EventHelperPlain JS - try to take over the world!
剑网三万宝楼账号外观图片预览、爱剑三外观外观图标预览图片【电脑端使用】 JS - 为剑网三万宝楼出售的角色详情增加外观预览,我关注的外观增加预览,购买外观界面增加预览,鼠标点击外观图标上可以看到弹出框展示外观;同时添加外观的别名展示,方便对照,额外为爱剑三外观增加快捷的外观预览
Google Snake Mod Loader (Standard) JS - Allows you to run multiple different google snake mods
Devast.io Zoom Hack Aim Helper Aim Target Lock Display Ping Auto Lock JS - mira el mundo desde tu percepsion!
Tostes mods JS - Custom profile pics & help with every single lesson 😋
Debrid Media Manager JS - Add accessible DMM buttons to IMDB, MDBList, AniDB, TraktTV, and Bittorrent sites with magnet links
Bilis Coder's Verb Solver JS - hold the enter key to conjugate verbs really fast
PokeClicker Hacks JS - tab hack menu shiny rate and more...
Keystrokes for Sploop.io JS - Keystrokes made for Sploop.io! | For support please join our Discord - https://discord.gg/zpVgaMdrrd
Heasley's Egg Navigator JS - Traverse every page in Torn in search for eggs
B站哔哩哔哩bilibili跳过番剧片头片尾【手动版】 JS - 在b站番剧页面,按下 =+键 或者 ctrl键 后,跳过片头曲或片尾曲。可在配置文件修改片头片尾时间。项目地址https://github.com/RyananChen/scripts/tree/main/BiliBili-skip-IntroL-Outro-Tampermonkey
* Gebäude- & Fuhrparkverwalter JS - Bereitet diverse Informationen zu Wachen und Fahrzeugen auf, welche dem Spieler Hinweise über noch fehlende Einstellungen, Ausbauten, Fahrzeugen etc. gibt
iGPU Activator JS - Fix annoying lag for integrated iGPU!
turbo next page JS - press space to go to next page
YouTube - Pause background videos JS - Pause videos playing in other background tabs. When you start playback of a video in foreground tab, background playback will be paused.
Auto-embed Twitter links. JS - Find Twitter links and embed them directly into a post.
Bilibili 回到旧版 JS - 回到旧版Bilibili PC页面
Geni Profile Helper JS - Go to profiles and trees from search results
小红书增强 JS - 深色模式;更适合web大屏的三栏模式(图/文/评);支持显示emoji表情;Tag可点击;
showBossActiveTime JS - to show hr lastest login time,help you deliver your resume efficiently.
BiliBili直播间独轮车 JS - 这是bilibili直播独轮车
Emphasize Quotes JS - Makes surrounding text lighter while making text within quotations stand out. Supports Safari and works with FixSpacing.
🔥拓展增强🔥妖火网插件 JS - 发帖ubb增强、回帖ubb增强、回帖表情增强、查看贴子显示用户等级增强、手动吃肉增强、自动加载更多帖子、自动加载更多回复、一键自动上传图床、支持个性化菜单配置
AI 이미지 EXIF 뷰어 JS - AI 이미지 메타데이터 보기
行业标准信息服务平台PDF下载 JS - 获取指定网站上的所有图片链接,并将其合成为 PDF 文件
Base Mod JS - L skid mod lol
豆瓣读书同步到Notion JS - 抓取豆瓣读书信息,基于Notion搭建私人图书管理系统
FHD Bilibili Video Downloader JS - Download any Bilibili Video at max resolutions like (720p, 1080p, 4K) and download audio extracted from video at the best quality in MP3 and M4A formats.
