Better Youtube Shorts

Provide more control functions for YouTube Shorts, including automatic/manual redirection to corresponding video pages, volume control, playback speed control, progress bar, auto scrolling, shortcut keys, and more.

< Feedback on Better Youtube Shorts


Posted: 2024-03-16

AutoScroll not work

Meriel VarenAuthor
Posted: 2024-03-17

AutoScroll not work

Can you please provide more details? Cause it works fine in my browser.

Posted: 2024-03-17

I checked the script on other monkey plugins. Strange situation. It only doesn't work on my YouTube account. If I don’t login or login through other accounts, then everything works. Perhaps this is some kind of problem with my YouTube account. The problem on my account occurs at jqeury ended (video.addEventListener("ended", navigationButtonDown);) "ended" - does not happen.

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