Install Button for Library Scripts JS - Adds an "Install"- Button for library scripts. Useful to have your usercript addon open it in it's editor. (e.g. Tamper-, Violent- or Grease- monkey)
Comparator JS (函式庫) - Configurable Comparator similar to java.util.Comparator in Java 8
PrivateProperty JS (函式庫) - Weakly references a value to a specified object. May be used to create private fields.
Enum JS (函式庫) - Enumeration class. Each enum propertiy has the properties "ordinal", "name" and "text".
DATA_TABLE_COLUMN JS (函式庫) - columns object for datatables.net
Beitrag JS (函式庫) - Class representing an article from the page movie-blog.to / movie-blog.org
ParseUtil JS (函式庫) - Utility methods for DOM and string parsing
SimpleCache JS (函式庫) - A Map extended as a Cache. Optional KeyExtractor - Function, optional ValueTransformer - Functions, as well as an optional validityPeriod after which an entry is automatically going to be removed.
HttpRequest JS (函式庫) - HttpRequest for any type of request and HttpRequestHTML to request webpage. Supports caching of responses to handle status 304.
Patch When Available Library JS (函式庫) - Calls a function (getExpectedFnc()) repeatedly until it gives an expected result (confirmIsAvailableFnc()). Forwards it to (doPatchFnc()).