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Attempts to automate all the routine tasks in ikariam, like transporting wine
< Feedback on Ikariam Automation
je trouve ce script très pratique par contre il ne marche pas si mon port est en position 2 il ouvre le chantier navale . c'est peut être moi qui ne sait pas le faire fonctionner et dans ce cas indique moi la marche a suivre.
ou alors est-il possible de modifier ton script pour le faire partir sur la position 2 au lieu de 1 ou inversement et la aussi donne moi la marche a suivre si c'est possible.
en te remercient d'avance pour ta réponse
cordialement nahic
I am english, don't know french so that won't help me any more than what I can get from google translate.
Thanks for the feedback. Currently, I have all my ports in position one as that was easier, but I will look into allowing both positions later. Glad you enjoy my script.
I think I fixed this with version 1.2, but not sure as I don't have any left shipyards to test on.
Thank you it works a +
Ikariam Automation
I find this script very practical on the other hand it does not work if my port is in position 2 it opens the shipyard. It may be me who does not know how to make it work and in this case tell me the course to follow.
Or is it possible to modify your script to make it go on position 2 instead of 1 or vice versa and it also gives me the course to follow if it is possible.
Thank you in advance for your answer
Cordially nahic