GC Potato Counter Counter JS - Fills in the correct answer (does not auto-submit)
GC - BD Enhancements. Keyboard control and skill autoselector JS - Adds keyboard control to BD. Also autofills skills in preferred order (up to 3). Replace var numeric values with preferred skills.
GC Quickstock Helper (Form over Function) JS - Adds a button to items that have not been tagged on Quick Stock that allows you to save your Deposit, Stock, Discard preference. To remove a preference, use the "Remove Item" button in the Tampermonkey menu (in your browser extensions). The button will load again for that item on next refresh. Recommend turning off auto-update to protect your GM Storage. Copy your GM Storage text to notepad before updating, then paste back in after update.
GC - Mark Gardening Items - Red text JS - Makes gardening items text red on Grundos Cafe inventory, quickstock, and SDB. Easy to change color, just change the 3 "red" to whatever you want.
GC Quickstock Helper (Function over Form) JS - Adds a button next to each item in Quick Stock that allows you to save your Deposit, Stock, Discard preference. This version adds the button to all items every time and allows you to remove the item from the array entirely within the drop down. Recommend turning off auto-update to protect your GM Storage. Copy your GM Storage text to notepad before updating, then paste back in after update.
GC Giveaway Search/Filters JS - Adds search bar and pre-made filters, including full relic list. Adds checkbox to hide entered giveaways. Persists through reload