Change FOV in Shell Shockers! JS - Implemented slider to change fov in shell shockers!
Disable scope (SHELL SHOCKERS) JS - Removes the black borders that occur whenever you scope in!
Multicolor Crosshair (RAINBOW EDITION) JS - Rainbow crosshair in shell shockers! Be the you that you were always meant to be! 🏳️🌈
Fog Mod for Shell Shockers JS - Adjust Density and Color of the Fog in shell shockers!
Get better FPS in shell shockers! JS - May or may not improve your fps in shell shockers.
Toggleable (Key V) ESP for Shell Shockers (PROOF OF CONCEPT) JS - Only to be used for TESTING purposes, in private lobbies.
Change the Sky Color of Shell Shockers JS - Change the color of the sky in shell shockers!
Censored-No-More JS - Disables the chat filter and allows you to see messages that typically get blocked