Demo script set by JasonBarnabe
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顯示 繁體中文 的結果。顯示所有語言的結果。
叔叔不约自动匹配女 JS - 叔叔不约自动匹配女0.2
B站合集计时 JS - 获取观看合集时整体时间进度,点击视频标题弹出
移除123Pan顶部广告 JS - Remove elements with specified class from the page
Удаление "Н JS - Убирает "Н" из таблицы оценок
bilibili-improver JS - 去除b站马赛克
自动安装插件1 JS - 在 greasyfork 自动安装插件
自动安装插件2 JS - 在 greasyfork 自动安装插件
Hide Google Logo JS - Hide elements with class lnXdpd on
Freelancer notifier JS - a freelancer notifier script
🚀🚀GPT4直连账号切换🚀🚀 JS - 为GPT4直连账号切换提供便利
⭐网页瞬间加载/跳过进度条直接加载网页(附重定向链接优化)⭐ JS - 任何链接内容跳过进度条秒加载,并优化删除重定向链接(解决95%的重定向问题,如知乎,微博等),所有参数可高度自定义
煎蛋本地收藏 JS - 收藏煎蛋的帖子,保存在浏览器本地存储中
TMGeneralTranslation JS - 通过翻译服务器对游戏内球员名字进行汉化
探索发现节目标题完全显示 JS - 探索发现网页文字显示不全,不能直观看到节目标题。用脚本改一下,让其完全显示。
ニコニコ大百科 掲示板IDリスト(他のスクリプトの前提データ) JS - 自分のIDリストをheadにscriptで追加(他のスクリプトで使用する)
ニコニコ大百科 掲示板 抽出 JS - 自分の書き込みを抽出
ニコニコ大百科 掲示板IDリスト取得 JS - 掲示板書き込みプレビュー時のIDの隣に「掲示板IDリスト」に保存する用のデータをコピーするボタンを作る
ニコニコ大百科 掲示板IDハイライト JS - 自分の書き込みをハイライト
Uncap FPS for Suroi JS - Uncaps the FPS limit (turns off V-sync)
CSDN质量分显示按钮 JS - 用于快速查询编辑页CSDN博客质量分的浏览器脚本,详细描述见
базированный шлепа гигачад JS - заменяет изображение котенка каракала на версию художника с ID 505212
Skip YouTube Ads with embed JS - Skip YouTube Ads
Cardmarket compare items in shopping cart JS - Adds info comparing price of each item of a seller with the price of that same item from other sellers in the shopping cart
高考直通车PDF下载 JS - 高考直通车添加直接下载PDF的按钮
Blubbled's UI Mod v1 JS - Adds some QoL features, such as always showing kill count, green health bar, etc
京东部分触屏活动页商品用电脑端打开 JS - 目前仅可为百亿补贴页,京东秒杀页提供触屏商品通过新标签页打开商品的功能,临时通过油猴提供该功能,后续若找到通用的方法后将通过守候购物小助手插件为所有触屏活动页带来该功能
Скрипт для модераторов форума JS - Версия для сервера TULA
Change Subscribe button text to Purchase on JS - Change Subscribe text to Purchase on Real Debrid 2024-04-30, 2:58:30 PM
Youtube short pop out JS - Youtube Short Full Video Pop out
Roblox Prank JS - redirects any game you join to another (first release - 4/30)
Blubbled's UI Mod v1.3 JS - Adds some QoL features, such as always showing kill count, green health bar, etc
AIDungeon QoL Tool JS - A QoL script for AID, adding customizable hotkeys, also increases performance by removing the countless span elements from last response
使用serif字体 JS - 安卓手机一般使用的是Sans Serif字体,偶尔使用下Serif字体也不错
AIDungeon Mobile Web Optimizer JS - A performance script for AID, like my QoL script wihtout all the stuff you can't use on mobile
COZE - Free GPT4 reply box extension from 640px with 1280px JS - Expanded, the width of the window is for the whole response code to be visible, not some fragment.
AutoLightsail JS - Read Lightsail books automatically without triggering the anti-bot check!!!
Display Wordle Stats JS - Shows the worlde stats without needing an NYT account.
Data Analysis Script JS - Perform data analysis on a given dataset
Remove Channels from WhatsApp Web JS - Removes the Channels button from the WhatsApp Web interface
pixelplace picture overlay JS - Add your picture as overlay to
Add 1.75x and 4x Speed Options JS - Add 1.75x and 4x speed options to Bilibili video player
GC - Better Wishing Well Autofill JS - Autofills the wishing well donation amount to 25. Inputs default wish, if that has been requested recently, inputs backup wish.
GC Potato Counter Counter JS - Fills in the correct answer (does not auto-submit)
GC - BD Enhancements. Keyboard control and skill autoselector JS - Adds keyboard control to BD. Also autofills skills in preferred order (up to 3). Replace var numeric values with preferred skills.
留言抽奖 JS - 方便 留言抽奖操作
Github屏蔽用户 JS - 屏蔽Github搜索页面某些丝麻用户的内容,如cirosantilli发的与代码无关的Shit Repo,我囸你写吗狗罕见
Luscious Revive Requests JS - Adds a button to request a revive from Luscious Medics
读秀个人网站部署 JS - 读秀个人网站部署(包括前端后端一并打包)本程序可部署独立网站,可自用,可部署网站
MB Auto Track Lengths from CD TOC JS - Autoset track lengths from unique CD-TOC