Infinite Craft FastCheat JS - Adds a menu on the top left corner for fast access to cheats.
Grundos Cafe Battledome Utility (Keyboard) JS - Remember last selected battledome weapons and options, keyboard controls
Plagiarism Certification Tests Helper JS - Highlight Word-for-word plagiarism, and enable text copy.
不背单词生词本单词+词义导出 JS - 不背单词生词本导出,导出为txt文件,由https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/474142-不背单词生词本导出 修改而来
Auto Dark Mode for ESJ Zone JS - Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Hide Elements JS - Hide specific elements on a webpage
http://pixuniverse.fun/ picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to pixuniverse.fun
Lobbyselector for Craftnite 2025 JS - This is a easy Lobbyselector/Mapselector for Craftnite.io. (Compatible with any other hack/scribt!)
moomoo.io || revolver v3 (newest release) JS - Shared by (discord): notsyrup
Pixiv图片下载 JS - 添加一个按钮🤤来下载图片
Autodarts shared board script JS - Auto remove board user and auto 'use my board' on every user that joins
chatgpt menutemp JS - Mod menu for Krunker (UND)
Grundo's Cafe - Games Journal JS - Keeps track of games rewards history (Community sharing can be disabled in the settings)
小红书自动关闭登录窗 JS - 自动检测并关闭小红书的登录弹窗
View Points Market Anytime JS - View Torn's point market from hospital, jail or travelling!
鼠标连点器 JS - 当页面元素被点击后记录该元素,F9触发每5秒点击一次,F12停止触发点击事件。
ColaManga 瀏覽增強 JS - 隱藏廣告內容,提昇瀏覽體驗。自訂背景顏色,圖片大小調整。當圖片載入失敗時,自動重新載入圖片。提供熱鍵功能:[← 上一頁]、[下一頁 →]、[↑ 自動上滾動]、[↓ 自動下滾動]。當用戶滾動到頁面底部時,自動跳轉到下一頁。
Infinite Craft Helper JS - A script that adds various useful features to Infinite Craft.
смешная землеройка catwar.su JS - заменяет изображение землеройки на смешное
Use Any Blook JS - use any blook on the lobby in blooket (NOT ON YOUR ACCOUNT!!!!!!)
Reddit Automatic Dark Mode JS - Switches Reddit cark mode on and off according to System Theme (if exposed by browser).
Moomoo.io Raven HM RE 1.1 JS - https://discord.gg/rvu46WKdRu
蓝奏云重定向+记住密码 JS - 自动将所有蓝奏云链接重定向至lanzn.com。自动记住并填写蓝奏云密码。直接下载APK文件。
YouTube Default Audio Track JS - Makes it possible to select the desired Audio Track played by default.
去除b站首页推广 JS - 去除b站首页的推广,侧栏广告
NGA优化摸鱼体验插件-标记整页 JS - 一键标全楼,浏览自动标。
微信读书增强:图片下载、代码复制 JS - 增强微信读书网页版功能,包括图片下载和代码复制
UI美化-JLU学业完成查询 JS - 更好看,更花哨,更好用
Infinity Craft (no seu idioma) JS - Adiciona um seletor de idiomas à interface do jogo Infinity Craft em https://neal.fun/infinite-craft/ — o jogo infinito.
Niconico URL 重定向 JS - 自动将类似 acg.tv/sm* 的 URL 转换为 nicovideo.jp/watch/sm* (包括 URL 参数)
飞卢小说优化|🔓解锁VIP章节 JS - 飞卢小说网更换免费书源观看
123网盘去广告 JS - 123网盘去广告,并将下载文件按钮移动到底部
隐藏123云盘广告并调整下载按钮位置 JS - 隐藏123云盘页面中的广告,并调整下载按钮的位置,提升用户体验。
Fix width of YouTube Desktop for small screen device (mobile) JS - Fixes the width when viewing Youtube desktop mode on small screen device, useful when your using add-ons that is only available on desktop mode, ex: Comet - Reddit Comments on YouTube & Webpages, *use https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/uaswitcher/ some add-ons like comet works only when url don't contain "app=desktop"
继续教育视频加速刷课挂课|公需课|专业课|各专业各省市继续教育|新疆专技|智慧中小学教师研修|东奥会计|华医网|好医生 JS - 任意浏览器视频倍速播放,按键调速|此脚本智能加速|如需代刷请联系V:HLL16999欢迎个人或代理前来咨询|
Autopass Cloudflare CAPTCHA in iFrame JS - 自动点击“验证您是真人”
大麦抢票 JS - 学习分享
[Premium] Shortlink Maker by Andrewblood JS - Automatic click the buttons for much Shortlink sites (a list is no longer possible with so many pages)
Age Restriction Bypass JS - Adds simple age no limiter and Do not track.
