Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

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Hey Rotten Mind,

First thanks for keeping the script together/tested/updated. It's a huge help and takes a ton of your time so thanks again.

When I first made the frankenscript and changed the versions this was the scheme:

1.xx.x.x because it's still version 1 really. I could see version 2 being a re-write that supports greasemonkey 2.x+, or enough additions that it's time to bump up the major version.

x.05.x.x because it's mod5 and that's the easiest way to see "where" the script is. This would change to "06" on the first script update after mod6 is released AND supports any new mod6 gateway features (this is the important part). Whether or not the numbers to the right of this change at the same time is inconsequential.

x.xx.#.x was going to be new feature additions and such. I'd say this should be at "1" now with the Ad/Zen exchange & UI changes. Getting the sell option fleshed out and stable would warrant a bump up to "2". Changing this would reset the next number to 0.

x.xx.x.# was for minor changes & fixes (such as code cleanups or other behind the scenes changes).

x.xx.x.x(a) letters on the end are typically for quick and easy immediate bugfixes to a published script.

Just thought I'd mention that. Doesn't matter in the long run, and please do whatever seems right to you. This isn't a criticism, really!

Also, I'm not quite a developer... just a contributor like so many others so you can take me out of that on the script ;)

And sorry to throw this up here... Greasy Fork doesn't seem to have an individual messaging option.


Well, I allready got short conversation with MAC-NW and he got just opinion that we should stick with "numeric" versions.

...and x.xx.x.x format explanation was good, I was thinking it that way and its good to get confirmation for it.

ps. PM can be sent, but most discussion is good keep conversations on public place...


I think I go back old version numbering, just simple solution to see modXX from version eg. 10.06.01 .

