Open Goodreads book in Amazon JS - Adds a button to a book's goodreads page to open that book's page in Aussie Amazon
Steam Collection fix height JS - A fix for Steam's odd decision to make collections a strange height
Reddit width fixer JS - Tries to set reddit posts to not be quite so wide so they don't interfere with other elements on the page (useful for RES)
FantasyNameGenerators Shorten Banner JS - Modifies the CSS of the pages on the site to 'shrink' the banner section with the graphic and whatnot which, while cool, is a lot to have to scroll past on the non-homepage pages.
Wattpad Width Fixer and Suggestions Hider JS - Futzes with the width settings to make it wider
RoyalRoad Extra Upload Date Info JS - Bring the upload date to the top of the screen since I always forget to check it before loading the next one
Royal Road - Follow List Button When No More Chapters JS - Adds a 'Follow List' button to the bottom-nav when you're on the last available chapter
Royal Road - Toggle Show Only Unread for My Follows JS - Button to Toggle hiding/showing stories on my follows list that don't have unread chapters
Use explicit new.reddit search, but redirect back to 'user-preference'.reddit for results JS - The explicit 'new.' subdomain for reddit will always load the reddit redesign, even if the user's preference is for old. Which is great for using the new search (which has exclusively available filtering features) but annoying to then have to switch back. This script allow for using the redesign's search and then immediately putting you back into your user-preferenced reddit domain.
Highlight Joined Subs differently in search results on New Reddit JS - Using New Reddit Search is handy, but doesn't show already joined subs as any differently to non-joined subs, which I want to more easily distinguish, hence this script.
Royal Road - Automatically Expand Story Details JS - A script to expand the Tags List and the 'Show More' on the description, for a story page
Redirect IMDB Cast links to Mobile JS - Replaces all the links to view the cast of an IMDB title with the mobile version of the site because the mobile version has better formatting, but redirect back to desktop for the media gallery because that one is better
Royal Road - Show Wordcount Beside Chapters JS - A script to extract the wordcount from the Modal Help-Hover in the Statistics section, and put it alongside the Chapter Count in the ToC, for a story page
Reddit - Switch to 'Submitted' by default on user profile view JS - 99% of the time I want to view the 'Submitted' tab, and occasionally the 'Comments' tab. Never 'Overview', so this'll always redirect from overview to submitted.
SWCombine - Link to Rules Page for Entity from Inventory Table JS - Adds another link to the Options Column to take you directly to that entity's rules page, rather than having to chain to it via 'Show Stats'