MyHeritage Profile Helper JS - Открывает возможность переходить на деревья, сайты и профили людей из поиска, а также отсылать личные сообщения без платной подписки
豆瓣资源下载大师:(包含小雅)豆瓣电影|音乐|图书下载 JS - 【基本就是原作者代码的基础上添加了小雅搜索】聚合数百家资源网站,通过右侧边栏1秒告诉你哪些网站能下载豆瓣页面上的电影|电视剧|纪录片|综艺|动画|音乐|图书等,有资源的网站显示绿色,没资源的网站显示黄色,就这么直观!所有豆瓣条目均提供在线播放|阅读、字幕|歌词下载及PT|NZB|BT|磁力|百度盘|115网盘等下载链接,加入官网打死也不出的豆列搜索功能,此外还能给豆瓣条目额外添加IMDB评分|IMDB TOP 250|Metascore评分|烂番茄评分|AniDB评分|Bgm评分|MAL|亚马逊评分等更多评分形式。官方电报群:@doubandown
Clean Twitter JS - Bring back peace on Twitter
基础教育教师培训网 仅4倍速播放 JS - https://jx19qy.gpa.enetedu.com/
GC - Grumpy Old King JS - Autofill the avatar joke for both Skarl and Hagan
哔哩哔哩抽奖动态删除&取关 JS - 可选择不同模式对动态进行删除, 借鉴了mscststs大佬的https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/387046
Diep.io Mod Menu JS - Loop upgrade custom builds, render aim line, render factory guide circle.
Midjourney Auto Menu Call JS - 减少两次鼠标操作
Canvas ChatGPT JS - Adds ChatGPT into Instructure Canvas
5ch.net Direct Links JS - Replace jump.5ch.net links with direct links
Passei Direto Bypass JS - Remove o efeito blur do conteúdo do site passeidireto.com
🐭️ MouseHunt Improved JS - Improve your MouseHunt experience. Please only use this when the extension is not available.
Google Docs Copy JS - 28/04/2023, 20:00:49
ClarinNoPaywall JS - Remover paywall de Clarin.com
cc caption automatic translator JS - automatic translate the cc caption to current language of browser by using the translate feature of browser.
LibReddit Dark Theme & LibReddit Settings Changer JS - Change the default Libreddit theme to Black, and set other preferences more convenient than on Reddit
kirka gun fire rate increase JS - work in progress if you get into a game without people just wait up to 30 seconds and youll see ppl joing
Custom Status Bar JS - Lets you customize the Geoguessr status bar via a GUI
碧蓝幻想手机通知助手 JS - 碧蓝幻想副本团灭或打完后,手机收到通知
知乎免登录 JS - 去除知乎登陆弹窗
Bing-Rewards一键签到 JS - 必应Rewards每日任务一键领取工具
Quizlet Login Bypass 2024 JS - Unblur text, Remove ads, Clean UI
ABEMA Little Tools JS - ABEMAをちょっとだけ便利にするかもしれない機能をまとめました。
MonkeyType AutoTyper Bot JS - A Bot that automatically types for you in MokeyType.
JDownloader Automat JS - Send fireload.com (or any active webpage) URL to JDownloader using Click'n'Load 2 functionality.
网页屏蔽器 JS - 屏蔽整个网站
Player-List Mod (Draggable) | Shell Shockers | flyg0n LiTe JS - Adds a draggable player list to the shell shockers game UI. Shows paused players and players hp.
Twitch Player Quality Changer JS - Automatically change the quality of the Twitch player to your liking.
动态的每日一言 JS - Pop up notifications from the bottom right corner of the page every second, and keep popping up until you stop the script. The notifications will keep moving up, and then disappear after 3 seconds. The content of each notification is a random sentence obtained from an API.
Proxy Redirect JS - Redirect to privacy respecting proxy frontends
No Referrer JS - Disable HTTP referer by adding rel="noreferrer". This prevents the destination site from receiving what URL the user came from. Press Command + Shift + F to toggle Referrer Policy.
Enforce HTTPS JS - Automatically change HTTP URLs to HTTPS, when possible.
Bing AI No Limit JS - Remove character limitation from Bing AI search.
Taming.io Keystrokes JS - A simple script to see visually the keys you have pressed. (Stylish for recording, streaming, etc.)
Tinder AutoLiker // 80% yes / 20% no (customizable) JS - Auto liker for Tinder - 80% likes 20% dislikes in random interval between 1 and 4 seconds
Stick YouTube Progress Bar JS - Stick YouTube video progress bar to the player bottom
Microsoft(Bing) Rewards Script JS - 自动获得微软(Microsoft Rewards)/必应奖励(Bing Rewards)。通过设置搜索次数,🤖自动搜索获取积分。支持获得✔电脑搜索🏆、✔移动端搜索🏅、✔Microsoft Edge 奖励✌三种奖励
ChatGPT Auto-Continue JS - Auto click the "Continue generating" button.
