Before you install, Greasy Fork would like you to know that this script contains antifeatures, which are things there for the script author's benefit, rather than yours.
This script will inject ads on the sites you visit.
// ==UserScript== // @name 百度网盘SVIP解析不限速下载-KK加速 // @namespace // @version 1.6 // @description 加速无止境!一款百度网盘SVIP解析加速下载脚本,下载速度可达10M-50M/S,支持谷歌,火狐,360,IE等浏览器! // @antifeature ads // @author You // @icon  // @license MIT // @icon // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @connect // @connect // @connect // @grant GM_cookie // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @require // @require // @resource layuiCSS // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const layuicss = GM_getResourceText('layuiCSS'); GM_addStyle(layuicss); layui.use(['layer'], async function () { var layer = layui.layer, $ = layui.$; var form = layui.form; if (location.href.startsWith('')) { $('.x-button-box').prepend( '<a class="g-button" id="downbtn_share" style="background-color: red;color: #fff;border:none;" href="javascript:;" ><span class="g-button-right"><em style="top:0;" class="icon icon-download" title=""></em><lable class="text" style="width: auto;">' + config.title_name + '</lable></span></a>' ); } else { if ($('.tcuLAu').is('*')) { $('.tcuLAu').prepend( '<span class="g-dropdown-button"><a id="downbtn_main" style=" margin-right: 10px;color: #fff;background-color: red;border:none;" id="downbtn_main" class="g-button" ><span class="g-button-right"><em style="top:0;" class="icon icon-download" ></em><lable class="text" style="width: auto;">' + config.title_name + '</lable></span></a></span>' ); } else { $('').prepend( '<div class="wp-s-agile-tool-bar__h-group"><button style=" margin-right: 10px;color: #fff;background-color: red;border:none;" id="downbtn_main" class="u-button nd-file-list-toolbar-action-item" ><i style="top:0;" class="iconfont icon-download"></i> <lable>' + config.title_name + '</lable></button></div>' ); } } $('#downbtn_share').click(function () { swal({ title: '提示', text: '请先保存到自己的网盘后,从网盘里解析!', icon: 'warning', }); return false; }); $('#downbtn_main').click(function () { let select = selectList(); let selected = Object.keys(select); if (selected.length == 0) { swal({ text: '请先选择一个文件', icon: 'warning', }); return false; } else if (selected.length > 1) { swal({ text: '目前仅支持单个文件解析', icon: 'warning', }); return false; } else if (select[selected[0]].isdir == 1) { swal({ text: '目前不支持文件夹解析', icon: 'warning', }); return false; } const newDiv = document.createElement('div'); let createDiv = ` <div> <img src="" style="width:240px;height:240px;"> </div> <div> <input style="border:1px solid #ccc; width:60%;height:40px;text-indent:20px;" type="text" autocomplete="off" placeholder="请输入验证码" id="wpCode"/> </div> `; newDiv.innerHTML = createDiv; const openLayer ={ type: 1, // page 层类型 area: ['450px', '300px'], title: '提示', shade: 0.6, // 遮罩透明度 shadeClose: true, // 点击遮罩区域,关闭弹层 anim: 0, // 0-6 的动画形式,-1 不开启 content: ` <div class="layui-form" lay-filter="filter-test-layer" style="width:360px;margin: 16px auto 0;"> <div class="demo-login-container"> <div style="margin-top:50px;">插件解析限制两次</div> <div>下载器一定要配置端口: <a style="color:green;" target="_blank" href="">点击查看配置说明</a></div> <div>不限次数pc网页稳定版: <a style="color:green;" target="_blank" href="">点击前往</a></div> <button style="margin-left:0;margin-top:50px;" id="parse" class="layui-btn layui-btn-fluid" lay-submit lay-filter="demo-login">解析</button> </div> </div> `, success: function () { // 对弹层中的表单进行初始化渲染 form.render(); // 表单提交事件 form.on('submit(demo-login)', async function (data) { $('#parse').html('<p>正在解析中请稍后...</p>'); //let field = data.field; // 获取表单字段值 let canDown = await testDownLoad(); if (!canDown) { layer.close(openLayer); swal("请先安装高速下载器!", "下载地址:", "warning"); $('#parse').html('<p>解析</p>'); return; } share_one_baidu(openLayer); }); }, }); }); }); function selectList() { var select = {}; var option = []; try { option = require('system-core:context/context.js').instanceForSystem.list.getSelected(); } catch (e) { option = document.querySelector('.wp-s-core-pan').__vue__.selectedList; } option.forEach((element) => { select[element.fs_id] = element; }); return select; } const config = { main_url: '', //main_url: '', bd_password: '1234', title_name: 'KKdown', }; function share_one_baidu(openLayer) { let select = Object.keys(selectList()); let bdstoken = ''; let data_json = {}; try { data_json = $('html') .html() .match(/(?<=locals\.mset\()(.*?)(?=\);)/)[0]; data_json = JSON.parse(data_json); config.username = data_json.username; bdstoken = data_json.bdstoken; } catch (e) { data_json = $('html') .html() .match(/(?<=window\.locals\s=\s)(.*?)(?