Better Donnons.org JS - improve website features
JV Notes de test JS - Affiche les notes des jeux sur la page de listing
IsThereAnyDeal - Add G2A prices JS - add G2A prices on listings
ArmorGame - Fullscreen JS - allows switching to fullscreen with a button or escape key
A Better Syges JS - for a better world!
Carrefour - Better prices display JS - better prices display
LinkedIn - Hide Invite Contacts by Email JS - If you dont want to spam people not on LinkedIn by sending email invite to them.
Jenkins - Better select boxes JS - enlarge & sort selects
Le Marché Jap - Hide unavailable products JS - hide unavailable products
Gitlab - Hide html errors JS - Hide red html errors appearing on merge diffs
Qwant - Minimal theme JS - Show simpler Qwant
Jira auto-fill JS - try to take over the world!
Extranet auto-fill JS - try to take over the world!
Digiposte - Rename helper JS - Will help you rename files with one keypress
Wish.com - Price filter & more JS - Filtering by min/max price, allow hidding nsfw products, see reviews
Geforce Experience - Game hider JS - lets you hide games from the list
Amazon - Prix au kilo JS - Affiche les prix au kilo et tri par prix croissant
Google Photos - Easy Delete JS - Delete a photo by pressing !
Bandcamp - Display Prices on Wishlist JS - Simply display a price tag on each item in the wishlist