Greasy Fork is available in English.

Fix .com to .ru "gatewayAdapt=glo2rus" aliexpress redirect for Ukraine.

After visiting it can mess up the locale settings on - "com" will redirect to "ru" ("gatewayAdapt=glo2rus") and reset the location/language/currency settings. This script pins locale settings cookie, sets currency to USD, language to EN, country to UA, and redirects "ru" to "com". Please clear cookies on all "aliexpress" domains before using this userscript.

< Feedback on Fix .com to .ru "gatewayAdapt=glo2rus" aliexpress redirect for Ukraine.

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024-11-19

✅ 🔥 Найкраще, що коли-небудь робили з Алі ;). Працює так як треба! Якщо у когось виникають труднощі зі скриптом - спробуйте вимкнути інші скрипти, вони можуть заважати.

🇺🇸 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Best ever thing done to ali ;). Works like a charm! If someone encounter difficulties with sript - try to switch other scripts off as they can interfere.

ps. додайте в скрипт кнопку "Поверніть ри***ку" (с) 😉 😅😅😅

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