=;)/)[0]; data_json = JSON.parse(data_json); config.username = data_json.userInfo.username; bdstoken = data_json.userInfo.bdstoken; } config.data_json = data_json; const param = { bdstoken: bdstoken, period: 1, pwd: config.bd_password, eflag_disable: true, channel_list: '%5B%5D', schannel: 4, fid_list: JSON.stringify(select), }; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: '', async: true, data: { bdstoken: bdstoken, period: 1, pwd: config.bd_password, eflag_disable: true, channel_list: '%5B%5D', schannel: 4, fid_list: JSON.stringify(select), }, dataType: 'json', success: function (res) { if (res.show_msg.indexOf('禁止') > -1) { swal({ text: '该文件禁止分享', icon: 'error', }); return false; } else { let shorturl = ''; try { shorturl ='/').pop(); } catch (error) { swal({ text: '初始化准备失败', icon: 'error', }); return false; } fetch(config.main_url + '/wp/down/num', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ userKey: 'main', fsId: select[0], version: '1.0.1', }), }) .then((resp) => resp.json()) .then((res) => { let laysermsg = layer.msg('正在解析中', { icon: 6, time: 10000, // 7秒后自动关闭 }); if (res.code == 200) { if ( > 100) { get_down_list( shorturl, config.bd_password, openLayer,, laysermsg ); } else if ( == 80) { layer.msg('解析中', { icon: 6, time: 3000, // 3秒后自动关闭 }); setTimeout(() => { $('#parse').html('<p>解析</p>'); layer.alert('解析通道比较拥堵,请重试!', { title: '提示', }); }, 3000); } else if ( == 60) { layer.msg('解析中', { icon: 6, time: 3000, // 3秒后自动关闭 }); setTimeout(() => { $('#parse').html('<p>解析</p>'); layer.close(openLayer); swal("解析次数已达上限", "请使用不限次数稳定版:", "warning"); }, 3000); } else if ( == 50) { layer.alert( '验证码错误,一个验证码只能下载一个文件,请重新获取!', { title: '提示', } ); } else { layer.alert( '验证码错误,一个验证码只能下载一个文件,请重新获取!', { title: '提示', } ); } } else if (res.code == 500) { layer.close(openLayer); layer.close(laysermsg); swal({ text: res.msg, icon: 'warning', }); } }); } }, error: function (res) { swal({ text: '初始化准备请求访问失败', icon: 'error', }); }, }); } async function get_down_list(shorturl, password, openLayer, pwd, laysermsg) { let ajax_data = { shorturl: shorturl, pwd: password, dir: 1, root: 1, userKey: 'main', }; fetch(config.main_url + '/wp/parseCopyLink', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(ajax_data), }) .then((resp) => resp.json()) .then((res) => { if (res.code == 200) { const size = parseInt([0].size); if (size > 3221225472) { layer.close(openLayer); layer.close(laysermsg); $('#parse').html('<p>解析</p>'); swal("文件大于3G,插件暂不支持下载", "请前往PC网页版下载:", "warning"); return false; } console.log(res); const requestData = { fsId:[0].fs_id, shareid:, uk:, sekey:,, fs_ids: [[0].fs_id],[0].server_filename,[0].size, surl: shorturl, url: `${shorturl}`, userKey: 'main', pwd: password, dir: '/', }; console.log(requestData); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: config.main_url + '/wp/dlink', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, data: JSON.stringify(requestData), onload: function (response) { const responseData = JSON.parse(response.responseText); if (responseData.code !== 200) { layer.close(openLayer); layer.close(laysermsg); swal({ text: responseData.msg, icon: 'warning', }); } else { layer.close(laysermsg); layer.close(openLayer); $('#parse').html('<p>解析</p>'); if({ config.url =; =; }else{ config.url =[0].url; =; } sendToMotrix([0]); } }, onerror: function (response) { layer.close(openLayer); layer.close(laysermsg); const errorMessage = JSON.parse(response.responseText).message || '网络错误'; swal({ text: '解析遇到问题了,请刷新重试即可!!', icon: 'warning', }); }, }); } else { layer.close(openLayer); layer.close(laysermsg); $('#parse').html('<p>解析</p>'); swal({ text: '解析遇到问题了,请升级插件刷新重试即可!', icon: 'warning', }); } }); } function sendToMotrix(item) { fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ req: { url:config.url, extra:{ header:{ "User-Agent", } } }, opt:{ extra:{ connections:256, } } }), }).then((resp) => resp.json()) .then((res) => { swal("解析成功", `${item.server_filename}开始下载,请打开下载器查看!`, "success"); }).catch(e=>{ }) } setInterval(()=>{ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'get', url: '', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, onload: function (response) { const responseData = JSON.parse(response.responseText); const result => e.status === "running" ).filter((e)=>e.progress.speed < 1048576).map(e=>; const ids =>{ return `id=${e}` }).join('&') if(ids && ids.length){ GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'put', url: `${ids}`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, onload: function (response) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'put', url: `${ids}`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, onload: function (response) { } }) } }) } } }) },15000) function testDownLoad() { return fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }) .then((resp) => resp.json()) .then((res) => { return true; }).catch(e=>{ return false; }) } // Your code here... })();