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fix old script?

Posted: 05-08-2019
Edited: 05-08-2019

fix old script?

I have this really old script that's supposed to shrink down large images to fit inside the broswer window, but it doesn't work anymore. Can someone fix it to work with the Firefox 68.0.1?

// Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Thorsten Willert
// Released under the GPL license
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is a Greasemonkey user script.
// To install, you need Greasemonkey:
// Then restart Firefox and revisit this script.
// Under Tools, there will be a new menu item to "Install User Script".
// Accept the default configuration and install.
// To uninstall, go to Tools/Manage User Scripts,
// select "Fit Images", and click Uninstall.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// ==UserScript==
// @name Fit Images
// @namespace
// @version 3.1
// @date Mon Sep 14 16:09:00 CEST 2009 @631 /Internet Time/
// @description Fits all images to the inner window size.
// @include *
// @exclude **
// @exclude **
// @exclude **

// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_setValue

// ==/UserScript==

V3.1    + Changed: Doesn't resize imagemaps anymore.
V3.0    + Added: Now it works if the content of the page is changed, too (e.g. AJAX, AutoPager)
V2.3    + Changed: Border color is now the same like the link-color
V2.2    + Changed: Now only pictures with "Height or Width> 250px" are fitted
    you can disable it with the menu
    + Changed border from 2px to 0.25em
V2.1    + now every resized picture is marked with a small green border (var BorderStyle)
        You can disable it via the menu.
V2.0    + now with Auto-mode (menu) to fit all images if you resize the browser window
    the maximum picture size is the original size
V1.4    + added menu to change between "All" or "Height > 250px" images
V1.35   + removed the leading "/" if there is no title
    + changed "pixels" to "px"
V1.3    + now only pictures with a height > 250px are resized
    * some optimizations
V1.0    inital release, Based on the script "Resize inline images in forums"

makeMenuToggle("fit_images_auto", true, "Auto OFF", "Auto ON", "Fit Images");
makeMenuToggle("fit_images_250", false, "All", "Height or Width> 250px", "Fit Images");
makeMenuToggle("fit_images_border", true, "Border OFF", "Border ON", "Fit Images");

if (fit_images_auto) window.addEventListener("resize",resizeImg,false);

function fitImg() {
    var LinkColor = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementsByTagName('a')[0], null)['color'];
    var BorderStyle = "border: 0.25em groove " + LinkColor + ";";
    var Images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
    var InnerWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var InnerHeight = window.innerHeight;
    var ImgHeight, ImgWidth, ImgTitle;
    var ratio, i;

    for(i in Images)
        if ( Images[i].hasAttribute("usemap") ) continue;
        ImgHeight = Images[i].height;
        ImgWidth = Images[i].width;
        ImgTitle = Images[i].title;

        if( (ImgHeight > 250 && ImgWidth > 250 || fit_images_250) && (ImgWidth > InnerWidth-30 || ImgHeight > InnerHeight-30) )
            if ( ImgTitle != "") ImgTitle += " / "
            ratio = Math.min(InnerWidth / ImgWidth, InnerHeight / ImgHeight);

            Images[i].setAttribute('title', ImgTitle + "Original Resolution - " + ImgWidth + "x" + ImgHeight + "px");
            Images[i].setAttribute('width', ImgWidth * ratio - 32);
            Images[i].setAttribute('height', ImgHeight * ratio - 32);

            if (fit_images_border) Images[i].setAttribute('style',BorderStyle);

            Images[i].style.cursor = 'pointer';


function resizeImg() {
    var Images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
    var ImgTitle;
    var RegEx = /Original Resolution - (\d+)x(\d+)px/;
    var i;

    for(i in Images)
        ImgTitle = Images[i].title;

        if (ImgTitle.indexOf("Original Resolution - ") != -1)
            Images[i].setAttribute('width', RegExp.$1);
            Images[i].setAttribute('height', RegExp.$2);
            Images[i].title = ImgTitle.substr(0,ImgTitle.indexOf(" / Original") );
            if ( fit_images_border ) Images[i].setAttribute('style', "" );


function makeMenuToggle(key, defaultValue, toggleOn, toggleOff, prefix) {
  window[key] = GM_getValue(key, defaultValue);
  GM_registerMenuCommand((prefix ? prefix+": " : "") + (window[key] ? toggleOff : toggleOn), function() {
    GM_setValue(key, !window[key]);
Posted: 05-08-2019

This sounds like something achievable through pure CSS e.g. in your usercontent.css or using Stylus or Stylish extensions:

img:not(#\0) {
  max-width: calc(100vw - 32px) !important;
  max-height: calc(100vh - 32px) !important;
  width: auto !important;
  height: auto !important;

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