// ==UserScript==
// @name PrimeVideoControlsEnhancer
// @name:ja PrimeVideoControlsEnhancer
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2.1
// @description Enhance Amazon Prime Video by adding volume control via mouse wheel and Picture-in-Picture mode.
// @description:ja マウスホイールによる音量調節とピクチャー・イン・ピクチャー・モードを追加し、Amazonプライム・ビデオを強化。
// @author You
// @match https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/video/detail/*
// @match https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/*
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const DEBUG_MODE = false;
function debugLog(message) {
function createVolumeDisplay() {
let volumeDisplay = document.getElementById('volume-display');
if (!volumeDisplay) {
volumeDisplay = document.createElement('div');
volumeDisplay.id = 'volume-display';
Object.assign(volumeDisplay.style, {
position: 'fixed', bottom: '10px', right: '10px', fontSize: '20px', background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)',
color: 'white', padding: '10px', borderRadius: '5px', zIndex: 10000, display: 'none', fontWeight: 'bold',
textShadow: '2px 2px 4px #000000', boxShadow: '0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', transition: 'opacity 0.3s'
debugLog('Volume display initialized');
return volumeDisplay;
function updateVolumeDisplay(volumeDisplay, volume) {
volumeDisplay.style.display = 'block';
volumeDisplay.style.opacity = '1';
volumeDisplay.textContent = 'Volume: ' + Math.round(volume * 100);
debugLog('Volume display updated');
if (volume <= 0.25) {
volumeDisplay.style.color = '#0000FF';
} else if (volume <= 0.5) {
volumeDisplay.style.color = '#008000';
} else if (volume <= 0.75) {
volumeDisplay.style.color = '#FFFF00';
} else {
volumeDisplay.style.color = '#FF0000';
function handleWheelEvent(volumeDisplay) {
let volumeTimeoutId = 0;
return function(e) {
let video = document.querySelector('#dv-web-player video');
debugLog('Video player found: ' + video);
if (video) {
let newVolume = video.volume + (e.deltaY < 0 ? 0.1 : -0.1);
debugLog('New volume calculated: ' + newVolume);
video.volume = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, newVolume));
updateVolumeDisplay(volumeDisplay, video.volume);
if (volumeTimeoutId) {
// Set new timer to hide volume display
volumeTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
debugLog('Fading out volume display');
volumeDisplay.style.display = 'none';
volumeDisplay.style.opacity = '0';
}, 3000);
function createPiPButton() {
let pipButton = document.getElementById('pip-button');
if (!pipButton) {
pipButton = document.createElement('button');
pipButton.id = 'pip-button';
Object.assign(pipButton.style, {
position: 'fixed', top: '20%', left: '50%', zIndex: '10000', padding: '10px', borderRadius: '5px',
color: '#ffffff', border: 'none', cursor: 'pointer', display: 'none', backgroundImage: 'url()',
backgroundSize: '20px', backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: 'center center', backgroundColor: 'rgba(223, 222, 219, 0.55)',
transition: 'opacity 0.3s', width: '30px', height: '25px'
pipButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
debugLog('PiP button clicked...');
let video = document.querySelector('#dv-web-player video');
if (video !== document.pictureInPictureElement) {
} else {
debugLog('PiP button created.');
return pipButton;
function handleMouseoverEvent(pipButton) {
let pipTimeoutId = 0;
return function(e) {
pipButton.style.display = 'block';
pipButton.style.opacity = '1';
if (pipTimeoutId) {
pipTimeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
debugLog('Fading out PiP button');
pipButton.style.display = 'none';
pipButton.style.opacity = '0';
}, 1500);
const volumeDisplay = createVolumeDisplay();
const pipButton = createPiPButton();
const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) {
for(let mutation of mutations) {
const video = document.querySelector('#dv-web-player');
if (video) {
debugLog("'#dv-web-player' has been loaded in the DOM.");
video.addEventListener('wheel', handleWheelEvent(volumeDisplay), {passive: false});
video.addEventListener('mouseover', handleMouseoverEvent(pipButton));
debugLog('Disconnected the observer since the video element has been found.');
debugLog('Starting to observe the whole document for addition of the video element.');
observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});