiction (taken from the information tooltip in the Pages statistic) as it's own statistic
『净网卫士』在线翻译 JS - Block ads on Baidu's translation interface, streamline pages, and optimize layout.
抖音用户视频照片打包下载(随机小姐姐) JS - 半自动获取抖音某用户全部视频与照片,配套网站随机获取资源
Nettruyen Tools JS - Remove ads and added zoom out options
Github 部分链接新标签页打开 JS - Github 项目链接和文档中的链接新标签页打开
YouTube Mini Player JS - let you watch video and comments at the same time!
verpeliculasonline.org subtituladas.com link shortener bypass JS - Bypass helper for the link shortener
verpeliculasonline.org subtituladas.com link shortener auto-bypass JS - Redirects to URL the destination URL bypassing the link shorteners
ShellFarm V2 - Utilities for Shell Shockers. JS - Some useful mods for Shell Shockers, including infinite history, FOV, Custom SFX, skyboxes and more. Bindable too.
搜索引擎去广告 JS - 谷歌百度搜狗神马360必应头条搜索去广告,适配电脑和手机,谷歌搜索拦截部分内容广场
ChillPixel And All pixelgames PictureOverlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to all pixel games (Based on pixelplanet.fun code)
倍速按钮可以倍速、点击end直接结束本视频观看 JS - 2024/1/28 16:02:57
Bot panel (teste3)(x)kick JS - Bot Panel for gartic.io
Fake Robux JS - Changes the navbar Robux amount to a desired amount
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
Sigmally Macros JS - Macro for sigmally
Allow Context JS - Adds support for context menu on OnlyFans and Spotlightr
Evoworld.io Hack menu JS - Cheats for EvoWorld.io
Namu Hot Now JS - 이게 왜 실검?
BOSS直聘信息透出 JS - BOSS直聘信息透出,显示最后更新日期,方便筛选最新职位,适用于BOSS直聘职位列表页
Freeth Auto roll JS - Automatic rolls and claims
Google Enable Dark Mode automatically JS - Enables Google Search Dark Mode
Kiko Pop Fix JS - Makes Kiko Pop Playable without Flash
Royal Road - Toggle Show Only Unread for My Follows JS - Button to Toggle hiding/showing stories on my follows list that don't have unread chapters
FrankerFaceZ JS - FrankerFaceZ gives Twitch users custom chat emotes and introduces new features to improve the viewing experience.
|2025寒假研修|智慧中小学平台|自动1.98倍播放|自动静音自动播放自动下一个视频 JS - |自动1.98倍播放(2倍)|自动静音|自动播放自动下一个视频|
DINOcheat: hack/cheat dino google & chrome (bot,rapide,score,imortel...) JS - Utilisez les super fonctions pour avoir un dino sans limites !
TikTok Magic (download dinâmico) JS - Baixe vídeos sem logo/marca d'água com apenas um clique, diretamente do tiktok. Mais recursos em breve.
LinkSpy concatenated with clicksfly.com Bypass JS - Redirects from LinkSpy shortened URLs to the original URLs before any content is loaded.