GreaterGood CTG AutoClicker

Automatically clicks through all the buttons on all subsites of the GreaterGood ClickToGive program every two hours.

< Feedback on GreaterGood CTG AutoClicker

مراجعة: Good - script works

Posted: 01-04-2022

Works flawlessly. But I wish there was a timer that kept the clicks from being inhumanly fast. If the site detects the clicks are automated, they may not count them.

Maybe make a timer that takes a random amount of time between 2 and 3 seconds to click every link?

Posted: 30-04-2022

Works flawlessly. But I wish there was a timer that kept the clicks from being inhumanly fast. If the site detects the clicks are automated, they may not count them.

Maybe make a timer that takes a random amount of time between 2 and 3 seconds to click every link?

Thanks for the suggestion, I now added that option in v1.3:
It waits a random amount between per default 1 to 3 seconds before clicking.
You can change the amount in the script at the top.

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