显示 gamebanana 更新具体时间 JS - 用具体时间替换 gamebanana 网站上的更新时间。
YouTube Watch Later Remove Button on Hover JS - Show a remove button on hover over video thumbnails in the Watch Later list
清除Cookies与复制Cookies JS - 脚本菜单包含清除和复制功能。
1024小助手 JS - 草榴社区一键下载图片和视频、修复部分视频无法播放的问题、图片透明、图片隐藏、隐藏logo、点击图片全屏图片预览、高亮今天的帖子、返回顶部、去除图片点击限制、主题内小图模式和图片下载
GeoGuessr is User Banned JS - Show whether a player is banned or not on their profile page
YGN RedBOT v3 JS - Gartic.io RedBOT v3 [OPENSOURCE]
Duo's auto-comebacker JS - Need Duolingo-Cheat-Tool to working automaticly (https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/431948/Duolingo-Cheat-Tool.user.js)
NGA优化摸鱼体验插件-标记备份 JS - 适用范围:不想使用webdav且标记数量巨大
🔥超星学习通小助手-章节、作业、考试覆盖98%|后台自动挂机|闯关课程|自动答题|阅读时长|公式题、图片题|1:1时长|不清进度|云端题库实时更新 JS - 🔥新版学习模式,避免页面切换烦恼,亿级题库支撑,搜索无答案自动后台检索,可视化配置界面,参数DIY⭐️【复习模式】可补次数补时长,⭐️【闯关课程】支持闯关模式课程全自动学习
Chromebot - nitro type bot JS - Nitro typer auto typer for chromebooks (works for windows and mac as well)
Don't forget your Xanax JS - Reminds you to take your xanax when you have no drug cooldown
复制天眼查和国家企业信息公示系统企业信息 JS - 在天眼查网站和国家企业信用信息公示系统的网页上增加复制企业信息的按钮,以方便地复制这些信息到剪贴板
Bloxd.io GUI beta JS - A Simple GUI for Bloxd.io. still in work though
上海开放大学/上开自动刷视频 JS - 上海开放大学相关视频自动学习自动看视频程序,如失效,最新版请进群获取,QQ群:756253160
Freebit AI roll Multiply JS - Auto roll
Cryzen.io Map Darkmode JS - Makes maps darkmode
Wykop XS - Ban Info - Informacje o banach JS - Wykop XS - Informacje o banach na profilach zbanowanych użytkowników. Wykop X Style znajdziesz na: http://styl.wykopx.pl
bilibili 移动端 JS - Safari打开电脑模式,其它浏览器关闭电脑模式修改网站UA,获取舒适的移动端体验。
YouTube Play All JS - Adds the Play-All-Button to the videos, shorts, and live sections of a YouTube-Channel
❤【超星学习通小助手】【正则改】注意打开章节学习界面脚本才会运行,修复无法关闭自动答题自动提交还有开启激活挂机功能】【完全免费】视频-章节测试|自动挂机|防清进度|不占资源 JS - ▶▶▶上次更新:2024.2.18◀◀◀【💻可最小化💻】🆒支持超星视频、文档、答题、自定义正确率、掉线自动登录🤘取消视频文件加载,多开也不占用网速,放心追剧🍊自定义答题正确率,提高学习效率🍆每日功能测试,在发现问题前就解决问题,防清进度,无不良记录
【超星学习通助手】)打开章节学习界面自动运行,一定要打开学习界面脚本才会运行。支持任务点自动跳转|章节测验、作业、考试全网检索答案 JS - 超星学习通助手۞♡♤,打开章节学习界面自动运行,一定要打开学习界面脚本才会运行,挂机解放时间,无需任何操作自动完成所有任务点。汇集全网免费、付费题库接口支持一键对接,答案更全更靠谱。
SampleFocus Downloader JS - Download unlimited samples from SampleFocus
Perplexity Model Selection JS - Adds model selection buttons to Perplexity AI using jQuery
Download character.ai chat JS - Downloads the current character.ai chat as a text file. Right click on page to use.
Country Flag Fixer JS - Replaces mysterious country codes automatically with the corresponding flag. The solution for Chromium users on Windows!
Tradutor do Character.AI JS - Um script que adiciona o sistema de tradução do Character AI, você pode traduzir as conversas do persoangens.
Auto Switch UserAgent JS - Use different User Agents based on different URLs or domains.
