برامج نصية
ChatGPT Tools JS - Various Tools for ChatGPT
Character.AI Text Color JS - Lets you change the text colors as you wish and highlight chosen words
c.ai X Swipes JS - A toggleable panel with the swipes of the current turn
c.ai X Panel JS - Adds a Description and an Autoscroll Button
c.ai X Character Creation Helper JS - Gives visual feedback for the definition
Character.ai Custom CSS JS - Apply custom CSS styles to character.ai
Discord/Shapes - Rules JS - Logic for rotating custom texts on Discord
Discord/Shapes - Main Logic JS - Handling the logic of Rules and Lorebook
Discord/Shapes - Lorebook JS - Storing and loading Lorebook Entries for Discord/Shapes
Discord/Shapes - LocalStorage Import/Export JS - Script to export/import specific entries from localStorage
Discord/Shapes - Styles JS - Adjusting a few visual Elements on Discord
Discord/Shapes - < > Hider JS - Hide elements enclosed by < > in Discord
Discord/Shapes - Events JS - Events Feature for Shapes
MP3 to Transcript with Auto-Detection and Persistent Storage JS - Automatically scan the last conversation message for MP3 links, transcribe them, and avoid duplicates using local storage. Limits to 3 entries.
Discord/Shapes Tools JS - Various Functions for Shapes.inc for Discord
Discord Message Colorizer Enhanced JS - Colors <em> text yellow and text within parentheses blue in Discord messages, handling split spans
ChatGPT DOM Cleanup JS - Cleans up the DOM of ChatGPT chats to the last 20 messages.
ChatGPT Tools Export/Import JS - Export and import localStorage keys rulesProfiles and lorebookEntries
Persistent Custom GPTs List with Names & Dates JS - Stores conversation URLs (url/storedAt/name), sorts newest-first, allows rename, auto-updates last-access time on click, plus a remove button. Now with hoverable buttons for titles & items, and truncated GPT titles with full title on hover. Highlights the current conversation.
ChatGPT Show Edit Button JS - Restores the Copy and Edit button as a quick fix
ChatGPT Hide Reasoning JS - Hide the GPT reasoning so that if it constantly is expanded you finally can live in peace