Rust Twitch Drop bot JS - Twitch Auto Claim, Drop, change channel and auto track progress
GeoGuessr Background Replacer JS - Replaces the background of the geoguessr pages with your own images
Ome.tv IP Geolocation JS - Ome.tv IP Geolocation By RannStudio
Ome.tv IP Geolocation JS - Ome.tv IP Geolocation By RannStudio
xiaohongshu Download Markdown JS - 快捷键:Ctrl+Alt+S,一键下载xiaohongshu页面内容为Markdown文档,也可点击右侧下载图标下载页面内容
Drag-Drop Image Uploader JS - Enables image uploading by simply dragging and dropping images onto a fixed div in the bottom right corner of the page. Easily upload and use images on any website with this convenient script.
YouTube Volume Assistant JS - Enhances the volume control on YouTube by providing additional information and features.
有谱么 破解打印 JS - 启用本插件后,直接点击打印曲谱即可
MutliQRCode JS - PC端和移动端都可用的二维码识别
赛尔号启航Pc JS - 赛尔号启航Pc.
bilibili自动签到 JS - 打开bilibili自动签到
Alcasthq twitch and ad video remover JS - Blocks the Twitch video player and the side ad from loading.
Bilibili - 自动切换直播画质至最高画质 JS - 自动切换Bilibili直播画质至最高画质 | V0.8 移除多余的async
SimpleMMO auto stepper JS - script that automatically clicking step button on SimpleMMO
Apex Learning Right Click JS - Allows you to right click on Apex Learning, adapted and fixed from Axel and Dellstock.
Slither.io auto play bot JS - auto play bot for slither.io
抖音直播精简 JS - 移除相关直播、移除礼物栏、移除用户进入直播间消息、移除粉丝牌&礼物弹幕、移除点赞动画、自动屏蔽礼物特效、移除顶栏客户端&快捷访问按钮、自动网页全屏、自动切原画画质。源代码https://github.com/komomoo/dylive-prune,欢迎pr👏
ChatGPT: Fix Enter Key on Small Sizes JS - Userscript changes the mobile interface by restoring Ctrl+Enter or Enter as Submit, even when opening small, thin windows in the desktop environment.
Bilibili 评论搜索 JS - 让 Bilibili 支持评论搜索。
Bonk Panel JS - Have a better UI interface!
Shazam's Snay.io script JS - A script that updates automatically, to bring you cool features for Snay.io.
去除创客贴/图怪兽/比格设计去水印珍藏版V231011 JS - 在V3.0去除创客贴设计的基础上,新增一键去除图怪兽设计、比格设计作品的水印标签,本不再支持稿定设计去水印,作者专门更新了稿定设计的单独去水印版本,相比v3.0通用性更强。有时候遇到神器按钮不见的时候,重新从首页进入编辑设计页面试试。交流jimeizy学习!
💯 懒人专用系列 ——— 简洁安全的增强购物省钱助手 JS - ⭕自动显示淘宝、天猫、天猫超市、天猫国际、京东、京东国际的隐藏优惠券。⭕淘宝添加勾选仅显示淘宝商品不显示天猫商品等购物增强功能。❌拒绝任何干扰。❌拒绝强制跳转。⭕持续更新。
Native Media Controls JS - This script attempts to replace Twitter media controls with your browsers native media controls.
Boss Batch Push [Boss直聘批量投简历] JS - boss直聘批量简历投递
聚BT子标题加粗加大 JS - 修改聚BT子标题样式
ReadliBookExtractor JS - The script adds a button to the site for downloading books to an FB2 file
虫虫钢琴免VIP扒谱 JS - 免VIP扒谱+去除部分烦人广告
Reddit Random Subreddit JS - buttons for random subreddit
DuckDuckGo Images for Brave search JS - Inserts DuckDuckGo images tab into Brave search
读取excel文件 JS - 读取excel文件,生成excel文件!
bang search for google & bing JS - "bring the duckduckgo bang search to google and bing"