ChatGPT访问助手大师版tools/Keep ChatGPT无需魔法Magic梯子科学上网工具Plus修改功能增强免费可体验使用不限时间地点Pro高级版赠送精品ChatGPT帐号一枚个人独享可改密 JS - ChatGPT访问助手大师解决无法打开ChatGPT或者OpenAI问题/KeepChatGPT访问通畅GPT3.5/GPT4-mobile/文生视频Sora,东方ip被OpenAI屏蔽或电信运营商屏蔽无法注册或无法访问Access denied/chatgpt,解决报错不再刷新,保持活跃取消审计克隆对话净化首页展示大屏全屏言无不尽拦截跟踪等多个高级功能,使AI体验无比丝滑顺畅简洁高效,侧栏联动显示Chat搜索&ChatGPT回答自定义搜索代码区高亮逐字显示,即刻体验OpenAI/Claude/Bard/文心一言/通义千问/天工/360智脑/星火/曹植/MOSS/ChatGLM/盘古/悟道/CPM/山海/紫东太初/封神榜MindBot,无需翻墙,无需注册,无需下载,无需等待!无须繁琐注册流程,无须cookie&key,直接与AI对话!轻松导出ChatGPT聊天记录,以便进一步自行保存、分析及分享永页机,解锁ChatGPT Plus会员功能:主动关闭数据监管会话导入导出高负载限制解锁!使用ChatGPT过程更高效顺畅,完美解决ChatGPT网络错误无需频繁刷新网页取消后台监管审计解决报错
pancake mod [Unpatched] JS - thiis is a unpatched version of pancake mod use it all you want!
Faster Bing JS - 将 Bing 的重定向 url 转换为真实 url
Bypass Glassdoor Login JS - Remove gd-hardsell elements on Glassdoor
Yohoho.io Hack JS - Hack yohoho.io | Choose any island Hotkey: I | Choose any skin 1-35 (1 is the default skin 35 is the max skin) Hotkey: P | Give coins Hotkey: O
Download Wattpad Chapter JS - Download the content of the Wattpad chapter as a text file by clicking a button. The button is designed to integrate with the appearance of the Wattpad page.
抖音提取无水印视频 JS - 抖音提取无水印视频,最后需要自己在网页ctrl + s下载
Astral Client's Menu JS - none needed
BetterSnap - Make Snapchat Web Better JS - Screenshot & View Unread Chats, Send as Mobile, and more! Previously known as Better Snapchat.
VipVideo JS - 白嫖yyds,右键更换接口
duohacker JS - there's cheats for Duolingo? what
Stats Xente Script JS - Stats Xente script for inject own data on Managerzone site
🔥【就是爽】【改进版】某度网盘 破解SVIP&&倍速播放&&文稿字幕&&样式&&解锁&&修复自动开启字幕,删广告样式等bug(360+chrome已测)....看网课专用! JS - 直接上效果图,见下面........修复自动开启字幕和导出doc等bug,取消视频控制栏的阴影等等 (20240825修正到1.3.7→1.6,修正错误:开启脚本后无法加载字幕)
陕西省专业技术人员继续教育公需课专业课自动播放 JS - 陕西专技公需课专业课职称继续教育自动播放
Gartic right column chat JS - Moves the chat to the right column.
自定义字体渲染 JS - 自定义网页上的字体渲染效果。
Hack - hamrocsit.com JS - 4/4/2023, 4:33:28 PM
Stop Nefarious Redirects JS - Block unauthorized redirects and prevent history manipulation
Dobby2 JS - Dobby
学术论文期刊免费下载工具-知网免费下载 JS - 支持的网站:知网|万方|维普|皮书|中华医学会|博看图书。知网的硕博论文以及期刊免费下载、万方数据知识平台的文章免费下载、维普期刊的所有期刊免费下载、皮数数据库的期刊和报告免费下载、中华医学会的期刊论文免费下载、博看图书的图书和期刊免费全本下载。如果遇到问题请在反馈中登记,看到后会及时的回复的。
【快点工具】—视频号视频下载直播回放下载器-支持手机和电脑 JS - 视频号视频下载和直播回放下载提取以及全网短视频下载提取器,使用前请看下方教程,微信视频号下载器、抖音、小红书全网视频下载等
Youtube Video Actions JS - multiple actions for YouTube videos, such as downloading, opening in an external player, opening subtitles in another tab, opening in alternative pages, viewing the enlarged thumbnail and a few more things
imgur图片镜像换源 JS - imgur图片镜像换源,通过镜像服务器换源预览
agar bar remover JS - Remove the miniclip bar from our game
GeoGuessr XP FARM - The Best Cheat Out There! [Ultimate Bundle] JS - Introducing Exodus: One of the greatest geoguessr scripts out there able to farm xp very fast to precise location pinpointing + a lot more like seriously.. this script will amaze you!
Twitter remove content warning JS - Remove twitter content warning
Canva Start Deleting JS - Canva - Empty ALL Images from Trash folder - simplest way - UPDATED 2024
给爷新标签打开页面 JS - 在类似Github、Google等网页中新建标签访问页面
B站自动宽屏居中 JS - 自动宽屏播放并将播放器垂直居中视口,退出宽屏模式自动滚动页面到顶部。默认关闭自动宽屏。
firewall freeltc JS - O amanhã será tarde demais!!!